Thursday, August 27, 2020
Enlightenment And Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Illumination And Religion - Essay Example Heavenly Bible was the final word and everything about a man was God-driven, God-chose, and undeniable. KANTIAN CONCEPT: Enlightenment was a push to get through this stale social setting into the opportunity of reason and information. That’s why the German thinker Immanuel Kant called illumination as the incredible jump forward for the humankind. â€Å"For Kant, Enlightenment was mankind’s last transitioning, the liberation of human awareness from a youthful condition of obliviousness and error†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Sapere Aude (set out to know) was Kant’s watchword taken from the Greek writer Horace†(Roy Porter, The Enlightenment, PP1). For Kant Enlightenment was a scholarly freedom; a discharge from man’s deliberate tutelage. As a result of this tutelage man couldn't comprehend the real factors around him without the direction of a too educated watchman. The circumstance is deliberate not on the grounds that the man had no knowledge but since he couldn't utilize the insight. Escaping the scholarly reliance of the other was what Kant affirmed. Edification was a scholarly development. It was for the most part a working class development against the genetic nobility and religion; a development for the humankind when all is said in done and for the normal man specifically. In spite of the fact that this development is regularly connected with the eighteenth century, its underlying foundations return further. Scholars and journalists who considered the improvement of human life and society, who needed to put ‘Reason†in the focal point of all human scholarly action, who needed to battle the overbearing political framework, and battle strange notion and numbness were attempting to edify the individuals around them. Placing reason in the focal point of human request made the way for logical interest and requests. Despite the fact that the congregation could stop Galileo, they couldn’t stop the improvement of logical thoughts.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Antisemitism essays
Discrimination against Jews papers The Holocaust was not a carefully Jewish occasion that solitary included the European Jewry as a culture. The Holocaust started with the willful extermination acts that started in 1939 when under the Nazi Party residents that were racially German who were intellectually sick, truly crippled, and hopeless wiped out were gassed and slaughtered. Alongside European Jewry different gatherings, for example, Russian detainees of war, gay people, Jehovahs Witness, wanderers and others were oppressed and murdered. In spite of the fact that the European Jewry made up most of those murdered by Nazi Germany they were not by any means the only ones influenced by the Nazis rule. The first to be influenced by the Holocaust were the individuals who in 1939 had been truly and intellectually impeded. These killings were viewed as benevolence killings and under this willful extermination program around eighty thousand individuals were slaughtered in six distinct focuses. These were not by any means the only slaughtering that happened yet they are the ones that any record of Hitler really requesting and are in this way the most generous proof for the beginning of the Holocaust. Likewise, the executing of truly and intellectually burdened individuals implied that European Jewry were not by any means the only to be dependent upon the repulsions of the Nazi state. Another association between the early willful extermination acts and the later concentration camps is that the physicists who played out these demonstrations were and explored different avenues regarding various toxic substances and carbon monoxide were moved toward the East to proceed with their work there . Since people in general had gotten mindful of the moves being made by the Nazi government the projects were eased back down and step by step moved out of Germany all together. Another contention that functionalist use is that albeit some aim was there to free Germany of its Jewish populace it was not centered around annihilating them totally. A similar enemy of Semitist estimations were similarly as solid if not more grounded in the Great Britain and France. This enemy of Semitic... <! Discrimination against Jews papers At the point when God made the world,He imagined the races:The Indians, the Negroes, the Chinese. And furthermore the mischievous animal called the Jew. This platitude originates from a childrens book distributed in Germany in 1936. The inquiry raised by it is how did the German individuals so promptly acknowledge this sort of loathe strategy from their pioneer? The appropriate response is to be found in the social and chronicled texture of the European people group and particularly in that of the German individuals. There is one string that has a significant effect to this inquiry of why, it is called discrimination against Jews. To respond to the inquiry introduced, one must follow the string as it weaves its way through the woven artwork of against Jewish activities. To comprehend the discrimination against Jews and the acknowledgment of it by the Nazi time frame German populace, one should initially take a gander at discrimination against Jews and its beginnings in history preceding the Nazi time frame. The string of discrimination against Jews was probably spun in the medieval period with the contention between the Christian church and the Jews. European discrimination against Jews is a characteristic aftereffect of the religion of Christianity. By the word religion, the possibility of convention and devout reasoning is deduced, not the educating of Jesus which is love for all humanity. From the soonest long periods of Christianitys becoming stronger over the Roman Empire, its pioneers lectured against Jews, utilizing enthusiastic and extremely ground-breaking judgments. The mental and philosophical need that instigated Christians to take a gander at themselves uniquely in contrast to the Jews( who brought the religion from which their own had severed) was brought into the world again and again with each new age, in light of the fact that as long as the Jews dismissed the disclosure of Jesus, they tested the Christians assurance in that disclosure. The Christians felt that if the Jews-the individuals of God-maintained a strategic distance from the Messiah God had guaranteed them, at that point something wasn't right. Either the Messiah was bogus, or t... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
DP Essay Samples For College Students
DP Essay Samples For College StudentsDP Essay samples for college students are usually provided by a test writer in order to help them with their progress, and make it easier for them to prepare for the entrance exams. So, if you want to prepare for the same, here are some tips that will help you in making the best out of DP Essay samples for college students.First, if you are going to take a DP Essay sample for college students, then you have to understand that these samples are written by experienced writers and in addition to that, they do not offer an instant solution to all your questions. However, they are usually designed in such a way that you can easily apply them. So, what you should do is to follow their suggestions and do the practice papers as per their instructions.While following the instructions given in the various DP Essay samples for college students, you have to avoid any plagiarism. This is important as in case you find any plagiarized portions in your paper, you have to correct them immediately. So, you can really benefit from the DP Essay samples for college students. In addition to this, the documents should be checked for authenticity.At the same time, you should also be careful about the type of paper that you will be writing. Since there are several types of DP Essay samples for college students, you should pick the paper according to your aptitude and skills. This is because there are types of papers that may not be suitable for you.If you are a first timer in writing DP Essay samples for college students, then you should start with the free sample papers. Besides that, these papers have been prepared by DP test writers who have already studied all the basic things that students require for a high quality paper. So, if you are a beginner, you should start with the free sample papers as they will be much simpler and easier for you to follow.On the other hand, if you are an expert or a writer then you should take the advantage of the a dvanced or professional samples. These DP Essay samples for college students have been made by professionals who are experts and have great writing skills. So, if you are an expert, you can certainly benefit from this feature as you can use it for your advanced DP Essay samples for college students.In addition to this, if you are looking for DP Essay samples for college students with content, then you can get it easily. All you have to do is to log on to the Internet and you will be able to access these good examples. These samples are not only online but you can also get the same online.If you are new to writing DP Essay samples for college students, then you should start with the free sample papers. However, you should keep in mind that these samples are for beginners and therefore, it is better for you to start with the advanced ones. In fact, you should follow the instructions of the DP Test Writers and make the best out of these samples.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Our Cheating Hearts by Robert Wright Essay example
