Saturday, August 31, 2019
Parents Should Have a License to Have Children
Question of Policy: 13. Parents should have a license for having children. I think so. It's pretty ridiculous that anyone can procreate and keep the kids, but you have go to through red tape, often for years! , to adopt. Everyone should be required to take parenting classes through an unbiased (aka non-religious) source, like a hospital. I say non-religious because the discussions will undoubtedly change to moral rearing, when the biggest problems are with physical and logical raising. I have no problem with kids being raised with religion, of course.Now, we can't control people getting pregnant unless we have mandatory sterilization of some people–but, we really couldn't do that with our rules on medicine (and people change as they age). However, the moment you go to your doctor for your first appointment, you should have to sign up for those parenting classes. If you really want the kids, you will make time for the classes. I don't really care how busy you are. I'm in class or working for about 12 hours per day, and if I got pregnant, I would make the damn time because it would be for the well-being of my children. Pro- 1.Less accidents (parents are informed of different precautions with children). 2. Precursor for disease prevention (blood tests could determine diseases) 3. Will baby be raised in a psychologically stable environment? (If one of the parents is a sexual offender, parental rights will not be allowed). 4. May lead to less crime (Offenders are often known to be raised in a deviant environment). Con- 1. The population-replacement level is already low. 2. It interferes with our right to reproduce. 3. It is costly (doctors will have to operate on every woman, and be able to reverse the process). . How are you going to control sexual behavior? * 5 years ago * * * No. * 5 years ago * Report Abuse 0% 0 Votes * Verity No, and here's why: 1. While it feels logical on some level, the administrative challenge of determining fit parents is mind -boggling. Does it require a financial means test? A psychological evaluation? A visit to a marital counselor to ensure a stable marriage? Even the lowest bar – say, attending a few hours of parenting clases, which most hosptials encourage and offer at low or no cost – requires making judgements about culture and values that are dicey. . The absolute truth is that parents can look good on paper and fail in practice, and vice versa. One of the best moms I know was 20, unmarried and employed as a cashier when her daughter was born. Nothing in her history suggests she'd be so competent and loving, but there it is. And plenty of well-heeled, highly educated men and women – myself included – struggle with the transition. Parenting licenses would likely be tainted by the same accusations facing our legal system – do the affluent have an advantage? Is that just? 3.Since the act of conceiving a child occurs far outside the reach of the law, how would we re gulate it? Would women be forced to take pregnancy tests? That's a funny twist in the abortion debate, actually. Is there a right to choose to become a parent, and if so, can the state stop you? Would men and women who fail a licensing test be obligated to take birth control? What if they're morally opposed? (After all, you may opt out of military service for religious and moral objections, if they can be confirmed by church membership or a similar proof. ) 4. What happens to the kids born to unlicensed parents?Are they forcibly taken away from their parents? Who gets them? Again, there's a potentially ugly social justice issue there – poor children, possibly of color, being given to affluent parents, possibly white, because we define adequate parenting by a standard that doesn't apply universally. (When a friend adopted a second child, she learned that each child had to have his own bedroom. In a pricey city, if we have a second kid, there's no way they'll both have their ow n rooms – but if the state is imposing rules, they may well favor the affluent in ways that are unjust – or bizarre. 5. Assuming unlicensed parents have children, how will the state pay for costs associated with those children's care? Most states' youth and family services offices are already woefully underfunded and many are tragically ineffective. 6. It will become a pricey and chaotic legal battleground. Some will want same-sex couples to be refused parenting licenses; others will argue that unwed parents are undeserving. The court battles will cost millions, and will probably not result in substantially better parenting.In the end, I think that's really the challenge – will the licensing process create better parents? Licensing is a one-time act, and an all or nothing proposal. You get the license or you don't. But parenting doesn't work like that. It's a gradual process, with days where we get it right and days when we just plain screw up. You can license a driver because there are, in general, a finite set of circumstances you must be prepared for behind the wheel. Parenting licensure could never be that simple, and so it is doomed. Good luck!
Does Things Change in Poor Area of China
Does things change in poor areas? When I was young ,my mother often told me it’s very bitter for them to go to school, they had to get up very early in the morning,then prepared for their brakefast by themselves and did some housework . they couldn’t leave until they finished all of that. They even couldn’t have lunch because proverty. But now ,things about education has changed. Student can get a better care. Now government pay more attention to education,especially in poor areas.Our country has done a lot to improve the education in our country. And they had realized the importance of education for the development of a country since the setting of our country. But they couldn’t do much to poor areas. But now ,with the development of economy, we have enough money to pay for fees for education. Everything has changed in poor areas. Carations from the government push the process of education development in poor areas. Government can support these areas with enough money and good teachers.As a result ,children in poor areas can get the same education resourses as others in rich places. From china daily ,children in guizhou now can get free lunch and beautiful classroom because the aid. What’s more, their family don’t need to care about the payments. In this way ,more children can get the opportunity to know more about the world. In fect, there are so many photographers who care about poor areas. They use their camara to tell people what is going on in poor areas, and try to tell the government.Yes , government can help poor place, but they don’t have enough information. These special people just contribute themselves to the development of poor areas. They even organize activities to collect money for the education of poor places. Most of them will spend most of their time to do that. Thanks to them ,these places can’t perfect their education fast without them. Thanks to the government and people who contribu te themselves to education of poor areas, now children can get more opportuties to get formillar with the world.And things have changed to the good side. New word; Principal : main, or most important poverty-stricken : extremely poor malnourished: weak or sick because you do not eat enough or do not eat enough of the right foods poverty: a lack of something, especially ideas or feelings allowance: an amount of something that you are officially allowed by a particular set of rules or by the law; a tax exemption administration : the government of a country; the activity of governing a country or region; a department of the U. S. overnment launched : to start a major activity such as a military attack, a public investigation, or a new career or project; to start selling a new product or service to the public remote : far away from other cities, towns, or people; far away in distance or space; far away in the past or future rural: relating to parts of a country that are not near cities and where the population is low; typical of the countryside Sentence The central government launched a program in October that aims to improve nutrition for rural students in poor areas.When it was introduced, Xinglong school would receive packed bread and milk from the Dafang county education administration every day, but it did not work out, After raising the problem with the education administration, the school was allowed to provide hot lunches, with a daily allowance of 3 yuan (50 US cents) per child. Although many students are malnourished due to poverty, free school lunches will make them healthier, he added. Unlike many students in urban areas of China, where child obesity is becoming a problem,
Friday, August 30, 2019
Accounting System Essay
Solving Problems: a. A payroll clerk recorded 40-hour workweek for an employee who had quit the previous week. He then prepared a paycheck for this employee, forged her signature, and cashed the check. Violation: The payroll clerk only has an authority to prepare the paycheck, not to signature or cashed the checks. The signature of payroll is the duty of HR manager, while cashed the paychecks is the duties of the cashier, so, the payroll clerk has violated his/her job description and his/her authorities. Solution: In this case, we must make know job description and authorities to the clerk. Because the duty of clerk on this case is only record the activities happen. If all the job done by the clerk, the clerk can make a manipulation or some fraud for example, that the clerk issue a check but the check is not for the employee but for the clerk. So we must have someone to control the clerk and cut it out when some mistake happen. And to solve this case we can also order someone to be the HR manager to make this case more secure from fraud. And for cashed the check we can give that job to cashier. After separate this duty and authorities we can minimize the risk. See more: Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in Running for Governor Essay b. While opening the mail, cashier set aside, and subsequently cashed, two checks payable to the company on account. Violation: In this case, I think the problem, is why the cashier opened the mail? I think this is clerk job. The cashier job is only spending the money. So we must make a new job description for the cashier and the clerk. Solution: So we can make solve this case by, first we must separate the cashier and clerk job. Make new job description for them. The cashier job is only spend the money if there is check payable. But for checking the mail is still the job of clerk. Then before the check is transform to cash, still must have permission from finance manager so there will be more responsibility in activities. c. A cashier prepared a fictitious invoice from a company using his brother-in law’s name. He sent an electronic payment for the invoice to his brother in law. Violation: Cashier is not have a right to make an invoice, the invoice must be prepared by A/P staff, and the cashier cannot make a payment before they got the assignment from the finance manager, there is no clear job description in this problem. Solution: So in this case, we must make a clear job description. But before that, we must know there is a big fraud that cashier do. She make fictious invoice. To make clear this, we must give punishment to the cashier so they won’t be do that anymore. After we clear that problem now we can make a new design of issue a invoice. Invoice only can issue if already have a permission from the finance manager, or other manager. Because invoice can be responsible if there will be mistake in someday. d. An employee of finishing department walked off with several parts from the store room and recorded the items as having been issued to the assembly department. Violation: The problem is errorness of the employee. Because he walked off with several parts in the store room. In this case we must make a new design of storing inventory. Solution: So with this case we must give the new design for storing inventory. Employee must be complete move the inventory from assembly department to finishing department. There must be no miss inventory that still in the store room. It must all move on. After that the employee is must be given a practice so there will be no more mistake like this again in the future. e. A cashier cashed a check from a customer in payment of an account receivable, pocketed the cash, and conceal the theft by properly posting the receipt to the customer account in the accounts receivable ledger. Violation: This is a fraud problem. The cashier has violated the ethics of work with do this. This problem probably can happen because of the weak internal control, there’s no tight controlling in cash receiving, so the cashier can do this. Solution: This is a big trouble for company. So for the first things we do is we must give a punishment to the cashier and give a warning for other problem in the future. After the problem is clear we must have a new regulation for cashier so there will be no more action like this anymore. And manager must do more action to control every activities of the cashier.