Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Sports Policy Essay Example for Free
Sports Policy Essay Sports policies and the sports environment are extremely important to promote safe participation on an athlete, by ensuring these factors are optimal, the chance of injury can be avoided, thereby promoting safe participation. The rules or laws that govern an organisation are in place to protect all participants and spectators. Clubs generally have a set of rules and regulations, which often include the club’s constitution In case of injury; the sports organisation must have appropriate first aid facilities and an insurance policy, which covers both the individual and the sports organisation. first aid facilities allow quick treatment of any injuries to promote safe participation. The grounds and facilities must be safe for all players. This effectively reduces the risk of many injuries and provides support for the players in the care of an injury. The grounds must be well lit, such as with good lights, so that competitors have clear vision. The grounds must be clear from obstruction to prevent injury. For example, potholes may cause a player to fall over and fracture their ankle. Filling these potholes will promote safe participation. Some reasons why grounds might be inadequate may be due to financial limitations. Where children are concerned, applying simplified or modified rules will contribute to a more enjoyable safer and satisfactory sporting experience. The emphasis is on fun and promoting participation rather than competition. For example, as children cannot focus for as long and become fatigued more easily, using smaller fields and shorter games will contribute promoting safe participation, similarly providing more breaks limit risk or overheating. An example of a modified sport is Netta Netball. Netta Netball is a modified version of netball, some of the rules that accommodate participation for children include; reduced height in the goal post, 8 feet instead of 10 feet, which makes it easier to shoot goals. Shorter quarters, 410 minute quarters rather than 415 minute quarters which reduce fatigue. More time to pass the ball, 6 seconds rather than 3 seconds, which makes it easier to pass the ball. Sports policy must also enforce or encourage the use of appropriate protective equipment. The playing equipment needs regular checks and must be suitable for the size of the player. For example, a cricket helmet must be free of cracks and a suitable size for the athlete. Protective equipment can often soften blows to reduce the risk or injury. Ill-fitted equipment may cause discomfort for players and this increases the risk of injury. For example supportive and cushioned shoes for runners will reduce the risk of injuries such as shin splints. Mouth guards are frequently used to protect teeth and the jaw in sports such as, boxing, rugby league and hockey or any other sport where there is a possibility of getting hit in the face. The rules and competition structures must also be modified based on the skill level, growth and development. This effectively promotes safe participation as it decreases the risk of injury. Mentally athletes are more positive when playing against people of their own size. There are certain sports such as rugby union, which promote ‘weight for age’ competitions, where players compete under weight categories to promote safe participation associated with size contact. Combat sports such as boxing an judo are also examples where competitors are based on weight category.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Trouble with Society :: essays papers
Trouble with Society The most troubling thing in our society today is how children treat each other. We try to teach our children to have high morals so they will be honest and kind when they become older. But how are our children acting when grownups are not around. Kids tend to classify each other by how rich their parents are and how well they dress. To a child who is classified as being poor the ridicule and constant teasing can be overwhelming possibly causing many psychological problems. Kids want a lot of things and as parents we would like to give those things to them. But a lot of the time we can't afford to. With the rising cost of living it is hard for some people to even put food on the table. With the price of designer label clothes being so high many people can only afford to shop at k-mart. To a child fashion is everything if you don't look cool than you will not be accepted by others. You will be teased and made fun of. I remember when I was in elementary school everybody had nike high top sneakers. Although my family was not poor my mother worked hard for her money and she didn't think it was necessary to pay fifty dollars for a pair of shoes I would probably ruin in a couple weeks. Well I was so embarrassed when I had to wear the shoes my mom picked up for me from k-mart's. I remember the other children laughing at me because I had a pair of cheap sneakers on. Children go through a lot growing up have to use their parents morals to battle today's social problems. Many things can effect a child's psychological behavior which in return effects the people around them. Let's look at the situation that occurred at Columbine High School in Colorado, two children who were social outcasts finally had enough of being teased and made fun of went to school and started shooting their peers. Maybe if they weren't teased like they were, for not dressing like everyone else or acting like the others, they would have never built up enough anger to do such a thing to other humans. For a child to have to grow up in a shack of a house with no heat or running water is a tragedy.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
English as a Second Language Essay