â€Å"Our Cheating Hearts†by Robert Wright was the most intriguing of the three articles, and it tried to enlighten the reader on the complex and sometimes confusing issue of human relationships. Wright is an evolutionary psychologist who feels that the brain like any other organ has changed throughout the evolution of time. Just as any other animal, a human’s main objective in life is to pass on our genes, and if we cannot do this with our significant other than many humans will deem cheating as a viable option. Wright does not encourage people to cheat but in the article it does seem that he regards cheating as almost the rational thing to do. As much as I do not want to agree with him I feel as though he makes a convincing argument.†¦show more content†¦It looks good; it smells good. He is not hungry, but he will eat the cake anyway. I thought that was a great analogy and that man sometimes cheat when they see a woman who is attractive and appears to be int erested, even though there is nothing lacking in their marital relationships, they initiate affairs anyway. I found it very interesting that women tend to cheat on there spouse more during time of ovulation when they are most likely to be pregnant. That is a scary thought that many fathers could conceivably be raising children that were not sired by them. I certainly do not think we should solve this problem by demanding the children of past relationships to be killed like the Yanomamo’s of South America do. However, I do think that DNA testing should be less expensive so that many families could end the doubt of who is truly the parent. Under the section as to why women cheat I thought the author failed to mention a few obvious reasons that women are starting to catch up to males when it comes to cheating. Sex researchers agree that today more women are committing adultery than ever before. Over the last twenty years more and more women are entering the workforce and working outside the home alongside men, oftentimes in office environments that are charged with sexual electricity. It seems as though some women could get involved in extramaritalShow MoreRelatedGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 Pages2010 (ESSAY) Content Page 1. Media a. New vs. Traditional b. New: narcissistic? c. Government Censorship d. Profit-driven Media e. Advertising f. Private life of public figures g. Celebrity as a role model h. Blame media for our problems i. Power + Responsibility of Media j. Media ethics k. New Media and Democracy 2. Science/Tech a. Science and Ethics b. Government and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology eRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesIntegrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation 226 Summary and Implications for Managers 228 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Confident Am I in My Abilities to Succeed? 202 Myth or Science? â€Å"The Support of Others Improves Our Chances of Accomplishing Our Goals†204 S A L An Ethical Choice Motivated to Behave Unethically 209 glOBalization! Autonomy Needs Around the Globe 210 Self-Assessment Library What Are My Course Performance Goals? 214 Point/Counterpoint Fear Is a PowerfulRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagesstorage or retrieval system, must be arranged with the individual copyright holders noted. This special edition published in cooperation with Pearson Custom Publishing. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Please visit our web site at ISBN 0–536–72690–6 BA 996748 PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company iii iv Table of Contents SECTION ONE .................................Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesBuilding Relationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence Motivating Others Managing Conflict Group Skills 8. Empowering and Delegating 9. Building Effective Teams and Teamwork 10. Leading Positive Change Consistent with our focus on promoting effective management practice, the material in these chapters provides guidance for a variety of contemporary management challenges, including: â€Å"How can I help others accept new goals, new ideas, new approaches?†â€Å"How can I invigorateRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesbook even more userfriendly and applicable to practice. We continue to take a balanced approach in the eighth edition of International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior. Whereas other texts stress culture, strategy, or behavior, we feel that our emphasis on all three critical dimensions and the resulting synergy has been a primary reason why the previous editions have been the market-leading international management text. Specifically, v vi Preface this edition has the followingRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagesconcerns are well-founded, if the results of one study of 1,300 employees and managers in multiple industries is an indication. About 48% of those surveyed admit engaging in unethical behavior at work. Some of the most frequently mentioned items were cheating on expense accounts, paying or accepting bribes and kickbacks, forging signatures, and lying about sick leave.35 BNA WHAT IS ETHICAL BEHAVIOR? Ethics deals with what â€Å"ought†to be done. For the HR manager, there are ethical ways in which the
Friday, May 15, 2020
Sociology of Work and Industry
No matter what society one lives in, all human beings depend on systems of production to survive. For people in all societies, productive activity, or work, makes up the largest part of their livesâ€â€it takes up more time than any other single type of behavior. Defining Work Work, in sociology, is defined as the carrying out of tasks, which involves the expenditure of mental and physical effort, and its objective is the production of goods and services that cater to human needs. An occupation, or job, is work that is done in exchange for a regular wage or salary. In all cultures, work is the basis of the economy or economic system. The economic system for any given culture is made up of the institutions that provide for the production and distribution of goods and services. These institutions may vary from culture to culture, particularly in traditional societies versus modern societies. In traditional cultures, food gathering and food production is the type of work occupied by the majority of the population. In larger traditional societies, carpentry, stonemasonry, and shipbuilding are also prominent. In modern societies where industrial development exists, people work in a much wider variety of occupations. Sociological Theory The study of work, industry, and economic institutions is a major part of sociology because the economy influences all other parts of society and therefore social reproduction in general. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about a hunter-gatherer society, pastoral society, agricultural society, or industrial society; all are centered around an economic system that affects all parts of society, not just personal identities and daily activities. Work is closely intertwined with social structures, social processes, and especially social inequality. The sociology of work goes back to the classical sociological theorists. Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber all considered the analysis of modern work to be central to the field of sociology. Marx was the first social theorist to really examine the conditions of work in factories that were popping up during the industrial revolution, looking at how the transition from independent craftwork to working for a boss in a factory resulted in alienation and deskilling. Durkheim, on the other hand, was concerned with how societies achieved stability through norms, customs, and traditions as work and industry changed during the industrial revolution. Weber focused on the development of new types of authority that emerged in modern bureaucratic organizations. Important Research Many studies in the sociology of work are comparative. For instance, researchers might look at differences in employment and organizational forms across societies as well as across time. Why, for example, do Americans work on average more than 400 hours more per year than those in the Netherlands while South Koreans work more than 700 hours more per year than Americans? Another big topic often studied in the sociology of work is how work is tied to social inequality. For instance, sociologists might look at racial and gender discrimination in the workplace. At the macro level of analysis, sociologists are interested in studying things such as occupational structure, the United States and global economies, and how changes in technology lead to changes in demographics. At the micro level of analysis, sociologists look at topics such as the demands that the workplace and occupations place on workers’ sense of self and identity, and the influence of work on families. References Giddens, A. (1991) Introduction to Sociology. New York, NY: W.W. Norton Company. Vidal, M. (2011). The Sociology of Work. Accessed March 2012 from
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Emergence Of Market Society - 1573 Words
The whole society has become a market. Societies used to consist of people that were governed by certain ideologies, laws, and practices. Being driven by capitalism, society has developed everything into a commodity, in which we now call a market society. Other socio-economic communities historically had concepts that were different from what is predominated in our present society. The emergence of market society establishes the great transformation from a traditional society to a market economy that has greatly impacted societal workplaces, and beliefs around ideological conditions. The emergence of market society starts with the self-regulating system called the market economy (Polanyi, 1957, P. 68). Self-regulation indicates that the†¦show more content†¦As a result, the Industrial Revolution lead to the great transformation of the market society. The economy grew and people used labour as commodity that endures the greatest societal consequence. Since the market relied on this commodity, human rights were at a disadvantage to the economy. There is no such thing as a self-regulating market because people believe that the economy can build a system based on false commodities (Polanyi, 1957, P. 75). Society faces an economic problem that provides for the material well-being of the society, meaning we produce and exchange the basic necessities in order to survive.â€Å"If mankind does not live by bread alone, it is obvious that it cannot live without bread†(Heilbroner, P. 1). The economic problem arises because human nature struggles for existence which is derived from scarcity (Heilbroner, 1993, P. 4). This problem presents itself critically and uniquely as it is shown through economic history that people struggle for survival. Society has to organize a system of providing enough production for everyone and being able to distribute them properly. Other than market society, there are two other overarching systems found in other societies, tradition and command. For a traditional economy, production and distribution are constructed by procedures designedShow MoreRelatedEmergence of Market Society1713 Words  | 7 PagesThe market today has become so important that socie ty takes it as completely natural. From â€Å"The Economic Problem†Heilbroner describes three main solutions, with the market being one. Furthermore into the market, Polanyis book â€Å"The great Transformation†gives insight on how much society actually allows the market to dominate. To Polanyi a market society is seen as social relations embedded in the economy instead of the economy being embedded in social relations. Examining both of these books givesRead MoreAnalysis Of Karl Polanyi s Societies And Economic Systems 1389 Words  | 6 Pages Transformation of The Workplace In Karl Polanyi’s article â€Å"Societies and Economic Systems†, Karl Rinehart’s ‘Alienation and the Development of Industrial Capitalism in Canada’, and Richard Bendix’s â€Å"Aspects of Economic Rationality in the West†, the emergence and transformation to a market society is displayed through ideological and material conditions. Polanyi attempts to uncover the rise of the market economy by examining past economic structures and the change in the role of commoditiesRead MoreMarket Society1668 Words  | 7 PagesTransformation to Market Society We are living in market society, which is so different from previous societies. In market society, the whole of society is a system of self-regulating market (Polanyi 43). In order to make the market society function, people need to think and act in certain ways(Polanyi 68). For example, people in market society think that economic relations are much more important than interpersonal relations (Polanyi 44). Polanyi calls the emergence of market society â€Å"the great transformation†Read Moresosc1140 essay31658 Words  | 7 PagesTransformation to Market Society We are living in market society, which is so different from previous societies. In market society, the whole of society is a system of self-regulating market (Polanyi 43). In order to make the market society function, people need to think and act in certain ways(Polanyi 68). For example, people in market society think that economic relations are much more important than interpersonal relations (Polanyi 44). Polanyi calls the emergence of market society â€Å"the great transformation†Read MoreEssay on Market Society1680 Words  | 7 Pagesabout the important shift to market society by explaining the material and ideological conditions that help integrate the society to transform into the market society. Firstly, this paper is going to explain the material conditions by showing what characterizes a market society and this also show how the market society differs from the structures of the previous social organization, and also the changes that take place in the workplace due to the shift to market society. Secondly, this paper will alsoRead MoreThe Emergence Of The West1244 Words  | 5 Pagespremodern events supported their emergence. From their plaques in late 14th century to their dominance in by the 19th century, this chronological approach tracked the economic, military and geopolitical changes of the West compared to their Asian counterparts. The chronological approach included the Renaissance, the West’s integration of gunpowder and print products, investments in the British and Dutch East India companies, and their exploration for new land. The emergence of the West began with theRead MoreTransforming Of The Market Society1573 Words  | 7 PagesTransforming to the Market Society We currently live in a market society that is completely different from past societies. In market society, the society is a system of self-regulating market as a whole (Polanyi 43). People are needed to act and think in particular ways for the market society to function (Polanyi 68). For instance, people in market society believe that economic relations are more needed than interpersonal relations (Polanyi 44). Polanyi calls the emergence of market society â€Å"the great transformation†Read MoreThe Populist Movement Essay715 Words  | 3 PagesThe Populist Movement The small farmers of America struggled through many agricultural problems during the late19th century. Their exclusion from the industrializing society, and their lagging in developments set them back from the rest of the country. Through their hardships they found a way to come together and form a political movement that would represent their rights and needs and give them a voice in the political decision making; it was called the Populist movement. However, theRead MoreKarl Marx And Max Weber1324 Words  | 6 Pagesinfluenced many sociologists. Predominantly, both of these theorists’ discussed the effects of capitalism, how it has developed, shaped and changed society into what it is today. Specifically, Karl Marx’s contribution of the bourgeoisie vs. the proletariat class and Max Weber’s social stratification has helped individuals to understand how modern day society has transformed into what it is today. Particularly, this paper will lie out Weber’s theory of social stratification and Marx’s theory of the bourgeoisieRead MoreThe World Organizational And Industrial System Essay1701 Words  | 7 Pageson the efficient and goal attainment of the organization. This led to emergence of neoliberals in the sphere of industrialization which is capital centre policy that enrich the bourgeoisies- the company and industries owners; and make the poor to grow poorer-mostly the w orkers and personnel in the industries. Thus, the organizational structure and system became non-cognizance of workers’ value and welfares. This led to emergence of workers’ associations which transformed in Labour Unions today with