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Effective Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Effective Manager - Assignment Example The Effective Manager At the same time, seventy five percent (up from 50 percent the previous year) reported downtime due to security breaches. (McClure, 2003) Of those with written policies, most of them failed to adequately address security issues. When asked why they do not have policies, many answered that they do not like writing them or that they do not want to commit in writing to upholding and enforcing them. Security management is not only technology specific but for to do three things for a company: It is known that accounting, as the word implies, is a reckoning of the financial outcomes of an entity between those who control the employment of capital or assets and those who provide the capital or assets so the understanding of accounting helps managers maintaining effective security management. Accounting reacts to the needs of business and follows developments in commercial activity. One main purpose of accounting is to fairly represent the financial results of an operation to the shareholders, who are the individual owners of a business entity. In simpler words, financial profit or loss is the revenue less the cost of goods sold less the fixed or overhead costs, less interest, taxes, and an allowance for depreciation on fixed assets. Depreciation is keyed to a phase of time that sufficiently reflects the useful life of the asset while it is under the stewardship, or control, of management. If an asset under the control of management is expected to have a useful life of twelv e years, then it is usually written off, or depreciated, at 15 percent per year. Effective management is judged on its presentation to generate a profit on an asset under their control for ten years before it has to be replaced by charging management 15 percent of its value per year. Because the computation of taxes follows the same general format as reporting profits, some feel that pretax profit indicated in a financial report should be the same as the profits reported to the tax authority. In a few countries, such as Finland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Switzerland, this conclusion is correct. In most others, it is not. One reason for this is that the allowance for depreciation for reporting financial results may not be the same as the allowance for depreciation for filing a tax return. Whereas the purpose of financial reporting is to fairly represent the financial results of management's stewardship of the shareholders' assets, the purpose of filing a tax form is to calculate a liability. The depreciation plan selected for calculating taxes to be paid to a tax authority is the applicable schedule of depreciation decided on by the tax authority. (Kathryn, 1998) The resulting profit is severely for the computation of taxes, not to judge the performance of eff ective management to generate a pro
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Interest Rate SWAPS Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Interest Rate SWAPS - Literature review Example According to Pelsser (2000) the market related to derivative securities has been stated to be perceived similar to an insurance market in relation to the considered financial risks. The rapid rate of globalisation in terms of the capital markets has resulted in a significant rise in the level of volatility related to interest rate across the globe. Numerous companies displayed a preference in favour of purchasing insurance in opposition to the rising improbability and instability with regard to the market linked to interest rate. Owing to this particular rationale, the market related to interest rate derivatives witnessed a sharp rise and development during the past two decades (Crotty & North Carolina State University, 2006). It was stated by Whaley (2006) that interest rate derivatives are referred to those kind of derivatives which are supposed to make available the pay-offs that are ascertained by the way of alterations that takes place in the interest rates. The similar derivati ve products that were made use of with the intention to handle and deal with the risks related to foreign exchange were found to posses the competence of managing the risks related to interest rates as well (Kohn, 1990). The popular form of derivative product that was found to be used in this context was the interest rate swaps. ... The advantage of tailoring or modifying the risks associated with interest rates in accordance with the requirements of a particular risk manager was attributed to be the major cause behind its popularity. Interest rate swaps have been recognised to be the most extensively applied form of interest rate derivative (Grant & Marshall, 1997; Bodnar & et. al., 1995; Moffet & Karlsen, 1994). Interest rate swap has been stated to be quite an effectual instrument. It is competent of being structured at quite a decreased degree of cost and is also supposed to be less pricey in comparison to a fresh loan with a fixed rate (Schaeffer & Ludwig, 1993). According to Coyle (2001), the concept of interest rate swap is referred to the swap over of payment of interests based on a theoretical amount with regard to the principal. In such instances, one particular party is believed to disburse a preset interest rate with regard to the principal amount for the duration in relation to the swap. Similarly, the other involved party continues disbursing a floating interest rate which is attuned or rather periodically altered. The notion of interest rate has been explained as the sum of money or funds that is assured to be paid by a particular borrower to the concerned lender. The usage or the execution of an interest rate is learnt to be dependent on the degree of relative credit risk as it is believed that the more the expected degree of credit risk, the rate of interest that is assured by the specific borrower also soars and gets increased in relation to it. The interest rate swap is considered to be quite popular and has been stated to be amongst the chief
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
What is mentoring at work What benefits may the mentor derive from Essay
What is mentoring at work What benefits may the mentor derive from such a process Illustrate your answer with suitable examples - Essay Example velopment, acquirement of inter-personal skills, problem solving skills, collaboration and teamwork as well as open mindedness among other positive aspects that are important for enhancement of performance. The purpose of this paper is to assess critically the meaning of mentoring at work and to assess the benefits that a mentor derives from workplace mentorship. Mentoring is a practice that involves sharing of knowledge, experience, facts as well as the point of view by a person to promote personal and career development in another individual. At work, mentoring involves maintaining a positive attitude towards work as well as developing problem solving skills among the less experienced employees to enhance the accomplishment of organizational goals. A mentor is usually an experienced worker in an organization who understands the organizational processes and is competent in problem solving (Ragins, 2007). Zachary (2005) states that, â€Å"satisfaction is one of the major benefits of mentors†. In essence, humans tend to be inclined towards helping others as a sign of social responsibility. Material benefits may not be achieved, but the mentor tends to feel esteemed when successful individuals associate their accomplishments with him/her. When a person acts as a mentor, there is a high possibility of developing a new perspective in regard to approaching issues in the workplace. The mentor gains a sense of worth on the realization that the knowledge he/she has acquired over many years is valuable not only to the organization, but also to another person who will possibly pass it over to a third person in future. In essence, he/she becomes a legendary employee in the organization whose legacy is admired by many. Willingen (2000) observes that talent is preserved in an organization, which is an indicator of success for the mentor. Moreover, the mentor understands concepts better as he/she engages in problem solving through workplace mentoring (Ensher & Murphy 2005).
Monday, August 26, 2019
Directives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Directives - Essay Example However, the Act only provides for a ten minute interval, once in four hours; and specifies a thirty – five hour week with fifteen hours of weekly overtime. Workers cannot request flexible working hours. Maria is driver for the London Underground, whose management is appointed by the Mayor of London. The expenditure incurred by it are defrayed by private enterprise and public funds, as such, it is run as a public private partnership. During the past year, Maria had worked, on an average, for fifty hours a week. She had been provided with ten minute breaks every four hours. However, her domestic commitments made it very difficult for her to cope up, and her requests for flexible working conditions had been ignored by the management. Subsequently, she became very ill, and she has obtained medical evidence that her disease was due to the stress caused by her employment. Maria’s employer, the London Underground, had been financed by public as well as private funding, and the management was appointed by the Mayor of London. Hence, this employer is an organization run by the state. Thus, Maria can invoke the Directive against her employer. The ECJ had extended the scope of the definition of state for the enforceability of council directives. In the case of Marshall, the Court ruled that individuals could invoke the rights provided by the directives. Moreover, individuals could rely on the rights that had been set out in directive for initiating legal action against a health authority. This is because a health authority is automatically an organ of the state1. The government of the United Kingdom had implemented the Directive with some changes. As such, the working hours were increased and the time of rest was reduced. With regard to compensation for damages, the ECJ made it clear in R v H.M. Treasury that individuals can claim damages
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Being aware of ethical leadership Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Being aware of ethical leadership - Thesis Example Ethical leaders pay close attention when making sound judgments and upholding the values such as integrity to the utmost (Mandela, 1995).A similar research carried out by Werhane notes that the features of ethical leaders are similar across the organizational continuum, though vary depending on the variety. Ethical leaders carry out the following: Articulate vision and embody the purpose and values of the organization unto which they serve. This incorporates a strong and firm culture that is enhanced through stories and myths that help strengthen the relationship among stakeholders (Ciulla and Solomon, 2010). In today’s business, it is a difficult task that has to be performed business leaders lest they face public scrutiny over their behaviors. As the author notes , ethical leadership is about helping people to realize their hopes and dreams, creating value for stakeholders and doing these tasks with the intensity and zeal of the that ethics implies in a given society. In addition Ciulla and Solomon, there must be mistakes, for humor and for humanity. Second, ethical leaders focus on organizational success rather the personal ego. This implies that they ought to focus on the network of constituents. Some of the decisions leaders make are morally wrong aimed at making a profit yet, an ethical leader has to make a decision that will both benefit the organizations and still remain ethical in the public lenses. It can also be pointed out that that judging someone’s integrity than someone’s experience and skills (Mandela, 1995). Third, there is need to create a continuous conversation about ethics, values and the creation of value for the shareholders. Yunus.M (2004), notes that having written values about ethical issues does not neither prove vital nor imminent, but rather routine conversations that are discussed on similar subjects in an organization. As leaders, there have an obligation to foster a continuous thinking so the pace of the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Media Audiences Are Manipulated, Passive Audiences. Art and Branding Essay
