Monday, September 30, 2019
Different Marriage or Wedding Practices in Countries Essay
I. Africa: 1. In some African tribes, the bride and groom have their wrists tied together with cloth or braided grass to represent their marriage. 2. To honor their ancestors, some Africans pour Holy water, or alcohol, onto the ground as prayers are recited to the ancestral spirits. 3. The bride wears a veil made of plaited hair which represents reserve. 4. The people present wear traditional regional costumes. 5. The couple jumps above a brush covered with flowers, which symbolizes the starting of domestic life. 6. The Kola nut is most often used for medicinal purposes in Africa. It is also essential in most African weddings. The Kola nut symbolizes the couple’s willingness to always help heal each other. In Nigeria, the ceremony is not complete until a kola nut is shared between the couple and their parents. II. Arabia: 1. Traditionally, marriage was between paternal first cousins or other patrilineally related kin. 2. It was customary for potential spouses not to meet before the wedding night, and marriages had to be arranged by fathers, mothers, and other relatives. These practices are changing slowly and unevenly, but the tendency is toward fewer close-cousin marriages and for the couple to communicate with each other before the wedding. 3. The bride wears an elaborate veil and gets her hands and feet decorated with a drawing made with alhea (henna). 4. During the reception, men and women stay separated. 5. Men are allowed to have four wives at a time as long as they can treat them equally, but polygyny is uncommon in most of the population. Marriage is considered a necessary part of life, and almost all adults marry III. Caribe and Burmuda: 1. The bride and groom show off their finest clothes for the entire village. 2. There’s no need for a best man at an Island wedding. 3. A typical wedding feast features curried goat and spicy chicken jerky 4. The traditional wedding cake is a â€Å"Black Cake†with the recipe handed down from mother to daughter for many generations. The cake is traditionally served with a Hard Rum Sauce and all of the dried fruits are soaked in rum in a crock pot for anywhere from two weeks to one year. 5. Calypso music is played. 6. In the Bermudas people plant a tree for prosperity. IV. China: 1. Auspicious days are subject to interpretation by fortune tellers that perform the analysis based on one’s birth date (day and hour) after consultation with the Chinese almanac. It is said to be the oldest continuous publication known. 2. In the Chinese community it is considered bad form if an individual consults the almanac and performs a self analysis. That is why a fortune teller or Fung Suey [Feng Shui] expert is consulted. 3. The 15 day period from the middle to the end of the seventh lunar month is considered inauspicious because that is time of the Hungry Ghost Festival when the gates of Hell are opened and the lost spirits are allowed to wander the earth. They should not be invited to the wedding! 4. Decorations and gift wrappings are red as this color (and gold too) symbolizes happiness and wealth. 5. There are always rockets acting as protection against bad spirits. 6. The bride changes her dress three times during the wedding ceremony. V. England: 1. The familiar tradition of a flower girl throwing rose petals as she passes down the aisle before the bride is a reminder of days gone by when the bride walked to the church with her maids in waiting. Leading the procession was always a young girl throwing flower petals along the lane, so the bride’s path through life would be happy and laden with flowers. 2. The couple walks toward the church with their wedding procession over a path of orange blossoms. 3. Something Old – Something New – Something Borrowed – Something Blue†¦And a Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe! This good-luck saying that originated many years ago in the Victorian era. 4. Most of the brides wear a horseshoe on one of their arms decorated with lace as an amulet. 5. The fruit cake is covered with marzipan. The upper section (baptism tart) is kept until the first child is born. VI. France: 1. A traditional French custom for the groom to call on his future bride at her home on the morning of their wedding. 2. In a church filled with incense and flowers, the couple stands beneath a silk canopy. A predecessor of the veil, a square of silk fabric, â€Å"carre'†is held over the head of the bride and groom as the couple received the priest’s final blessing. They were designed to protect the couple from descending malice. The same veil is used for the baptism of their new born child. 3. The bridal portion is put in the â€Å"nuptial wardrobe,†hand engraved with symbols of health and prosperity. 4. The couple drinks from the traditional wedding cup. 5. All decorations are white, and laurel leaves are spread out of the church when the nuptial couple departs. 6. On the wedding night, pots and pans are drummed to disturb the couple. The groom invites jokers in and some refreshments are offered. VII. Germany: 1. During the engagement period both the bride and groom wear a ring on their left hand. After the wedding they wear the wedding ring on their right hand. Usually the rings are gold with no diamonds. 2. Germany brides wear either very short trains or usually none at all attached to their wedding dress. If veils are worn they are of fingertip length and typically never worn over the face 3. The groom usually wears a black suit or a smoking jacket (dinner jacket) 4. Some weeks before the wedding the groom and his male friends go to a Kneipe (pub) to drink and have fun for his last time as a single man. 5. Before a church wedding the bride and groom will have been married in the Standesamt (Registry Office) by a registrar which is most often in the Rathaus (town hall). A witness is needed for the bride and also for the groom. 