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Components of Indian Financial System free essay sample
Economic growth and development of any country depends upon a well-knit financial system. Financial system comprises, a set of sub-systems of financial institutions financial markets, financial instruments and services which help in the formation of capital. Thus a financial system provides a mechanism by which savings are transformed into investments and it can be said that financial system play an significant role in economic growth of the country by mobilizing surplus funds and utilizing them effectively for productive purpose. The financial system is characterized by the presence of integrated, organized and regulated financial markets, and institutions that meet the short term and long term financial needs of both the household and corporate sector. Both financial markets and financial institutions play an important role in the financial system by rendering various financial services to the community. They operate in close combination with each other. Financial System The word system, in the term financial system, implies a set of complex and closely connected or interlined institutions, agents, practices, markets, transactions, claims, and liabilities in the economy. The financial system is concerned about money, credit and finance-the three terms are intimately related yet are somewhat different from each other. Indian financial system consists of financial market, financial instruments and financial intermediation Role/ Functions of Financial System: A financial system performs the following functions: It serves as a link between savers and investors. It helps in utilizing the mobilized savings of scattered savers in more efficient and effective manner. It channelises flow of saving into productive investment. * It assists in the selection of the projects to be financed and also reviews the performance of such projects periodically. * It provides payment mechanism for exchange of goods and services. * It provides a mechanism for the transfer of resources across geographic boundaries. * It provides a mechanism for managing and controlling the risk involved in mobilizing savings and allocating credit. It promotes the process of capital formation by bringing together the supply of saving and the demand for investible funds. * It helps in lowering the cost of transaction and increase returns. Reduce cost motives people to save more. * It provides you detailed information to the operators/ players in the market such as individuals, business houses, Governments etc. Components/ Constituents of Indian Financial system: The following are the four main components of Indian Financial system 1. Financial institutions 2. Financial Markets 3. Financial Instruments/Assets/Securities 4. Financial Services. Financial institutions: Financial institutions are the intermediaries who facilitates smooth functioning of the financial system by making investors and borrowers meet. They mobilize savings of the surplus units and allocate them in productive activities promising a better rate of return. Financial institutions also provide services to entities seeking advises on various issues ranging from restructuring to diversification plans. They provide whole range of services to the entities who want to raise funds from the markets elsewhere. Financial institutions act as financial intermediaries because they act as middlemen between savers and borrowers. Were these financial institutions may be of Banking or Non-Banking institutions. Financial Markets: Finance is a prerequisite for modern business and financial institutions play a vital role in economic system. Its through financial markets the financial system of an economy works. The main functions of financial markets are: to facilitate creation and allocation of credit and liquidity; 2. to serve as intermediaries for mobilization of savings; 3. to assist process of balanced economic growth; 4. to provide financial convenience Financial Instruments Another important constituent of financial system is financial instruments. They represent a claim against the future income and wealth of others. It will be a claim against a person or an institutions, for the payment of the some of the money at a specified future date. Financial Services: Efficiency of emerging financial system largely depends upon the quality and variety of financial services provided by financial intermediaries. The term financial services can be defined as activites, benefits and satisfaction connected with sale of money, that offers to users and customers, financial related value. Pre-reforms Phase Until the early 1990s, the role of the financial system in India was primarily restricted to the function of channeling resources from the surplus to deficit sectors. Whereas the financial system performed this role reasonably well, its operations came to be marked by some serious deficiencies over the years. The banking sector suffered from lack of competition, low capital base, low Productivity and high intermediation cost. After the nationalization of large banks in 1969 and 1980, the Government-owned banks dominated the banking sector. The role of technology was minimal and the quality of service was not given adequate importance. Banks also did not follow proper risk management systems and the prudential standards were weak. All these resulted in poor asset quality and low profitability. Among non-banking financial intermediaries, development finance institutions (DFIs) operated in an over-protected environment with most of the funding coming from assured sources at concessional terms. In the insurance sector, there was little competition. The mutual fund industry also suffered from lack of competition and was dominated for long by one institution, viz. , the Unit Trust of India. Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) grew rapidly, but there was no regulation of their asset side. Financial markets were characterized by control over pricing of financial assets, barriers to entry, high transaction costs and restrictions on movement of funds/participants between the market segments. This apart from inhibiting the development of the markets also affected their efficiency. Financial Sector Reforms in India It was in this backdrop that wide-ranging financial sector reforms in India were introduced as an integral part of the economic reforms initiated in the early 1990s with a view to improving the macroeconomic performance of the economy. The reforms in the financial sector focused on creating efficient and stable financial institutions and markets. The approach to financial sector reforms in India was one of gradual and non-disruptive progress through a consultative process. The Reserve Bank has been consistently working towards setting an enabling regulatory framework with prompt and effective supervision, development of technological and institutional infrastructure, as well as changing the interface with the market participants through a consultative process. Persistent efforts have been made towards adoption of international benchmarks as appropriate to Indian conditions. While certain changes in the legal infrastructure are yet to be effected, the developments so far have brought the Indian financial system closer to global standards. The reform of the interest regime constitutes an integral part of the financial sector reform. With the onset of financial sector reforms, the interest rate regime has been largely deregulated with a view towards better price discovery and efficient resource allocation. Initially, steps were taken to develop the domestic money market and freeing of the money market rates. The interest rates offered on Government securities were progressively raised so that the Government borrowing could be carried out at market-related rates. In respect of banks, a major effort was undertaken to simplify the administered structure of interest rates. Banks now have sufficient flexibility to decide their deposit and lending rate structures and manage their assets and liabilities accordingly. At present, apart from savings account and NRE deposit on the deposit side and export credit and small loans on the lending side, all other interest rates are deregulated. Indian banking system operated for a long time with high reserve requirements both in the form of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR). This was a consequence of the high fiscal deficit and a high degree of monetisation of fiscal deficit. The efforts in the recent period have been to lower both the CRR and SLR. The statutory minimum of 25 per cent for SLR has already been reached, and while the Reserve Bank continues to pursue its medium-term objective of reducing the CRR to the statutory minimum level of 3. 