Media Audiences Are Manipulated, Passive Audiences. Art and Branding - Essay Example 119-129). Fashion advertising makes use of signifiers in the creation of an identity, which is usually through the portrayal of fashion through high status, youth; high-sexual appeal, which is augmented by constant reiteration, intended to enhance the identity continuum. Discussion The intermix of images which has been fashioned by the most talented designers, artistes, models and photographers is intended to sell the fashion as a creation founded on image and to sell these images as the epitome to the society (Martin & Bush, 2000, pp.441-454). There is clear evidence of this in fashion advertising in which the products are restricted to a select few by their high prices yet the identity images are sold to the public in the media. This means of advertising is therefore effective in creating an image in the society through media as to stylishness and power through the portrayal of fashion in the cultural and socioeconomic perspective. This mode of advertising therefore offers predicta bility and enables marketers to control their customers since the product functions as a consumption of the promoted images and as enhances the very images in the general society (Adomaitis & Johnson, 2008, pp.182-192). Through fashion advertising, firms that sell similar products get the motivation of competing since they find unity in their common objective of advertising of life styles and standards of fashion. An analysis of high fashion therefore establishes the image identities that are constructed by the media and the fashion industry. W magazine is a classic example of the unity in advertising as shown in the print media. The magazine portrays a particular constancy in the depiction of images showing an alter-reality of sexy youthful women, high-priced products, and art. The magazine stresses more on advertising and editorials are limited as its April issue clearly illustrates. Over half of the 544 pages contain direct advertising while the remainder is filled with photograp hs of fashion, which may be from several brands yet are united in a particular aspect such as model or photographer. The photographs in most instances display the brands and the costs of the products. Advertisement in the magazine therefore serves to reinforce images and identity, which is the primary objective of the magazine (Phillips, & McQuarrie, 2011, pp. 99). The distribution of the magazine is also centered on promotion and selling of the same. The magazine is intended for the high-class society and those that look up to them. A large part of the magazine is dedicated to a discussion and analysis of the life styles of the consumers of its high fashion products. The magazine has sections, which are dedicated wholly to the exploration of the lifestyles of their high-end clientele such as artists and directors. The W magazine is available for subscription at a price of two dollars fifty and has a bout a million subscribers. The remaining costs of production are met by the sale o f advertisements, which are priced at 44000 dollars for a page. This means that the magazine is in the main financed by the purchase of its pricey product offerings by a very small number of high-end societies (Phillips, & McQuarrie, 2011, pp. 99). Art and Branding An analysis of the print media brings out a unity in attributes in artistic expression such as the variety of the color, sense of fashion, and the gorgeousness of the forms, which is responsible for the creation of the identity of a
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business Proposal In Clear Hear Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Proposal In Clear Hear Scenario - Essay Example The decision will be based on the contribution earned or foregone by adopting an option. In the first option, the company looses a contribution of $11 and in the second option, the company can earn an additional contribution margin of $1 per unit. So, in order to maximize the revenue the company should accept OEMs offer to manufacture the remaining 30000 units. This will result in an additional revenue of $1500000. From the above figure, it can be seen that the companys contribution becomes negative, if Beta model is switched to Alpha. So, it is advised that the company should adopt the second option. This will help the company to maximize its revenue. By doing so, the company will also be able to make use of its excess capacity. For this, the company will not have to incur any further fixed costs. As a result of this the existing fixed costs will get distributed over the excess units. The utilization of the excess capacity will also lower the Average Cost (AC) of each unit. This is because the Total Cost will now be allocated over a large number of units resulting in a reduced AC. As the company does not have to incur any extra fixed cost for the excess 100000 units the profit will move up. For the additional units, the only cost that the company has to bear is the Variable Cost as the fixed costs remain fixed irrespective of the level of production. In order to reduce the cost of production, the company can lower the material cost by setting up production centers near the sources of supply. This will reduce the distribution cost and will thus lower the purchase cost of the material (Kobayshi, 2003). The company can also lower its overall costs by minimizing waste and ensuring efficient management of the available resources. By purchasing the goods in bulk quantity the company can avail the trade discounts which will reduce the cost of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Factors of foreign direct investment in Algeria Essay
Factors of foreign direct investment in Algeria - Essay Example France is used as the main example. Foreign direct investment can be defined as a foreign ownership of the productive assets in a country. These assets can be mines, land, factories among others. In the present world, the issue of the foreign direct investment has become very important since foreign investments promote economic Globalization. Foreign direct investments also have a significant implication to the domestic economy.There are several cultural, social and economical factors which favours the domestic investments. In each of these categories of factors, some aspects favour while others discourage foreign direct investments. Currently, the Algerian government has discovered the importance of the foreign direct investment. In connection to this, the government has employed several factors in an effort to promote the foreign direct investment.Over the past, direct investments have been faced with numerous issues. Some have been against while others have been facilitating the d irect investments in the country. For instance, several codes have been implemented with some obstructing the direct investments. Foreign investors in Algeria can be traced long time ago. Fort instance, there were several British firms in Algeria by 1954. Between 1963 and 1983, the investment codes during the time were very restrictive. Under these codes, foreign investors were not allowed to own an independent company or investment venture. In other words, the foreign investors were only allowed to own joint ventures with state-owned companies.
Earned value management Essay Example for Free
Earned value management Essay What is meant by an integrative project management process and why is this so important? What are the pitfalls if such an approach is not taken? The main goal of the integrative project management process is to take a project and design it around the specific needs of a company. This process can sometimes force companies to change how they conduct business, who they advertise too and how they attract new customers. What makes the integrative project management so important to companies is success. When a company spends millions of dollars to implement a new strategy, they want to ensure things go smoothly, especially if they are changing the direction of their business. These projects can take a bit longer to complete because the project manager will have to take the time to get to know the company, and how the conduct business, but in the end a business is usually more successful if they use an integrative project management strategy. When companies don’t follow this stringy, and go with a generic project template it usually ends up wasting time, money and resources. The final project, even though it is complete won’t meet their needs and usually more money is spent on small adjustments to finalize the project. I see this at work all the time, now one ever looks at our computer system as a whole, and designs a plan around what we already have in place. This can become frustrating because we end up with three and four different networks, and none of them ever seem to work correctly. Why is the traditional project management approach less effective when project scope is not clearly understood? Provide examples to illustrate your points. Our text refers to the triple constraint of scope, schedule, and budget. It’s a triple constraint in the sense that variability on any one of the constraints affects the other two. Effective project management must maintain scope, schedule and budget in a relative equilibrium or balance. That is, scope change, either to expand or contract it, will by necessity affect schedule and budget. For example, if an organization wants to make more narrow the scope of a project that is underway, it should require fewer resources and/or less time to accomplish. On the other hand, if the organization wants to expand the scope, it will have a direct effect on resources and schedule in that it will require more resources to finish on schedule, or the schedule will have to slip to accommodate finite resources spread across more project tasks. If project scope is poorly or improperly defined at project initiation, the schedule and budget will also be less valid because of the triple constraint nature of scope, schedule, and budget. Later in the project management timeline when additional requirements may expand the scope, schedule and budget will be impacted. For example, when a former employer was planning a new downtown office building as a company headquarters, they expanded the scope of the project to include a retail shopping and restaurant area. This necessitated arrangements with the city government to expand an adjacent public parking structure and allow a below-street-level tunnel between the building and the parking structure. This scope change resulted in a six-month schedule slip and required additional resources. Wk1 summary (Monday) Typical first week; rather steep curve as the learning teams form, I get into a battle rhythm so I can meet my individual and team requirements, and I figure out what software/tools I need to get the work done. This is only my second online course, and I am reminded that one of the advantages of being a ground student in a particular cohort is that the learning teams stay more or less intact from one course to the next, and we can really hit the ground running. Online is a different dynamic. Reading load is okay so far; I have some familiarity with the material since I have been working in a project environment for some time now.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Do You Believe Blaines Current Capital Structure Finance Essay
Do You Believe Blaines Current Capital Structure Finance Essay Do you believe Blaines current capital structure and payout policies are appropriate? Why or why not? Blaines capital structure and dividend policy are not entirely appropriate from the point of view of a shareholder of the firm. The reasons for that can be summed up as follows: No leverage: The optimum mix of debt and equity in the capital structure will maximize shareholders return. Company should take on debt to acquire new firms and expand its operations. Low ROE : Attributed to Low leverage 2006 ROE data clearly shows up that ROE of all the comparable firms are much higher than that of Blaine. Increasing Dividend payout ratio As calculated in Question no.3, the cost of equity of the firm is close to 9% whereas ROE is 11%. This is a good proposition for shareholders. This can be enhanced by acquiring other companies using cash balance that the company has. Decreasing EPS Even when EPS is constantly decreasing over the last three years, the policy of giving more or less same amount in dividend may cost company in future. Way of financing of new acquisitions Blaine Inc. should rather raise capital in debt rather than issuing new stocks to raise capital. This will ensure EPS constant and will be good for shareholders. Should Dubinski recommend a large share repurchase to Blaines board? What are the primary advantages and disadvantages of such a move? No, Dubinski should not recommend a large share repurchase to the board. The reason for that is although the firm is public listed, still a large percentage of share is owned by family itself. Therefore, buying back the shares is as good as unlisting the company. Secondly, there are growth avenues wherein the company may require cash. The company should, like last two years, go for acquisition. This will bring value to shareholders. Else, during the times of new acquisitions, company would have to raise capital from the market and due to flotation cost; the cost of equity will be much higher. Consider the following share repurchase proposal: Blaine will use $209 million of cash from its balance sheet and $50 million in new debt-bearing interest at the rate of 6.75% to repurchase 14.0 million shares at a price of $18.50 per share. How would such a buyback affect Blaine? Consider the impact on, among other things, BKIs earnings per share and ROE, its interest coverage and debt ratios, the