Originally, England’s linguistic changes made English the second language and over the years, second language teaching has undergone a lot of erratic changes. Religious schools have greatly influenced the moral and cultural framing of English at this point in time. UK was also the center of developmental English teaching during World War II. Pioneers such as Harold Palmer, Michael West and Lawrence Fawcett triumphed in founding principled basis for teaching English as a second language. These strategies and methodologies derived from teaching of English on Great Britain were adjoined with other existing forms from overseas settings. In general, English is the first and widely taught foreign or second language and is considered as a medium language for education. Today, it is a common context to learn or study more than two languages. Pope stated, â€Å"English represents access to specific knowledge and skills and tends to be identified with the technology and science as well as the economic and cultural models of the modern 32). Different approaches such as communication, vocabulary and grammar are used in teaching English as a second language. Learning also depends on the fluency level aim, if it is purposely learnt for specific tasks or if the learner wants to achieve a native speaking tongue. English and other foreign languages can be mastered through live encounters or cross-cultural communication and study or technical translation. Early introduction of English in schools poses an academic advantage when it comes to learning the language. Basically, background knowledge of English and other foreign language is one of the most important things to consider. Reading is a cardinal skill in learning. It enhances metalinguistic awareness but for some reason, it can become a hindrance and a false knowledge. Students tend to enjoy meaningful conversation more than teachers’ theoretical strategies of detailed vocabulary and grammar lessons and this causes the problem in comprehension. Since some students do not deliberately concentrate on their reading skills and focus more on conversing, complete understanding is not achieved and it is merely viewed as a plain reading. Children at a very young age study two or more foreign languages and sometimes, English is rather a third language. Schools and educators sometimes forget to pay attention over the verity that it could be too much for young children to learn multiple languages all at the same time. For universities that use English for substantial academic paper works and materials, reading is crucial. But every teacher and learner should focus on the remaining language skills: listening, speaking, writing, and assessment, even if these are all adjunct to the capital skill that is reading. It is important for the teacher to have a considerable degree of attention towards the native language of the learner because native language plays a vital role in understanding a foreign language. English is the universal language. In some instances, teachers also experience difficulty expressing thoughts in English and this indicates that it is hard to achieve proficiency even if an individual has the basic and complex knowledge of the language. Teachers and educators’ goal should not be for the learners to achieve a native speaking tongue that flawlessly pronounces tones and speaks vocabulary and grammar perfectly. The ultimate goal is for students to learn how to listen, speak, write and read in English in a manner of complete comprehension and not necessarily to acquire a native speaking tongue. Works Cited Pope, Rob. â€Å"The English studies book: an introduction to language, literature and culture. †2002). Routledge. 420 Smith, Richard C. â€Å"Wren and Wyatt†. 2003). Routledge.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Career in Clinical Psychology - 964 Words
I chose research in a clinical psychologist career. I have been interested in the field of psychology since high school, and I have always wanted to work with helping people. A doctorate’s degree, an internship, up to two years professional practice, and the passing of the Examination of Professional Practice in Psychology are the education and training requirements to become a clinical psychologist. Licensure is also needed to practice clinical psychology. As a clinical psychologist, my responsibilities and duties would include: studying and diagnosing mental, emotional, and behavioral problems; treating and helping my clients; and consulting with other trained psychologists on the best way to help the patients. Being a private practice†¦show more content†¦To help with my weaknesses, some suggested strategies include: preparing for interviews with friends, thinking then communicating, and setting deadlines for making decisions. My type will give me career development strengths in providing help, being attentive, learning with patience, doing hands-on work, and teamwork. My development will lack in assertiveness, giving honest feedback to spare someone’s feelings, and making tough decisions. Being a clinical psychologist will allow me to use my helpfulness, patience, and attentiveness. Being a clinical psychologist also means that I will have to make tough decisions and give honest feedback, so that will challenge me. The top three most popular occupations for my ISFP type are veterinary assistant, team assembler, and electrical power installer/repairer. MBTI believe these will best suit because they are all hands-on work, producing a tangible, finished product, and I will be working with others in those job fields. None of the most popular occupations listed include psychologist. I do not agree with the results because I am not interested in any of the occupations given. All the jobs listed are way off of what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life. The top three least popular occupations for my ISFP type are anesthesiologist, health and safety engineer, and industrial/organizational psychologist. MBTI finds these occupations least satisfying to me because I might haveShow MoreRelatedCareer Research Paper: Clinical Psychology894 Words  | 4 PagesCareer Research Paper: Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology is just one of the many subfields that psychology has to offer. Those who choose to enter clinical psychology aim to help people with addiction, emotional stress, mental illness, or any other type of mental problems. Knowing what a clinical psychologist does in their practice is important in understanding their profession. 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