0 per cent, the CRR of SCBs is currently placed at 5. 0 per cent of NDTL. As part of the reforms programme, due attention has been given to diversification of ownership leading to greater market accountability and improved efficiency. Initially, there was infusion of capital by the Government in public sector banks, which was followed by expanding the capital base with equity participation by the private investors. This was followed by a reduction in the Government shareholding in public sector banks to 51 per cent. Consequently, the share of the public sector banks in the aggregate assets of the banking sector has come down from 90 per cent in 1991 to around 75 per cent in2004. With a view to enhancing efficiency and productivity through competition, guidelines were laid down for establishment of new banks in the private sector and the foreign banks have been allowed more liberal entry. Since 1993, twelve new private sector banks have been set up. As a major step towards enhancing competition in the banking sector, foreign direct investment in the private sector banks is now allowed up to 74 per cent, subject to conformity with the guidelines issued from time to time. Conclusion: The Indian financial system has undergone structural transformation over the past decade. The financial sector has acquired strength, efficiency and stability by the combined effect of competition, regulatory measures, and policy environment. While competition, consolidation and convergence have been recognized as the key drivers of the banking sector in the coming years
Sunday, April 12, 2020
British Airways Management Environment
Management Environment: British Airways Introduction This report involves analysis of the organisational structure of British Airways and its PEST analysis. Management and its organisation in a public limited company are vital for any company to be successful. There are different types of organisational structures, which are acceptable, in public limited companies.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on British Airways Management Environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One such structure is the vertical system where there are a few people at the top who make the company decisions. The number of persons increases at the middle level management and lower level positions. This kind of system is bureaucratic in nature. Horizontal structure is another form of organisation where there are few positions at the top and that increase in the next row. There are few supervisors and many equals at the low level. The final str ucture is the divisional system which involves dividing functions and responsibilities based on specialty and geography. The public limited company to be analyzed in this report is British Airways, which uses the, horizontal structure (Henry, 2008). The figure on the next page represents the organisational structure for British Airways. Figure 1: Organisation structure of British Airways (British Airways, 2009). The chief executive heads the organisational structure of British Airways, and below them, they have customers and operations executive, management board and those directly reporting to the chief executive. They are the brains behind decision making in the company. BelowAdvertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The executive of the company, are those who are involved in implementing the decisions made by the executive. These include the communication, customers and investme nt departments (Rainey Hal, 1997). The executive then passes the mantle to the next level that ensures the running of the company is smooth at the management level. The operators at this level ensure all the technicalities of the company are put in place. The low levels ensure that all the company activities are carried out to the letter to ensure effectiveness. The breaking down of the management levels ensures that, supervisors have a few subordinates below them. This method is effective in that, the supervisors work closely with those below them a move which prove to be highly effective. The inclusion of the customers department in the company helps in better delivery of services because the representatives present the views of the customers. The organisational structure of British Airways reduces the inefficiencies which would have occurred in the execution of duty. The structure ensures that all departments are represented in the top management. This ensures that information m oves freely and efficiently through all the departments (Blau Scheonherr, 1971). The organisation of British Airways like any other company will suffer from different external pressures. The external environment of organisation affects the companies’ decision making and service delivery. The PEST analysis of the company identifies different factors which will affect British Airways’ organisational structure. The factors include political and legal factors, economic factors, social and cultural factors. Political and legal factors that affect the company include terrorism which has been on the rise in the recent years. This has led to the introduction of new security measures by the government. This has created fear among customers thus reducing their interest to travel leading to loss of market by the airline. There have been substantial regulatory reforms which have allowed many companies into the airline business thus increasing market competition. There is also dela yed decision making in the public sector, which affects the airline (Goodsell Charles, 1994). British airways being a public limited company is subject to government funding, but this funding has reduced due privatisation of part of the company. This means that decision making is no longer with the management but with the owners of the company. A major legal factor which affects British Airways is power of trade unions.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on British Airways Management Environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The workers trade unions have persistently demanded higher wages and benefits to their members. This has resulted to strikes, for example, those held between August 2004 to August 2005 and which affected normal functioning of the company. Economic factors will arise due to aspects such as the increase in prices of inputs of the airline business. The current insurgence in the Arab world in cou ntries such as Libya, Iraq, and Egypt has driven the prices of fuel very high. This means that, the prices of air traveling will increase thus resulting to fewer people paying for services with British Airways. These will in turn reduce the profits leading to poor service delivery. Another economic aspect is the economic recession which has hit the whole world. This has affected the airline in such a way that, it has to work with a slight budget. The number of customers has also reduced with most of them selecting the cheaper airlines and having fewer holidays. The increased competition from other airlines both local and international has limited further expansion of British Airways due to reduction in yields. There is also high inflation which has increased the cost of living of citizens. This has forced them to cut down their budgets by for example opting for less travelling and leisure so as to save. Social factors that affect the organization structures of the British airways ar e demographic, cultural changes and employer-employee relationship. These changes affect the size of the potential market together with the customer needs. The demographic changes have resulted to a grey generation who spend much on leisure and traveling. This means that the airline will have to out stretch it resources to cater for such a demand. The cultural changes have resulted in changes in lifestyle, tastes and fashions. This has resulted to customer requirement to travel to exciting ventures which might be available at airlines destination. With such changes, the airline has been forced to venture in unfamiliar territory or loss of business. The employee-employer relationship has deteriorated in the recent past with the employees striking so as to have increased salaries and to oppose mass retrenchment. This has led to massive losses to the company (Brassington Pettitt, 2007). Technological changes are other aspects that affect British airways. The technology involved the ai rline sector is expensive and fast moving. The airline lacks the funds to install systems such as check-in-system which helps customers to access information about their travel plans online.