familys ownership interest, and the companys cost of capital. Effect of Share Buyback Particulars Value Remarks Equity Capital_Pre Buyback ($) 488,363,000 2006, Exhibit 2 Equity Capital_Post ($) 279,363,000 No. of Shares outstanding before buyback 59,052,000 No. of shares bought back 14,000,000 Total outstanding Shares 45,052,000 EPS_Old($) 0.91 EPS_New ($) 1.19 Percent change in EPS 31.08% P/E ratio 17.86 Market Price (S) 21.30 Percent change in Share price 19.28% Debt_equity Book Value 17.90% Debt_equity Market Value 5.21% Debt interest rate 6.75% Interest to be paid ($) 3375000 Interest coverage ratio 0.05 ROE 0.11 ROE_new 0.19 Change in ROE 74.52% Cost of Equity 9.01% Cost of Debt 6.25% Effective Tax rate 40.00% Expected future tax rate D/V 4.95% WACC 8.75% WACC_Old 9.01% Change in WACC -2.89% Equity beta Calculation for the Firm Market Cap Equity beta (Net)D/E Net Debt Cash Securities Total Debt D/E (1) (2) (3) (4)=(1)x(3) (5) (6)=(4)+(5) (7)=(6)/(1) Home and Hearth Design 776,427 1.03 45.18% 350,790 21,495 372,285 47.95% AutoTech Appliances 13,978,375 1.24 31.74% 4,436,736 536,099 4,972,835 35.58% XQL Corp. 5,290,145 0.96 17.97% 950,639 21,425 972,064 18.37% Bunkerhill Inc. 3,962,780 0.92 6.01% 238,163 153,680 391,843 9.89% Easyliving Systems 418,749 0.67 -15.47% -64,780 242,102 177,322 42.35% Blaine Kitchenware 959,596 0.56 -24.06% -230,879 230,866 -13 0.00% Average 25,386,072 0.90 10.23% 25.69% Unlevered Beta 0.78 Beta_Blaine 0.80 Ownership Scenario: For last 3 years and post share buyback 2004 2005 2006 2007 Outstanding Shares 41,309,000 48,790,000 59,052,000 45,052,000 Ownership of Founders descendants 62% 52% 43% 57% Assumptions Used Effective Tax rate has been taken equal to 40%, same as for Blaine. As a member of Blaines controlling family, would you be in favor of this proposal? Would you be in favor of it as a non-family shareholder? As a family member of Blaine, the news of buyback has to be evaluated in both the ways. The Pros are: Consolidating Control- This will increase the shareholding close to 57%. Return of Cash Surplus to Shareholders-As of now in April, 2007, there are no any plans of buybacks. Therefore, keeping cash intact leads to opportunity cost of shareholders. This will add value for shareholders. An effective defense against takeover- as the market is consolidating, it will be a wise decision to protect the company from hostile takeovers. The cons are: Effect on expansionary plans- As cash will be used to buy back shares and the company wont be able to raise money from markets in the near future, opportunities of acquisitions will be marred. Even if, company will raise capital from equity market, flotation cost will be high and so cost of equity will be comparatively high. Use of Leverage- the Company has been against the policy of taking debt. Taking debt of $50 million for share buyback will not go in line with the companys policy.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Concepts Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Essay
The Concepts Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Law Essay The coursework question is relates with the concept of Alternative dispute resolution. This coursework question is also linked with relationship between ADR, CPR 1998 and EU Directive regarding the matter of Mediation. The comment of Lord Rodger of Earlsferry is a significant part of this coursework. In my coursework I will chronologically discuss the History of ADR, its relationship with Civil Procedure Rules(thereafter CPR), Its implementation in the Courts, Judges attitude on various cases and its impact on European Court of Human Rights (thereafter ECHR) especially in the Art-6. Present situation in legal area and possible probabilities in the future. Alternative dispute resolution (thereafter ADR) is a way of trying to melt civil dispute. The concept of ADR arose mainly from a negative cause such as, dissatisfaction with the delays, costs and inadequacies of litigation process. It is the process of resolving disputes in place of litigation. The most common classification is to describe ADR as a structured dispute resolution process with third party intervention which does not impose a legally binding outcome on the parties. [1] It is one kind of facilitated settlement, which is confidential and without prejudice. So the materials of the process need not usually be disclosed to a court [2] . The simplest forms of ADR to understand are mediation and conciliation. Some important providers of ADR include arbitration within the ambit of ADR since it is an alternative to litigation in the courts. Others would exclude arbitration on the basis that it is a legal process, the outcome of which is binding. Parties to a dispute have always been able to refer their dispute to arbitration which is a far older and more formal means of dispute resolution than either mediation or conciliation. [3] In the 1970s the concept of modern development of ADR established in the United States because of high cost and long delays of litigating business disputes. ADR was playing an increasingly useful part in the commercial area to dissolve some disadvantages of highly expensive and strict adversarial system. In late 1990s the civil justice system in England and Wales go through a massive revolution. Especially Lord Woolf creates a significant impact regarding the matter of ADR in his enormous report, Access to Justice. His view implemented in a amazingly short time by the civil procedure rules 1998 and the Access to justice Act 1999. These changes introduce a new dimension in the culture of litigation. There are different types of ADR used in commercial disputes such as, Arbitration, Conciliation, Mediation, Ombudsmen etc. Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation is the most famous procedure from all of them. Arbitration has the force of law and generally an arbitrators decision called an award which can be enforced in the courts just as a judgment of the court. [4] Section 1 of Arbitration Act 1996 introduced some specific rules and regulations regarding this process such as impartial tribunal, un-necessary delay and expenses. [5] Conciliation is quite parallel with the concept of mediation. In that process conciliators offer in return not to try the case but this is rarely taken up. The process is mandatory in Switzerland. Mediation is the most famous and accepted method of ADR in England and Wales. It is quick, non-binding, without prejudice and confidential. In that process a mediator acts as a go-between to dissolve the dispute and wants to make a settlement. The mediator must be a neutral party. Mediation is about much more than just assisted without prejudice negotiations but confidentiality and privilege are the very cornerstones of the success of mediation. Parties to mediation need to be sure that what they say in mediation and documents produced for the mediation will not become public knowledge or become evidence in proceedings, whether litigation, arbitration or adjudication. [6] There are varieties of reason to choosing mediation over other ways of dispute resolution such as; A less expensive route to follow for dissolves the dispute. It offers a confidential process. It offers multiple and flexible possibilities for resolving a dispute This process consists of a mutual endeavour. It takes place with the aid of a mediator who is a neutral third party. If we analyse the whole process of ADR then we will find that the most significant criteria of this process is the term Confidentiality. This term significantly increase the parties interest regarding the matter of ADR. Confidentiality is integral to the relationship between the mediator and the parties are one of the four fundamental and universal characteristics of mediation. It is the cornerstone of the relationship of trust and that must exist between the mediator and the parties. It is crucial to the voluntariness of participation of the parties and to the impartiality of the mediator. The parties must not feel that they might be disadvantaged by any disclosure that may be used in legal proceedings or in any other way [7] In the coursework Question the statement is relates with the matter of mediation. Now i will discuss about mediation and its relationship with CPR 1998, cases and judgement of the courts and the impact of EU Directive. There was no defined overriding objective for civil justice when ADR orders were devised by the commercial court judges. CPR pt 1 has now identified ADR as one of the courts tools of active case management available to achieve that objective. [8] Lord Woolf provides significant impact on ADR especially on mediation on his reforms proposal. His aim was given prominent status in the courts new case management powers. Especially in , CPR 1.4 There are some important rules incorporated in the CPR1998 regarding the matter of Mediation or other form of dispute resolution such as, r-1.1(2), 1.3, 1.4, 3.1(2)(m), 26.4(1), 44 etc Rules-1.1(2) provides that mater must be dealing with justly manner if it is practicable. There are some element has to be consider in this part such as, parties must be in equal footing, saving expenses, matters must be dealings proportionately, matter must be deal with expeditiously and fairly. [9] Rules-1.3 provides that parties are required to help the court to further the overriding objective. It also provides general duty of the parties. [10] Rules-1.4 provides about courts duty towards the parties where stated that court must further the overriding objective by actively managing cases which includes encouraging the parties to co-operate each other, identify the issues in early stage, helping the parties to settle the whole or part of case. [11] Rules 3.1(2)(m) stated about general powers of management of the courts where court can take any step to uphold and furthering the overriding objective. [12] Rules-26.4(1) stated that parties can request for stay ed. Court can grant their request if they think appropriate. [13] Rules-44 provides general rules about the costs of the procedure such as; cost are payable by one party to another, amount of those cost, when to be paid etc. In r-44.3(2)(a)where stated that unsuccessful party will be ordered to pay the costs of the successful party but court can make different order. [14] The significant impact of CPR 1998 regarding the matter of dispute resolution could be found in some cases. In the case of Dyson Field exors of Lawrence Twohey deed vs Leeds City Council, [15] Ward LJ stated that matter relates with overriding objective of the CPR and courts duty to manage cases according to rule 1.4 of CPR. He also stated court should encourage the parties. In the case of R vs Plymouth City Council [16] , where Lord Woolf has given more emphasize on CPR and he also suggested that mediation should get the priority over the litigation. So we can say that modern CPR rules create a significant impact on the matter of dispute resolution. Judges always give emphasize on the matter of ADR in order to save the cost and time. Courts also began to give warnings and issue advice at the conclusion of cases that parties should seriously consider ADR or run the risk of costs penalty. Now i will discuss some relevant cases and judgement which will provide the legal approaches regarding the matter of mediation In the case of Dyson Field vs Leeds city Council [17] , Lord Woolf was a member of the CA. The matter was related with mediation where Ward LJ said that court should encourage the parties to use ADR to dissolve their matter and it also should be sooner rather than later. There is another important case which is Cowl vs Plymouth City Council [18] , Lord Woolf has given a lead judgement regarding commercial court ADR order. He delivered powerful comment on both parties failure to use an available ADR process and the delay and cost of violently contested of judicial review proceedings. He also stated that if the parties dont go for the mediation then it would be wastage of public money. There are case Hurst vs Leeming [19] , where Lightman J. Stated that alternative dispute resolution is at the heart of todays civil justice system although mediation is not in law mandatory but its a significant and attractive aspect of civil justice system. There is another landmark case Dunnett vs Railtrack [20] , case regarding the matter of penalty impose for not taking mediation. Mrs Dennett lost her horse because contractors cant padlock the gate. She sued for compensation but lost in the county court because her lawyer wrongly framed the case. She appealed in person and she gets the permission to appeal. Schiemann LJ suggested for mediation but the Realtrack rejected this offer despite the fact that CA offered a free mediation scheme. CA expressed regret about this. They considered whether Realtrack had made Pt 36 offers. Mrs Dennett was unsuccessful. Then Railtrack asked for their costs but CA made a separate judgement on this cost issue. CA held that Railtrack co uldnt recover their cost because they had refused to participate in ADR. So judgement of Railtrack case gets lots of controversy because the party faced adverse cost consequences, even they win the trial. Despite this case mediation is not