6. At a party on the evening before the wedding plates and dishes are smashed to scare off evil spirits. Only china can be used. Anything else would bring bad luck. The bride and groom have to clean up everything. This is to indicate that they can work together. 7. Together, the bride and groom will enter the church and walk down the aisle. Because it is not legal to have only a church ceremony, the couple will have already been legally married by a Standesbeamte. 8. As the couple walks to the wedding car, fir boughs are laid along the path to pave their first newlywed steps with fresh greenery to symbolize hope, luck and fertility. 9. On the day of the wedding, the guests go to couple’s house. VIII. Greece: 1. Before the wedding, tradition in Greece is to have your â€Å"Bed†made before groom actually sleep in it with the new spouse. During this ceremony, the bed is â€Å"made†with hand-knit linens and then adorned with Koufetta – almond candies, rose petals and, of course, money from friends and family for good luck. 2. When attending a Greek wedding, guests might wear a small â€Å"Eye†to ward off evil and keep the Bride and Groom protected from bad luck. 3. Greek Brides often put a lump of sugar in their glove for a â€Å"sweet†marriage. 4. Nowadays, after the wedding ceremony, guests are offered bombonieres. These delightful gifts of sugar-coated almonds are wrapped in net and attached to a small memento of your wedding. 5. Another hallmark of modern weddings is the wild and deafening loud concerto of automobile horns before and after a wedding ceremony. 6. In the reception a dance with handkerchiefs (Kaslamantiano) is enjoyed by all while stuf fed grape leaves, lamb skewers, and wine are served. 7. During the ceremony the groom is asked to honor the bride and she slightly touches him to put emphasis. IX. Italy: 1. A traditional Italian proposal begins with a romantic serenade. 2. Brides to be and their families gathered a â€Å"dote†or dowry of household goods and clothing in hope or marriage chests. This was often augmented with money or property. 3. In southern Italy, wild bachelor parties are uncommon as are raucous gatherings for the ladies. 4. Italian bride wears a white gown and veil. The white dress symbolizes purity while the veil, sometimes torn for luck, prevents the groom from clearly seeing the face of his intended before the ceremony, and thereby bringing bad luck upon the couple. 5. Almonds covered with caramel symbolize the joys and sadness of marriage. Sometimes the couple is pelted with sugared almonds. 6. In the reception, everyone enjoys the traditional dance called the â€Å"Tarantella.†X. Japan: 1. Sake Ceremony – known as one of the oldest traditional Japanese wedding customs, san-san-kudo, or sharing of sake is still performed today. 2. In Japan, brides may wear a colorful silk kimono or a shiromuku, a formal gown passed down over the ages and still used today as traditional bridal dresses. Some Japanese brides choose to wear a modern wedding gown. 3. The bride wears an elaborate white silk dress, various adornments, and a special wig. 4. In the reception there’s a dedication and some speeches, and the honored guests tell stories about the couple. 5. Kiogashi (colored sweets with flower shape), indicate that this is also a party. 6. Red is the funny and lucky color. XI. Korea: 1. In Korea, the marriage between a man and woman represents the joining of two families, rather than the joining of two individuals. 2. Before a Korean bride may be married, she must take part in the traditional Introduction ceremony, where she is accepted into the groom’s family. In a private ceremony, the groom’s family welcomes the bride. 3. The groom’s father may throw red dates at his daughter-in-law to bring her luck in fertility. 4. On the eve of the wedding (hum), the groom, bride, and her friends gather at the bride’s house. The groom’s friends arrive later, shouting and carrying lanterns to light the way and the bride’s things/dowry. Before entering they demand to be paid. When the payment of food and song is agreed upon, they enter and join with the others to celebrate. 5. Traditionally, a chest of gifts for the bride’s family was brought by the groom’s family. 6. The bride wears a multicolored silk dress with white sleeves and a black silk crown and she is made up with red points on her cheeks to scare away bad spirits. XII. Scotland: 1. Usually about a week before the ceremony the mother of the bride will hold a â€Å"show of presents†for her daughter. This corresponds to the bridal shower in other cultures. A slightly more raunchy tradition is the groom’s stag party. 2. The modern Scottish bride will wear a traditional or contemporary white wedding gown, while the groom dresses in traditional Highland kilt, kilt jacket and sporran. 3. The couple is either bag piped down the isle or traditional Gaelic hymns are played as they walk to the altar. The Highland Wedding is played at virtually all Scottish weddings. 4. Once at the altar the couple may choose to recite their vows in ancient Gaelic or to recite them in modern English. Following the vows the groom often pins a strip of his clan’s tartan colors to the bride’s wedding dress to signify that she is now a member of his clan. 5. Following the ceremony the bride and groom and all their honored guests head to a private home or to a restaurant for a lavish reception feast. At the typical Scottish reception you can count on the bride and groom being â€Å"piped†to the table of honor, where the bride will cut the first slice of wedding cake using a dirk (a long-bladed knife) that is provided to her by the piper. As the bride slices the first piece of wedding cake, custom dictates that her hand is guided by the hand of her new husband. 