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Technology plays a crucial role in airline control and therefore, should be of high quality to prevent disasters. This factor forces the airline to invest in it so as to beat the competition. Changing ad implementing up to date technology ahs however been very expensive for the company. With proper investment in technology, the airline would make the work of their employees and customers easier. British airways has been successful to some extent. The company has registered success though with difficulties. These can be identified from the organizational structure and from the PEST analysis. Successes from the organizational structure are as follows: Division of management into small parts makes execution and implementation of decisions made by the executive simpler. This is because a supervisor has only a few subordinates below him or her. There is free communication between both employees and employers which have reduced on the strike actions resulting to better problem solving mec hanism. The organizational structure ensures that there is smooth running due to division of labor where an individual is aware of what is needed to be done (Golembiewski Robert, 1962). Successes based on PEST are as follows Political factors have led to the increase in security which has turned to be an advantage because customers feel secure when they are traveling with BA. This has led to increase in number of customers and in turn led to a boom in the business. Increased competition has come as a success because BA has worked to improve on it service delivery so as to remain at the top. In terms of the economic factors success is evident in the British Airways’ expansion through merger and privatization where the government has allowed an increase of individual shareholders into ownership of the business. Success from social factors is that the airline has worked hard to expand so as to cater for the growing demand from customers due to increase in population. Technologic ally, BA has highly invested to ensure they keep the same pace with the growing and fast moving technology. This has led to fast delivery of service to customers (Bohte Meier, 2001). Failures The organizational structure has led to delays in decision making and decision implementation (Wilson, 1989). This is as a result of many ranks in the structure where the real implementers are not involved in decision making. People on the ground are not involved in decision making a situation likely to lead in to opposition during implementation. Division of labor is not economical to any company because it limits flexibility in the field of work. Failures as identified from PEST analysis are as follows: Politically the government delays the decision making process because it has to be involved. The company has failed to offer best salaries to its employees resulting to strikes which affect normal operation. Economically, the company has failed to work towards new ventures likely to increase profits. Socially, the company has failed to cater for the growing demand. Technologically the company has not invested enough in technology which serves to ensure efficient service delivery (Kotler, 2008). Conclusion In conclusion, organizational structure of a company is a key to its success. British Airways’ organizational structure has helped the company achieve a lot. However, the failures identified should be eliminated to increase the efficiency of the company. The company should work towards increasing investment in technology since it will help in improved service delivery. The pest analysis explains what should be done to achieve the desired status. References Blau, M. and Scheonherr, A., 1971. Structure of organization. New York: Basic books. Bohte, J. and Meier K.., 2001.Structure and performance of public organizations: Task difficulty and span control. Rochester: Oakland university press Brassington F. Pettitt, S., 2007. Principles of marketing. London: Oxfor d university press. British Airways, (2010). 2009Annual reports. Available at orkplace.html Golembiewski, T,. 1962.Behaviour and organization. Chicago: Rand-McNally. Goodsell, C., 1994. The case of bureaucracy. New Jersey: Chatham House Publishers. Henry, A., 2008. Understanding Strategic management. London: Oxford university press. Kotler, P., 2008. Principles of marketing. New York: Nuvision. Rainey, G., 1997. Understanding and managing public organization.San Francisco: Josey- Bass Publishers. Wilson, Q., 1989. Bureaucracy. New York: Basic books. This report on British Airways Management Environment was written and submitted by user Caitlyn Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
261 Langston Hughes Poems Professor Ramos Blog
261 Langston Hughes Poems Langston Hughes (1902 1967) Langston Hughes (1902 1967) Poems â€Å"Mother to Son†(1037) â€Å"I, to†(1038) â€Å"Theme for English B†(1043) American Identity Essay Rough Draft due Monday American Identity Essay
Sunday, February 23, 2020
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
HRM - Essay Example Only a manger with outstanding skill can identify the required changes right way. If a company fails to understand the required changes, it would confront with crises as it misunderstands the symptoms as real issues to be addressed. The following part of the paper will discuss how a company can identify the need for change from its internal and external environments. 1. Unusual decline in turnover: this is the basic sign that would prompt every firm to identify the range of business profitability. Organizations usually review previous years’ audited balance sheet with intent to investigate the prevailing business trend as well as the organizational sustainability. In the same way if the operational cost is found exceeding the profit derived from the business, it indicates the need for some strategic changes in the business operation. However, the specific area of change can be identified only through further scrutiny. Presumably, most of the problems, no matter associated with fiscal aspects or market backlashes, are attributed to HR failure. 2. Strategic failures: If some of the recently implemented marketing strategies are not well responded, the company should review them to identify the causes of failure. Failure may not be necessarily due to their inaptness but can happen because of numerous direct or indirect factors related to business. As far as the internal environment is concerned, a well designed strategy can be defeated just by the mibehaviour of one or more individuals. In other words, how well a strategy is implemented is more important than the quality of its design. 3. Unethical practices: Organizational misconduct is an important symptom that indicates the inevitability of change, perhaps specifically in the area of HRM and organizational structure. Most of the fraudulent activities occur due to the inefficient internal communication and auditing. Modern organizations heed genuine concern to enhance internal communication by integrating various departments with the help of web-based technologies. By doing so they can easily manage the problems associated with information sharing and problem solving. Diagnosing the cause is not the end but the initial step of any treatment process. Once the need for change is identified a firm has to proceed with designing and implementing relevant changes that would enhance the overall cohesion of the organisation. There are numerous issues an organisation has to take into consideration while initiating changes. As Dunphy (249) warns, most important one among them is to address employees’ resistance to change which would raise several ethical concerns. An organisational culture that was formed over years cannot be altered overnight. A change can take place successfully only if people in an organisation realise that the organisation must change its current culture and practices in order to ensure the firm’s sustainability and progress. However, the process requires mem bers’ deep understanding of the need for change, their commitment to accomplish it, and the effective way of deploying it. The understanding refers to the knowledge about the current culture and its impacts on the firm, the anticipated benefit of the new system, and the real goal it would achieve. This knowledge can be acquired by reviewing the extent to which the current culture has helped the firm to meet its mission, vision, and values with regard to business aims and social concerns. 2 Organisations