mandatory or nor it should be because part of the mediation process is that the parties should want to come voluntarily in the process. If mediation becomes mandatory then there is a great chance to lose it significant aspect. In the recent case cost sanction issue raised once again in Halsey v Milton; Steel v Joy (joint Appeal) [21] ,in this case the actual fact was if any party ignoring to mediate the dispute which was requested by an inter-party then cost sanctions should be imposed or not. Dyson L.J held the court cannot require a party to proceed to mediation against his will as this would contravene art.6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The court did however; confirm that costs consequences could follow from unreasonable failures to mediate. [22] But it was not clear whether the court take this point because this point was submitted in the last minute. On 21 May 2008, the Directive 2008/52/EC on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters was adopted. Article 1 state the aim of the directive is to facilitate access to alternative dispute resolution and to promote the amicable settlement of disputes by encouraging the use of mediation and by ensuring a balanced relationship between mediation and judicial proceedings.Article: 3 of the EU directive provide the definition of mediation as a structured process whereby two or more parties to a dispute attempt by themselves, on a voluntary basis, to reach an agreement on the settlement on their dispute with the assistance of a mediator. Article: 5 of the EU directive provide discretionary power to courts to invite the parties to use mediation to settle their dispute. Article: 6 of the EU directive states that a written mediation settlement may be declare enforceable if all the parties agree to the process. Article: 7 of the EU directive provide reasonable support regarding the matter of guaranteeing the Confidentiality of the mediation process. The Directives basically suggested the state parties to make the laws to encourage the parties to do mediation by the court, not by compulsion. The directive states, the directive applies to civil and commercial matters, and is intended to promote mediation, and ensure a sound relationship between mediation and judicial proceedings. [23] EU Parliament and council agreed the Directive to encourage the use of mediation because its a quicker procedure to a civil litigation and cost effective for cross-border commercial disputes. According to the coursework question now this essay will justify the statement which is provided by Lord Rodger of Earlsferry regarding the matter of mediation. Obliging parties to engage in some form of mediation whether as a pre-condition to going to court or as a result of compulsion by the court, seems to berather contrary to the spirit of the guarantee in Article 6 of the European convention for the protection human Rights [24] In that above statement he has given more emphasize on present situation of mediation and its application on the Art 6 of ECHR. According to that statement present mediation procedure is quite contrary with the concept of Right to a fair trial. ECHR adopted into English Law from 2 October 2000 as a result of the HRA 1998. Art 6 of ECHR is quite interlinking with ADR. Now the main issue is whether the present procedure of mediation is violating the Art 6 of ECHR or not. Tthe statement of Lord Rodger of Earlsferry is not quite relevant with the present situation of mediation. There are present some reason behind this. Mediation is not a mandatory procedure in our legal system but it has got a special significant aspect after the Woolf reforms 1998. Mediation agreement often specifically state that, The referral of the dispute to mediation does not affect any rights that may exist under Art 6 of ECHR. If the dispute is not settled by the mediation, the parties rights to a fair trial remain unaffected. It is true that EU court encourages parties to settle disputes extra-judicially because it will save cost, time, delay etc. In the matter of mediation court can intervene in the process to protect the right to trial such as; if there is any undue pressure upon a party into a non-judicial process. In the case of Deweer v Belgium [25] , the matter related with the debate about whether mandating mediation is permissible or not. Deweer could avoid such proceedings by paying a friendly settlement. He chooses settlement but reserved his right to challenge the proceedings. Then he initiated a challenge regarding the matter of Art 6 of ECHR. Deweer held to have waived his right to go to court only by reason of restraint which vitiate d his consent to paying the friendly settlement. [26] In process of mediation, no one is restrained to settle. Participation is entirely voluntary; any hidden matter of the parties or procedure cant later be discussed before a trial or elsewhere because of confidentiality. No one ever enters the process on the basis that they must settle or if they dont that then cant seek remedy from public court. Mediation is not like the status as arbitration because it totally depends on the parties will. In McVicar vs UK [27] , EU court has held that Art 6 is not infringed by restraint court access to vexatious litigants, bankrupts, mental patients. In CPR1998 there is lots of provision which should be maintained by the parties before going to any public trial. Before proceeding parties must fulfil some pre-action protocols and practice direction then party must pay court fees at several stages. Parties also need to fulfil other procedural requirement such as; allocation questionnaires, statement of case, disclosure and evidence. In R vs Lord Chancellor exparte witham [28] . The matter regarded breach of Art 6 because of withdrawal of court fees exemption scheme for those on income support. So if anyone doesnt follow those procedures regarding CPR they will be liable and they may get punishment or imprisonment. So it seems that these CPR requirement doing breaches Art 6 because parties have to maintain some rules and provision against their wish and will. Now if these are not breach of Art 6 then why ordering of mediation would be breach of Art 6. In Golder v UK [29] , it was held that ADR approved in CPR Pt1, where stated a mediation is not breach of such requirements. In Deweer [30] case also confirmed that this dispute process is not breach of Art 6 rights. Its clear from the Halsey [31] case that mediation must always be voluntary under English Law. Court or judge to order mediation would be a possible breach of Art 6(1) of European convention. If we analyse all of the cases then two significant points would be come out. They are, Forced by a judge into ADR Strongly encouraged towards ADR First approach is likely to violate Art 6, as Halsey confirms. But the second approach is not clear, is immune from challenge under the convention as jack J said summarising in Halsey, the fear of costs sanctions may be used to remove unmerited settlements [32] . To distinct between Voluntary and Coerced ADR in this background is hard to draw with certainty. Jack J suggested in Carleton v Strutt Parker [33] A litigant who is landed with an unfavourable costs order for failing to agree to ADR goes to mediation at the courts suggestion but is afterwards stigmatised as failing to participate in good faith, could reasonably claim that this outcome operates as obstruct or fetter on the right of access to the court, contrary to Art 6, and that their apparent consent to ADR was no waiver of their fundamental rights now directly enforceable in English Law under the HRA 1998 [34] . The evidence supporting the use of mandatory mediation is mixed. Central London County Court saw a enormous increase in mediations following Dunnett case, but the settlement rate also consistency declined during that period [35] . If judges apply too much pressure, the overriding objectives of the CPR may not be achieved its goal to lower the settlement rates with wasted cost and time but some pressure is needed to ensure that parties should consider mediation as an option but this pressure is less needed than it once was because the legal profession involved in construction litigation now knows the benefits of mediation. Although many countries those have strong conscious about human rights and constitutional rights introduce conciliation or settlement conference chaired by judges in their legal system. This can be called Courts mandate mediation. So by this process they want to put mediation within court process which would be more acceptable regarding the matter of conventional rights. In the Halsey case CA held that court cannot proceed a mediation process against the parties will which would be contrary to the Art 6 of ECHR but in the case of Shirayama Shokusan Co. Ltd v Danovo Ltd [36] , court issued a mediation order even though one party was unwilling. CPR r. 1.4(2)(e) emphasised to encourage the parties to use alternative dispute resolution. Sir Anthony Clarke [37] states that Court has the power to order compulsory mediation and he also said that Halsey decision was a obiter so there was a chance for the judges to make compulsory mediation order. He also suggested that courts have a jurisdiction to order mediation process under the CPR. Sir Gavin Lightman also expressed his view on behalf of the mediation process. Sir Anthony Colman [38] states that there is a close relationship between the court and mediation. He also states that mediation process is not mandatory. Lord Philips [39] states that in adversarial litigation there are lots of complications such as; solicitor fees, court fees, defendant is faced with a huge bill for the claimants cost and insurance, delay and complex procedure, disproportionate cost etc. According to him ADR is quite reasonable and flexible procedure because it does not have any additional difficulties. He also states that court order to the parties for mediation is not infringe Art 6 of ECHR. Lord Philips, Sir Anthony Colman and Sir Gavin Lightman are the supporter of mediation process because litigation process has lots of disadvantages and mediation process has flexible, time saving, cost saving and confidential process which is reasonable for the parties as well as for the society. Although EU directives contain some provision where state that court must encourage the parties to use mediation process to settle their disputes. Some cases like Cowl, Dunnett and Halsey cases where maximum of the judges held that parties should use mediation voluntarily rather than mandatory and court always encourage the parties to take this procedure. Although in some cases there was some controversy but different judges has given their views regarding this matter and maximum of them supported the procedure of existing mediation procedure. So at last it can be said that the present procedure of mediation is not obliging the parties but encourages them to further overriding objective of t he court.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Free College Essays - Symbolism in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays
The Scarlet Letter Symbolism The Scarlet Letter is a book of much symbolism. One of the most complex and misunderstood symbols in the book is Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne. Pearl, throughout the story, develops into a dynamic symbol - one that is always changing. In the following essay, I will explore some of the symbolism which Pearl came to represent throughout the novel.            In The Scarlet Letter, Hester, for her sins, received a scarlet letter, "A" which she had to wear upon her chest. This was the Puritan way of treating her as a criminal, for the crime of adultery. The Puritan treatment continued, because as Hester would walk through the streets, she would be looked down upon as if she were some sort of demon from Hell, that committed a terrible crime. This would give her much mental anguish and grief. On the other hand, God's treatment of Hester for her sin was quite different than just a physical token: he gave Hester the punishment of a very unique child which she named Pearl. This punishment handed down from God was a constant mental and physical reminder to Hester of what she had done wrong, and she could not escape it. In this aspect, Pearl symbolized God's way of punishing Hester for adultery.            The way Hester's life was ruined for so long was the ultimate price that Hester paid for Pearl. With Pearl, Hester's life was one almost never filled with joy, but instead a constant nagging. Pearl would harass her mother over the scarlet "A" which she wore. Pearl would also make her own "A" to wear, and sometimes she played games with her mother's, trying to hit it with rocks. When Hester would go into the town with Pearl, the other children would make fun of her, and Pearl would yell and throw dirt at them. So, in this case, Pearl symbolized the decimation of Hester's life and mental state.            Although Hester had so much trouble with Pearl, she still felt that Pearl was her treasure. Pearl was really the only thing that Hester had in life, and if Pearl wasn't in Hester's life, Hester would almost surely have committed suicide. Once and a while, Pearl would bring joy to Hester's life, and that helped her to keep on living. Pearl really symbolized a rose to her mother, at some times she could be bright and vibrant, and really love her mother, but at other times, she could be wilting.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Pottery in the Contact Zone :: Essays Papers
Pottery in the Contact Zone It is nearly impossible to discuss Native American art without taking into consideration the effect that western culture has had on it. Native American art, in its purest sense, is something that no longer exists. In its place is an amalgamation of an art form that was once completely Native American and the values that western culture has placed on that art form. This cultural phenomenon is what Mary Louise Pratt has termed the â€Å"Contact Zone†which is used to refer to the â€Å"social spaces where cultures meet, clash and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly asymmetrical relations of power such as colonialism, slavery or other aftermaths as they are lived out in many parts of the world.†(Pratt 34) What Pratt is referring to is the situation that is created when two completely distinct cultures, that operate on totally different levels, attempt to interact. Each culture brings with them certain values and traditions that the other may not e ntirely understand. This predicament often leads to confusion, misunderstandings or sometimes worse. The meeting of western and Indian cultures created exactly this â€Å"Contact Zone†situation that Pratt defines. The aftermaths of the situation have been both positive and negative and have simultaneously posed a threat to the art form while providing opportunities for the artists. Before contact with the western world, pottery making among the Hopi-Tewa Indians was a communal activity which served to strengthen social relations with tribal members not of the same family. Pottery thus objectified valued social relations where sharing with individuals not of one’s matrilineage was both important and necessary for households to functions. (McChesney, 13) As with most Native American tribes, the Hopi-Tewas strove to maintain a strong social network by dividing up the labor and working together to accomplish it. Immediately the differences can be seen between the social structure of American Indian cultures as compared to that of westerners’ which value individuality over community. With the introduction of the railroad to the areas of northern Arizona where the Hopi-Tewas lived, entered new social challenges that threatened the Native Americans’ lifestyles. In an attempt to operate in an American cash economy, many Native Americans began to make pottery to be sold in trading posts to collectors and tourists.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Cultural Comparison
I have chosen three stories of women growing up in relationship to thtime period in which they lived, their ethnicity,the customs of their countries and how they attempted to handle their life situations. Child f the Americas by Aurora Morales, gives us a view of a woman who is happy with herself and adjusts well to her life. The second is What It’s Like to be a Black Girl by Patricia Smith, a story of transition from childhood to adulthood for a young black girl having problems with both growing up and her place as a black woman in society. The third Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer is the story of growing up in South Africa as a repressed young black woman. Child of the Americas by Aurora Morales, is tribute to her multiple identity. The word diasposa is the perfect description of her heritage. It means the scattering of a people from their ancestral home . She is a descendent of Latin American, Jewish, Aftican and North American heritage and she describes herself as saying she is none of these things outwardly, they are within her (Clugston).. This collage of nationalities forms the theme of this poem. The tone of She clearly knows who she is and is proud of the fact that she is confident. The tone of this poem is upbeat and is developed in this upbeat manner. She is different and likes being different. She realizes her inherited background has a dark side, ghettoes I have never seen citation . Even her use of symbolism,†I speak English with passion: it's the tongue of my consciousness, a flashing knife blade of cristal, my tool, my craft. Shows pride in who she is. The setting of this story is important. She is a U. S. American who could have been born in any of the other countries of their heritage. This is a story of self discovery and it is obvious she likes what she sees. †¢What it is like to be a black girl in in fact the opposite of Child of the Americas. She is a young black girl, who discovers she is growing up. She talks about being nine and feeling like she al right and too add to this she had the problem of a racially prejudice society. She hopes for something better to come in her life She wishes to be whilte, putting food coloring in her eyes to try to change them and a white mophead on her head over her hair. She wanted to grow into a more accepted form. She used other ways to tell how she wanted to grow into something different, She was having trouble grownng up with issusess that did not include the racial issue.. It is an insiers view into a young black girl’s transition into black woman-hood at a time where both being a black girl and a black woman was not as welcomed It discusses the conflict she has between being a little girl â€Å"jumping double Dutch until your legs pop†and â€Å"growing tall it talks about when she marries and becomes submissive to a ma as women did in her era. In comparison to Child of the Americas, the feeling or tone of the story is in complete opposition to the bouncy, girl, proud of her heritage l I have n ow covered two different heritages, one who is proud of her heritage and it is apparent that she looks forward to her future. The second is of the transition of a woman who is not sure of her future in relationship to her heritage. The third story begins as a mellow story of two young people who grow up together discover each other, but apparently the girl has no future, other than the one in which she is destined to live the rest of her life. The tone of this story becomes dark and hard as the young woman realizes she has no future and no control of her future. The characters and their background are important in each of these three stories. In all three stories, the character and their reaction to their ethnicity in relationship to how they feel about themselves is the key point of each story. Their reactions range from feeling good about themselves, vibrant and alive to feeling that they had a set pattern in life and had to learn to grow up and live it, to feeling as if they are of no importance to anyone at all. The theme of these three stories appears to be intertwined. The reasoning for these themes are not the same, but they are related. They all include learning to live with yourself and your conditions in relationship to your cultural background, your area in which you live , your own internal feelings and the feelings of others toward you. In each story, the situations were handled differently The character in Child of the Americas is adjusted to the fact that she is unique and is proud of herself. The character in Country Lovers has made mistakes in her life, adjusted to limitations in life and is simply trying to live life in the only way she knows how to survive. The theme is What its like to grow up black, has a less apparent theme than the other two. It appears to consider how hard it is to grow up at all, much less during the time period a transition in the place of the people of her heritage in the world. The main theme of these three stories is that we need to be honest with ourselves and live life in the best way we can The tone of each story differs but each added to the individual reading of these tories. The Child of the Americas was an upbeat reading to begin with and was reflected in the tone. It made me think of my own heritage and how it contributed to the person I am today. The tone of What is like to grow up black had a tone that suggested a little sadness and confusion. The tone made me reflect onmy own childhood. I could empathize with the confusion of chil dhood. I was growing up in the 1960’s and though my ethnic backround is different, each of us in that era we were both women and had decisions to make about our future. Our character seemed to think her future was marriage. The third character was growing up in South /Africa during a time of race oppression compared to the United States slavery times, so the theme appeared to be quite different from the theme of the first two stories. It used childhood innocence and exploration and added the forbidden dimension of separation of races to form her childhood and rise into adulthood, In conclusion, the tone of each story differed but all three ended with the characters knowing where they belonged in the world. The historical aspect of each story played an important part of each story. Looking at each author’s background their other writings helps us to understand the reasoning behind each story. Our textbook tells us that Nadine Gordimer was born and raised in South Africa and has lived there all her life except for a year spent at college. Her writing reflects her strong opposition to apartheid which oppressed the black population of South Africa for almost fifty years,, ending in 1994, Apartheid was a socioeconomic system that managed to oppress the black population though they were in the majority of South African people. Many of her works talked about patricia smith is a modern poet known for slam poetry. It is said she speaks for the foices of thoe who have not been heard. Her poetry includes stories of mothers of murdered black youths, the undertakers who try to patch up the bodies, the skinheads whose hate twists America in a knotl Born raised and beginning work as a columinist for Chicago Tribune, she transplanted to New England where she became a columnist for the Boston Globe. She told the same stories using the same techniques and gave birth to slam poetry, using real issues and slamming the point home. In this capacity she lost her credibility when it was discovered that many of her stories written in newspapers as facts, were in fact not true stories. It cost her her career, her marriage and the Pulitzer prize. She has recovered from these downfalls and continues to write and perform slam poetry. http://www. english. illinois. edu/maps/poets/s_z/p_smith/p_smith. htm Aurora Morales, author of Child of the Americas was born in Puerto Rico, the child of a Puerto Rican mother and Jewish father. She moved to the United States in 1967 and has proven herself to be a social activist, concerened with issues of third world people, especially women. She uses her Puerto Rican heritage to identify on a global perspective. Her work discusses sesual abuse racial discrimination and such far ranging topicsa as ecology and social justice. She along with many other women of color who are writers in the U. S, stry to stress the importance of female ethnic heritage in relationship to the development of a feminine voice. She authored her first book, her most important and acclaimed one with her mother. It was a common project in which both of them fouond peace and refuge against discrimination and oppression in writing about themes using their Puerto Rican identity, expressing opinions of third world feminism, , womens relationships and self discovery through a past heritage. It was through this writing that Child of the Americas was born. She and her mother feel that diversity is a source of pawe and home is everywhere. At present she and her mother are attempting to tell the history of peurto Rio through womens ancestor’s who have been silenced. It is unusual work, mixing history of oppressed women with medicinal herb remedies. The two women feel tht reliving and opening up old painful wounds of wimen’s mistreatment is a way of cleansing and healing the past. http://www. uhu. es/antonia. dominguez/pricans/aurora_levins_morales. htm The varied backgrounds of these three women come together to make them writers who write about oppressed and downtrodden peoples. Each in their real lives has worked to correct these problems/ The time line of the history of these three authors has also influenced the historical aspecof each piece of work. They were acve in the 1960’s in which lay the most influencial racial issues of modern day. Apathaid oin south Africa was inforced and Apartheid was begun as a result of greed for the diamonds of South Africa. To insure that the smallest amount of people would have the rights, certain laws were enabled. In 1948 laws that were enacted that pertained to every aspect of social life. From the ability for interracial marriage to the instillation of white only jobs. This discrimination included naming people by their color, their parents color. The black, white, or other nationality were the only ones accepted. If one was considered black. He had to carry a pass at all times, that even included his fingerprints. These were the conditions that were in affect during the writing of Country Lovers. http://www. hoover. org/publications/hoover-digest/by-topic/1076 The civil rights movement occurred between 1955 and 1968, /the movement mainly wanted to abolish discrimination toward African Americans. It began in the south where whites were segregated from blacks. These people were treated ruely because of their color and everything from transportation to the use of public drinking fountains was affected. Now famous black Americans such as rosa parks and martin luthor king took up the causedelivering speeches, making people aware of the unjustice There were deaths including Martin Luthor King but eventually the Civil Rights Act was signed by President Johnson in 1964. All of these discrimination acts occurred during the time all three authors were writing, so it is quite logical that their work would be filled with reference to the unjustice off treatment of the black race in their writings. I feel the similarities of these three stories comes within the plot. I feel these stories were written to make people aware of the pastplight of black women and as Aurora Morales has done publicly, keep a record of their heritage of this injustice. The p lot is as simple as helping a woman rise above injustice. To bring these three stories together. Their similarities far outweigh their difference. They were historically written in a time of injustice for the black race. The tone of each story reflects the attitude of each woman in relationship to her race.References Anonymous (2011) morales (2010) Smith P. (2007) Anonymous (2009) Anonymous (2001)