Friday, February 7, 2020
Financial Analysis of Netflix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Financial Analysis of Netflix - Essay Example In 1999, monthly subscriptions model was introduced and the reputation of the firm grew as a flat- fee rental with no due dates and late fee. Netflix has to its credit the personalized movie recommendation system which suggests choices to users based on their previous purchases. Also mentionable is the fact that Netflix user base has increased every year from the date its conception by over 50% from past years till 2005. After 2005, the number of subscribers continued to increase but at lower rates. (Netflix, 2012) Netflix also partnered with certain electronics companies to make streaming possible on the PS3, TVs with internet connections, Xbox 360, Apple iPhones, iPads, iPods and other internet connected devices. (Netflix, 2012) Researches showed that in 2011, 61% of the digital video market clintele belongs to Netflix. (Stambar, 2011) in 2011, Netflix is the highest revenue earner in the United States. (Frankel, 2012) This data clearly shows that as of right now, Netflix is a mark et leader. INCOME STATEMENT (Business Week, 2012)  31-Dec-08 31-Dec-09 31-Dec-10 31-Dec-11 Revenues 1,364.70 1,670.30 2,162.60 3,204.60 TOTAL REVENUES 1,364.70 1,670.30 2,162.60 3,204.60 Cost of Goods Sold 910.2 1,079.30 1,357.40 2,039.90 GROSS PROFIT 454.4 591 805.3 1,164.70 Selling General & Admin Expenses 249.4 286.6 358.3 520.6 R&D Expenses 89.9 114.5 163.3 259 Other Operating Expenses -6.3 -- -- -- OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 332.9 401.2 521.6 779.6 OPERATING INCOME 121.5 189.8 283.6 385.1 Interest Expense -2.5 -6.5 -19.6 -20 Interest and Investment Income 9.2 4.8 2.7 2.8 NET INTEREST EXPENSE 6.7 -1.6 -16.9 -17.2 Other Non-Operating Income 0.1 -- -- -- EBT, EXCLUDING UNUSUAL ITEMS 128.4 188.2 266.7 367.8 Gain (Loss) on Sale of Investments 3.1 1.9 1 0.7 Other Unusual Items, Total -- 2.1 -- -9 Legal Settlements -- 2.1 -- -9 EBT, INCLUDING UNUSUAL ITEMS 131.5 192.2 267.7 359.5 Income Tax Expense 48.5 76.3 106.8 133.4 Earnings from Continuing Operations 83 115.9 160.9 226.1 NET IN COME 83 115.9 160.9 226.1 Talking about the income statement of Netflix, the trend of revenues has certainly taken a great boost since 2006 from 1365 million dollars to 3205 million dollars in 2011. Growth in revenue certainly is a positive sign for any company. Netflix has achieved huge numbers during the four years. The cost of sales has also risen but looking at the overall gross profit margin, we see a rising trend. Expanses look pretty much under control and would not had been a point of concern for Netflix. The change in the income statement which was very obvious was the interest charges which rose by big number from (1.6) in the year 2008 to (16.9) in 2010 and (20) in 2011. This means that Netflix has taken huge amount of loans in 2010 and have retained them in 2011 as well. In the income statement, we can also see that the investment’s income earned has also decreased since 2006. This means that Netflix have taken out all the investments it had made outside its compa ny. Net income also shows a positive growing trend. From the income statement, we can say that Netflix is growing and has profitable numbers. BALANCE SHEET (Business Week, 2012)  31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec Currency in Millions of US$ 2008 2009 2010 2011 Assets     Cash and Equivalents 139.9 134.2 194.5 508.1 Short-Term Investments 157.4 186 155.9 289.8 TOTAL CASH AND SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS 297.3 320.2 350.4 797.8 Prepaid Expenses 26.5 26.7 62.2 56 Deferred Tax Assets, Current -- -- 2.2 10 Restricted
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Sports Policy Essay Example for Free
Sports Policy Essay Sports policies and the sports environment are extremely important to promote safe participation on an athlete, by ensuring these factors are optimal, the chance of injury can be avoided, thereby promoting safe participation. The rules or laws that govern an organisation are in place to protect all participants and spectators. Clubs generally have a set of rules and regulations, which often include the club’s constitution In case of injury; the sports organisation must have appropriate first aid facilities and an insurance policy, which covers both the individual and the sports organisation. first aid facilities allow quick treatment of any injuries to promote safe participation. The grounds and facilities must be safe for all players. This effectively reduces the risk of many injuries and provides support for the players in the care of an injury. The grounds must be well lit, such as with good lights, so that competitors have clear vision. The grounds must be clear from obstruction to prevent injury. For example, potholes may cause a player to fall over and fracture their ankle. Filling these potholes will promote safe participation. Some reasons why grounds might be inadequate may be due to financial limitations. Where children are concerned, applying simplified or modified rules will contribute to a more enjoyable safer and satisfactory sporting experience. The emphasis is on fun and promoting participation rather than competition. For example, as children cannot focus for as long and become fatigued more easily, using smaller fields and shorter games will contribute promoting safe participation, similarly providing more breaks limit risk or overheating. An example of a modified sport is Netta Netball. Netta Netball is a modified version of netball, some of the rules that accommodate participation for children include; reduced height in the goal post, 8 feet instead of 10 feet, which makes it easier to shoot goals. Shorter quarters, 410 minute quarters rather than 415 minute quarters which reduce fatigue. More time to pass the ball, 6 seconds rather than 3 seconds, which makes it easier to pass the ball. Sports policy must also enforce or encourage the use of appropriate protective equipment. The playing equipment needs regular checks and must be suitable for the size of the player. For example, a cricket helmet must be free of cracks and a suitable size for the athlete. Protective equipment can often soften blows to reduce the risk or injury. Ill-fitted equipment may cause discomfort for players and this increases the risk of injury. For example supportive and cushioned shoes for runners will reduce the risk of injuries such as shin splints. Mouth guards are frequently used to protect teeth and the jaw in sports such as, boxing, rugby league and hockey or any other sport where there is a possibility of getting hit in the face. The rules and competition structures must also be modified based on the skill level, growth and development. This effectively promotes safe participation as it decreases the risk of injury. Mentally athletes are more positive when playing against people of their own size. There are certain sports such as rugby union, which promote ‘weight for age’ competitions, where players compete under weight categories to promote safe participation associated with size contact. Combat sports such as boxing an judo are also examples where competitors are based on weight category.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Trouble with Society :: essays papers
Trouble with Society The most troubling thing in our society today is how children treat each other. We try to teach our children to have high morals so they will be honest and kind when they become older. But how are our children acting when grownups are not around. Kids tend to classify each other by how rich their parents are and how well they dress. To a child who is classified as being poor the ridicule and constant teasing can be overwhelming possibly causing many psychological problems. Kids want a lot of things and as parents we would like to give those things to them. But a lot of the time we can't afford to. With the rising cost of living it is hard for some people to even put food on the table. With the price of designer label clothes being so high many people can only afford to shop at k-mart. To a child fashion is everything if you don't look cool than you will not be accepted by others. You will be teased and made fun of. I remember when I was in elementary school everybody had nike high top sneakers. Although my family was not poor my mother worked hard for her money and she didn't think it was necessary to pay fifty dollars for a pair of shoes I would probably ruin in a couple weeks. Well I was so embarrassed when I had to wear the shoes my mom picked up for me from k-mart's. I remember the other children laughing at me because I had a pair of cheap sneakers on. Children go through a lot growing up have to use their parents morals to battle today's social problems. Many things can effect a child's psychological behavior which in return effects the people around them. Let's look at the situation that occurred at Columbine High School in Colorado, two children who were social outcasts finally had enough of being teased and made fun of went to school and started shooting their peers. Maybe if they weren't teased like they were, for not dressing like everyone else or acting like the others, they would have never built up enough anger to do such a thing to other humans. For a child to have to grow up in a shack of a house with no heat or running water is a tragedy.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
English as a Second Language Essay
Originally, England’s linguistic changes made English the second language and over the years, second language teaching has undergone a lot of erratic changes. Religious schools have greatly influenced the moral and cultural framing of English at this point in time. UK was also the center of developmental English teaching during World War II. Pioneers such as Harold Palmer, Michael West and Lawrence Fawcett triumphed in founding principled basis for teaching English as a second language. These strategies and methodologies derived from teaching of English on Great Britain were adjoined with other existing forms from overseas settings. In general, English is the first and widely taught foreign or second language and is considered as a medium language for education. Today, it is a common context to learn or study more than two languages. Pope stated, â€Å"English represents access to specific knowledge and skills and tends to be identified with the technology and science as well as the economic and cultural models of the modern 32). Different approaches such as communication, vocabulary and grammar are used in teaching English as a second language. Learning also depends on the fluency level aim, if it is purposely learnt for specific tasks or if the learner wants to achieve a native speaking tongue. English and other foreign languages can be mastered through live encounters or cross-cultural communication and study or technical translation. Early introduction of English in schools poses an academic advantage when it comes to learning the language. Basically, background knowledge of English and other foreign language is one of the most important things to consider. Reading is a cardinal skill in learning. It enhances metalinguistic awareness but for some reason, it can become a hindrance and a false knowledge. Students tend to enjoy meaningful conversation more than teachers’ theoretical strategies of detailed vocabulary and grammar lessons and this causes the problem in comprehension. Since some students do not deliberately concentrate on their reading skills and focus more on conversing, complete understanding is not achieved and it is merely viewed as a plain reading. Children at a very young age study two or more foreign languages and sometimes, English is rather a third language. Schools and educators sometimes forget to pay attention over the verity that it could be too much for young children to learn multiple languages all at the same time. For universities that use English for substantial academic paper works and materials, reading is crucial. But every teacher and learner should focus on the remaining language skills: listening, speaking, writing, and assessment, even if these are all adjunct to the capital skill that is reading. It is important for the teacher to have a considerable degree of attention towards the native language of the learner because native language plays a vital role in understanding a foreign language. English is the universal language. In some instances, teachers also experience difficulty expressing thoughts in English and this indicates that it is hard to achieve proficiency even if an individual has the basic and complex knowledge of the language. Teachers and educators’ goal should not be for the learners to achieve a native speaking tongue that flawlessly pronounces tones and speaks vocabulary and grammar perfectly. The ultimate goal is for students to learn how to listen, speak, write and read in English in a manner of complete comprehension and not necessarily to acquire a native speaking tongue. Works Cited Pope, Rob. â€Å"The English studies book: an introduction to language, literature and culture. †2002). Routledge. 420 Smith, Richard C. â€Å"Wren and Wyatt†. 2003). Routledge.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Career in Clinical Psychology - 964 Words
I chose research in a clinical psychologist career. I have been interested in the field of psychology since high school, and I have always wanted to work with helping people. A doctorate’s degree, an internship, up to two years professional practice, and the passing of the Examination of Professional Practice in Psychology are the education and training requirements to become a clinical psychologist. Licensure is also needed to practice clinical psychology. As a clinical psychologist, my responsibilities and duties would include: studying and diagnosing mental, emotional, and behavioral problems; treating and helping my clients; and consulting with other trained psychologists on the best way to help the patients. Being a private practice†¦show more content†¦To help with my weaknesses, some suggested strategies include: preparing for interviews with friends, thinking then communicating, and setting deadlines for making decisions. My type will give me career development strengths in providing help, being attentive, learning with patience, doing hands-on work, and teamwork. My development will lack in assertiveness, giving honest feedback to spare someone’s feelings, and making tough decisions. Being a clinical psychologist will allow me to use my helpfulness, patience, and attentiveness. Being a clinical psychologist also means that I will have to make tough decisions and give honest feedback, so that will challenge me. The top three most popular occupations for my ISFP type are veterinary assistant, team assembler, and electrical power installer/repairer. MBTI believe these will best suit because they are all hands-on work, producing a tangible, finished product, and I will be working with others in those job fields. None of the most popular occupations listed include psychologist. I do not agree with the results because I am not interested in any of the occupations given. All the jobs listed are way off of what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life. The top three least popular occupations for my ISFP type are anesthesiologist, health and safety engineer, and industrial/organizational psychologist. MBTI finds these occupations least satisfying to me because I might haveShow MoreRelatedCareer Research Paper: Clinical Psychology894 Words  | 4 PagesCareer Research Paper: Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology is just one of the many subfields that psychology has to offer. Those who choose to enter clinical psychology aim to help people with addiction, emotional stress, mental illness, or any other type of mental problems. Knowing what a clinical psychologist does in their practice is important in understanding their profession. 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