Information Technology Strategy
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY Introduction In today’s business environment, organizations are adopting the latest technologies in order to make the organization’s processes more organized and fruitful. There are several various technological tools that have been initiated through the information technology system, which has become very effective for organizations in order to compete in a proper manner. The Human Resource Information Management is one of the major tools from information technology, which is contributing effectively to the human resource functions of an organization.The human resource information management was, in the past, the human resource management system, which now has involved the information technology. There are many other information technology tools available for the organizations which has reduced the workload and increased the output of the organizations. B & J Medical Consulting shall determine the use of information technology in the bus iness organization environment. In addition to this, B & J Medical will provide some brief information of the Cloud Technology concept and how it can contribute to the organizational processes and operations.Utilizing Technology for Businesses The growth in the field of the Internet, the globalization of trade, and the rise of information economies have changed the role of information technology in today’s business and management environment. Information technology can be defined as â€Å"the hardware, software, telecommunication database management and other technologies used to store, process and distribute information. †Through this the business organizations make their operations and processes easier and effective to have maximum growth and success.Information technology has bought many software and tools which reduce the workload of employees and increase their contribution for the organizations. The information technology includes various programs and tools such as information systems, network, and internet technology to name a few, which contributes effectively in today's business organization environment. Organizations in today’s society are involving information technology in order to conduct their maximum work electronically and effortlessly. Information systems are designed to assist managers and orkers in their functions of sales, marketing, manufacturing, production, finance, accounting, and human resources, at all the major working levels of the organization. Through information technology, the managers and workers become more efficient and effective for organization (Laudon, 2004). The sales and marketing information systems helps an organization to identify the potential customers for its products or services and contribute effectively in the development of products and services offered to meet customer's needs.In addition to this, the sales and marketing system can promote the products and services, sell the products and services, and provide ongoing customer support after the purchase. The manufacturing and production systems majorly deal with the planning, development, and production of products and services and helps in management of the flow of production. The finance and accounting systems can keep track of the organization's financial assets and fund flows.The human resources systems maintain employees records; track employees skills, job performance, and training; and support planning for employee compensation and career development. Through the aforementioned response it is clear that there is information system involvement in every part of the organization which is a very important aspect for the organizations and their functions (Burgess, 2002). Today business organizations are using various information technology tools to promote their product and services in various networks.Through e-mails and social media, organizations can reach a maximum number of customers. The social media and e-ma ils has become one of the very effective tools for promoting a product or service in specific market segments or customer segments. Today business organizations can organize various research programs with the help of technology in order to understand the market and customer needs, which ensure that they make the proper marketing strategies. Cloud Technology ConceptThe Cloud technology gives organizations the option of delivery of computing; a metered service rather than a product which keeps track of shared resources, software and information provided to computers and other devices over a network or service provide on the internet. The cloud technology provides computation, data access, software, and storage resources without demanding the cloud users to know the location or other major details of the Cloud computing infrastructure. Through this the cloud users can have required information and data in a less span of time and increase productivity.The end users of internet access th e cloud services through cloud based applications through a web browser or a mobile application. An organization’s business software and data are stored on servers at a remote location. The cloud technology application provides better performance and services to the users even though the software programs were installed locally on the business computers. The internal and external networks would work properly for the business organizations in order to provide better services to their consumers.The cloud technology would contribute effectively in solving various organizational issues in an effective and appropriate manner (Turban, 2007). The concept of cloud technology was initially adopted through Amazon. com, where the organization stored their various programs with the help of technology in order to serve its customers in a better and effective way. Today there are a lot of organizations which is implementing the cloud computing technology for their customers, which has incr eased the quality and performance of their services.Through this the business organizations attract maximum potential customers, which directly contributes to the growth and success of the organization. The Internet provides the primary technology infrastructure for electronic commerce, and electronic businesses. The Internet and other networks have made it possible for businesses to replace manual and paper based processes with the electronic flows of information. Electronic commerce is the process of buying and selling goods electronically with computerized business transaction using the Internet or other digital network technology.B & J Medical Consulting would benefit with the use of Cloud technology for the present needs of the company and the possibilities of expansion in the future. Information Technology Planning Information technology is a kind of discipline in the information technology domain and is majorly concerned with the planning process for information technology in vestments and decision making processes. This process of management planning is quicker, flexible, and more aligned for information technology in an organization.Information technology planning has become a major concept which includes a strategic planning domain. The information technology planning adjusts plans to meet the major business needs of an organization. Without the information technology planning phase, information technology does not understand how it can contribute to the business strategies (Tsai, 2003). Today the security systems in information technology have developed at a fast rate in order to provide adequate security and safety to the business organizations implementing the information technology programs and tools.The major information technology tools can help companies to provide proper privacy to their confidential data and insure the security and privacy of major data resources and information stored on the web. The control process in information technology has become very effective for a business organization to have proper hold on their confidential information. Today’s companies require proper information technology concerns to be addressed in order to prevent any affecting issues such as security breaches or crashes in the system.Conclusion Information technology has changed the way people and businesses operate in today's workforce. All types of business, both large and small, are using information systems, networks and Internet technology to make their business processes happen electronically while striving to achieve new levels of competitiveness, efficiency, and profitability. Through the information technology processes, the workplace has become more productive and errorless.This role of information technology in today's business world and organizations will be a great asset to B & J Medical Consulting to compete in today’s economy and business environment. References: Burgess S. (2002). Managing information tec hnology in businesses: challenges and solutions. Idea Group Inc. Retrieved May 3, 2012 from website http://www. amazon. com/Managing-Information-Technology-Small-Business/dp/1930708351 Laudon, J. (2004). Management Information Systems, (8th Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Tsai H. (2003).Information technology and business process reengineering: new perspectives and strategies. Greenwood Publishing Group. Retrieved May 5, 2012 from website http://www. amazon. com/Information-Technology-Business-Process- reengineering/dp/1567206328 Turban J. (2007). Information Technology for Management: Transforming organizations in the digital economy, 4Th Ed. John Wiley and Sons. Retrieved May7, 2012 from website http://www. amazon. com/Information-Technology-Management-Transforming-Organizations/dp/0471705225
Friday, August 16, 2019
Muay Thai
Muay Thai Muay Thai is well known as one of the most dangerous sports around the world. Coming from Thailand it has its roots from many ancient forms of Asian martial arts also similar to the style of kick boxing and strike force. Muay as local people call it has an old history full of great fighters. Due to the terrible economy in Thailand it never got too much attention. Instead, it has remained a national sport and part of the folklore. Muay Thai has similar rules to every non-weapon fight sport, but knees and elbows are allowed.It is practiced in a ring. The brutality of the fights makes the sport sometimes have a critical end where fighters go out on a stretcher. Nowadays, Thailand is considered the capital of this sport, and famous fighters have moved there for long periods of time in order to perfect the techniquee. Thailand considers muay thai part of the folklore and the impact it has in society is big. Muay Thai has an old history has been known since 1700 when the Burme se troops surrounded a big group of Thais where kick boxers were and took them to Burma.The king of Burma, King Mangra, wanted to make a festival for Buddha’s religion where he included a lot of entertainment. At the end as a closing event king wanted to see who was the best between the Burmesses fighters and the Thai kick boxers. Nai Khanomtom was selected to fight against the best Burmesses fighters. At the end of the first fight, the Burmese fighter collapsed, so the king asked Khanomtom to fight the best nine fighters from Burma, beating all of them one after the other with no stopping. Muay Thai. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Nov. 2012. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. . Thai Boxing is a very respectful and strict sport. The sport is linked to the Buddhist religion and the respect the fighters feel for their professors and superiors is shown by a kind of dance known as nak nmuay. This dance occurs just before the fight and it also has a sense of gratitude to their pro fessors, and what they have taught them. Since a very young age Thai ighters are playing around rings, and even though they do not know how to fight they play child games, and later on they get to know all the gear just by playing although they do not know what it is for. Nak muay, as Thai fighters are known for start training since childhood and as they grow fights are set one after the other. Some families, dedicated to this spot, live inside the fight campus outside the city. The father, usually after being a champion, trains his child to fight and the money the child gains from winning is used to get food and pay for family things.The techniques they learned are combined with their own style, and that allows the fighters to create variations of the same kicks and punches. The ascension of king Chulalongkorn (Rama V) to the throne in 1868 ushered in a Golden Age not only for muay but the whole country. â€Å"Muay Thai. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Nov. 2012. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. . Muay progressed greatly during the reign of Rama V as a direct result of the king’s personal interest in the art. The country was at peace and muay functioned as a mean of physical exercise, and recreation. â€Å"What Is Muay Thai. † WCK Muay Thai RSS. N. p. , n. d. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. . ) . Nowadays there are remarkable fighters well known around the world as Yodsanklai who fights for Fairtex, the biggest company of muay Thai equipment. Buakaw Pranuk a promising fighter who held the title of K1 (Japanese tournament where the winner is named the best stand up fighter in the world) two times. Knee strikes are possibly the most deadly movements a Muay Thai practitioner has.Knees are often used in the clinch, where a boxer grabs the head of the other boxer and pulls his body down while the knee is thrown upward. A good knee strike delivered in the head can exert enough force to lift a car. Knees may also be thrown to the body, or in a flying knee s trike, where the boxer jumps and throws the knee at his opponent face. A flying knee strike, when landed, will almost certainly end a fight by knockout. (â€Å"Thread: Muay Thai Essay for School. † Muay Thai Essay for School. N. p. , n. d. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. . ) In conclusion, this martial art is the perfect combination of every part of the body that could be used as a weapon. At the same time, it is also part of the history of Thailand. Muay Thai gyms can be found all around the world, full of fighters that believe that there is no limit between them and the sky. This martial art is finding its own path in many fighting professional leagues, as UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), K1, Strike force and others. I believe Muay Thai helps people not only to exercise, but to grow spiritually and mentally.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Case Study Reflections Analysis Education Essay
This paper will research information presented from EDSL 673 and EDSL 671 from the Teaching English as a Second Language ( TESL ) plan. The information presented will research the five top thoughts that have generated to most fascinate over the continuance of these last two classs. Information will be discussed as to the importance of these thoughts and the deductions they will hold on future instruction. This paper will besides research ways that these thoughts can be implemented in current instruction under the preexistent conditions of the teaching assignment. Explanations will besides be presented to show what could potentially be the immediate consequences every bit good as the long-run consequences expected for holding implemented these thoughts within the current instruction assignment. These thoughts are relevant to instructors that will profit from information refering to direction of English Language Learners ( ELL ) or English as a Second Language ( ESL ) pupils. Contemplations There are so many different facets of instruction that are necessary in order for pedagogues to be effectual and to guarantee that all pupils are larning to their fullest potency. This is no exclusion for instructors of ELL or ESL pupils. However, due to the nature of kids and the manner each kid learns, instructors need to cognize the best patterns for direction based on the demands of their pupils. There are several different techniques and methods that may be utilized with ELL and ESL pupils in order for these kids to be successful in their acquisition ; and hence to go successful when working with their equals within the schoolroom. Based purely on the information being presented from the last two classs, there were several different constructs and thoughts that were being introduced. Although many of these impressions are familiar to experient instructors, there are several thoughts that may standout to persons as they may hold higher deductions to their instruction than others. There are five thoughts from these two classs that present the highest deductions, and they are the constructs of Natural Order Hypothesis, Affective Filter Hypothesis, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Schema, and Accessing Prior Knowledge. The construct of Natural Order Hypothesis presents pedagogues with the order that persons get linguistic communication accomplishments. There are predictable phases for primary linguistic communication acquisitions along with predictable phases for the acquisition of secondary linguistic communications. Primary linguistic communication is acquired following these phases: babble ( 6 – 8 months ) , holophrastic ( 1 twelvemonth ) , two-word phrases ( 1 – 2 old ages ) , and multi-word ( 2 – 5 old ages ) . A individual ‘s 2nd linguistic communication is acquired following these phases: soundless receptive or preproduction ( 6 – 8 months ) , early production ( 6 months ) , speech outgrowth phase ( 1 twelvemonth ) , and intermediate linguistic communication proficiency ( 1 twelvemonth ) . Having an apprehension of the Natural Order Hypothesis allows pedagogues to develop an apprehension of where their Ell or ESL pupils may be in respects to their linguistic communication acquisition. Therefore, by understanding this thought, the instructor may develop lessons that are better suited for the pupil. This will besides help the instructor in the creative activity of activities that are completed in the schoolroom so all pupils are able to take part. Teachers that are able to link this construct to their English linguistic communication scholars are besides able to help these pupils when working in little differentiated instructional groups, and hence doing the acquisition much more meaningful for these pupils. Developing an apprehension of Affective Filter Hypothesis will assist pedagogues present themselves along with their schoolroom construction and lesson thoughts in a mode that will set their English linguistic communication scholars at easiness with the information they are showing. This will help these pupils from making a filter that could hinder larning. Students that are in structured environments with instructors that genuinely care about their acquisition keep a low degree of emphasis, and pupils are more likely to be motivated and confident, and hence a batch of linguistic communication acquisition can take topographic point. Teachers that have been able to make an environment that focuses around the Affective Filter Hypothesis are able to help their pupils in higher degrees of linguistic communication acquisition. Students that are so able to bring forth a larger degree of linguistic communication acquisition are so able to stand out at greater rates within the schoolroom. The deductions of Affective Filter Hypothesis in instruction is high in order to guarantee pupils are larning. Helping pupils maintain a low affectional filter is an of import measure in the confidence that pupils are traveling to get the linguistic communication skills they need in order to go successful in the schoolroom. Culturally Responsive Teaching is a teaching method that recognizes the importance of including pupils ‘ cultural mentions in all facets of larning. Culture is the deeper degree of basic premises and beliefs that are shared by members of an organisation, that operate unconsciously and specify in a basic ‘take for granted ‘ manner an organisations position of its ego and its environment. Culture contains both external and internal elements. External elements of civilization contain those such as ; nutrient, festivals, vacations, dances and vesture. Internal elements of civilization are those such as ; values, beliefs and forms of non-verbal communicating. By acknowledging the value of Culturally Responsive Teaching, pedagogues are able to demo pupils that they value their civilization and hence will observe their heritage in the schoolroom. This shows pupils that they are valued as persons and at the same clip could even bring forth a low Affective Filter. Culturally Responsive Teaching is of import in order to demo pupils that as the instructor, you value where they come from, and wish to observe that with the remainder of the category. All pupils should be able to portion with each other their civilization and heritage. This creates a schoolroom of culturally antiphonal pupils and helps the pupils understand that their backgrounds are of import. Teachers that partake in this pedagogical pattern create unfastened and receptive environments where pupils feel welcome when they enter the schoolroom. Last, scheme and accessing anterior cognition are of import factors that can act upon larning within the schoolroom. Schema is the organisational form or construction ; the conceptual model that pupils possess. Teachers that are able to entree a pupil ‘s scheme are more likely to be successful in assisting that pupil develop an apprehension of the constructs that are being taught. Teachers that are able to understand the deductions of scheme are so able to use this cognition into their schoolroom and their lessons. By showing to pupils how different accomplishments build upon one another will help these pupils in doing connexions between one construct and another. Accessing anterior cognition is manner for the pupils to take what they already know, and so use that cognition to the stuff they are presently larning. Teachers that focus on accessing their pupils ‘ anterior cognition are more likely to hold pupils that are able to retain information. Bing able to entree one ‘s anterior cognition is of import when working in the country of bring forthing illations. Bing able to do illations is an highly of import accomplishment when increasing reading comprehension. Bing able to use what one already knows to what the writer is connoting will assist the pupil in holding a greater apprehension of equivocal constructs. Both scheme and accessing anterior cognition are impressions that all instructors should implement in their schoolroom course of study. Constructing a pupil ‘s scheme while at the same clip holding the pupil entree their anterior cognition will further a greater apprehension of the thoughts that are being taught in the schoolroom. During the continuance of these two classs, I was able to develop a greater apprehension of these constructs and recognize how of import they are in being implemented in the schoolroom on a regular footing. Although these constructs are ideals that I presently posses, these classs have presented extra methods for execution in order to better pupil accomplishment. I will go on to implement these thoughts in my schoolroom environment with the end of continued pupil betterment. Currently, I do n't hold pupils in my schoolroom that are coded as being English linguistic communication scholars, and hence do non use the tactics for teaching English linguistic communication scholars in the schoolroom. However, I have had English linguistic communication scholars in old categories, and hence reexamining this information will help me with the continued execution of these techniques. The major benefits of these constructs are that they work with all pupils, and non merely those pupils that are considered to be English linguistic communication scholars. The immediate consequence of implementing these thoughts in the schoolroom would be the hope of increased accomplishment on the behalf of the pupils. The continued reappraisal of these constructs will bring forth a better apprehension of these thoughts, and hence a deeper apprehension of how they may be implemented into the schoolroom construction on a regular and ongoing footing, therefore holding a continued impact on pupil larning. Long-run effects of the execution of these thoughts will be the long-run apprehension of the different impressions covered within the schoolroom. By constructing on the pupils ‘ scheme, therefore increasing the pupils ‘ anterior cognition will take to them holding a greater keeping rate for their future class work.
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