6. The wedding reception is filled with music, signing, much drinking and toasting to the health and happiness of the new couple. The celebrations can go on into the wee hours of the morning. 7. One custom that hasn’t changed for more than 700 years is the custom of the groom carrying his new bride over the threshold of their new home together. XIII. The Netherlands: 1. Dutch people are free to choose their spouses. The common basis for marriage is most often love. This does not mean that people marry independently of the constraints of class, ethnicity, and religion. 2. The choice of a partner is often class-based. Monogamy is the only marriage form allowed. 3. Many Dutch couples live in a consensual arrangement. Same-sex couples can marry and have the same rights as heterosexual couples. 4. A civil wedding ceremony, usually conducted in the town hall, is required in Holland to give marriage legality; so many couples have both a religious and civil ceremony on the same day. 5. The wedding ceremony is usually followed by a series of celebrations consisting of a reception, a formal dinner and a party, and it is common practice for family and friends to be invited to either all or just part of the celebrations, depending on their closeness to the couple. XIV. Russia: 1. The betrothal is a ceremony performed with the rites of the Eastern Church, and takes place eight days before the marriage. 2. During the interval between betrothal and marriage the bride’s girl friends endeavor to amuse her and keep up her spirits (for she is supposed to be in a state of lamentation and grief) by singing to her, and their songs tell of the happiness of married life. 3. On the day before the wedding they conduct her to the bath, where much time is spent in dressing her hair, while she listens to their songs. 4. Both bride and bridegroom receive a solemn blessing from their parents before leaving their houses, and even the wedding garments are blessed by the priest. 5. After the dedication, cups are thrown to the floor. Their breaking means happiness. 6. The bride and groom usually tie a doll to the wedding car or carriage if they wish their first child to be a girl, and a teddy bear if they want a boy. XV. Hawaiian: 1. The bride wears a long, white formal version of the muumuu called a ‘holoku. 2. Instead of a veil, a woven garland of island flowers, ‘haku lei’ is worn around her head. 3. The bride’s bouquet may consist of white orchid sprays. 4. The groom wears a long sleeve white shirt and white pants. A long red or colored sash is worn wrapped about his waist. A lei of maile and ilima flowers adorn his neck. 5. Hawaiian wedding bands bearing the couple’s name in Hawaiian are often exchanged. The name ‘kuuipo’ meaning sweetheart, is favorite choice for the bride. XVI. Philippines: 1. During the reception couples practice the Filipino wedding custom of releasing a pair of doves to symbolize a loving and harmonious marriage. 2. During the reception the wedding cake is sliced. 3. Throwing rice confetti at the newlyweds will bring them prosperity all their life. 4. The groom must arrive before the bride at the church to avoid bad luck. 5. Dropping the wedding ring, the veil or the arrhae during the ceremony spells unhappiness for the couple. 6. Bride should not try on her wedding dress before the wedding, maybe it will push through. XVII. Native American: 1. From Apache to Cheyenne and Hopi to Sioux, Native American wedding customs are beautiful and vary according to tribe. One custom in particular requires the bride and groom to wash their hands to cleanse away evil and previous lovers. 2. Ceremonies can be held in chapels, historical landmarks, Indian monuments, or reservations. Pow Wow drums provide lively music for the wedding reception festivities. 3. The Blanket Ceremony – This ritual entails using two blue blankets to represent the couple’s past lives. The couple are wrapped in blue blankets and led to a sacred circle of fire. The officiating person or spiritual leader blesses the union and the couple shed the blue blankets and enveloped by relatives in a single white blanket which represents their new life. Under the white blanket, it’s customary that the couples embrace and kiss. The white blanket is usually kept and displayed in the couple’s home. 4. The Native American bride may wear a white dress or a beautiful long leather dress with beading and traditional colors woven into the fabric. The traditional colors of Native Americans include White for east, Blue for south, Yellow for west, and Black for north. 5. The wedding feast consists of ceremonial foods such as white and yellow corn prepared in a delicious corn mush. The white represents the groom and the yellow represents the bride. The two types of corn are mixed to represent the new union.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Winston’s True Love for Julia Persuasion
Love is a word that can have multiple meanings. You can love someone for who they are, because of how they act, or maybe even you love the idea of love and rebellion which may include someone special. â€Å"1984†depicts this idea of love between Winston and Julia in a manner that changes people’s viewpoints. The factors that determine whether Julia and Winston love each other include the idea of love that keeps them together, the physical attraction between them, and the emotional relationship they create.You can determine whether the love that Winston and Julia share is actually true love or is it just the ideas that one loves about another. â€Å"His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it; he wished it had been hundreds-thousands. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. †(p. 125). This quote proves that Winston loves the fact that she has had sexual intercourses with scores of Party members, proving the corruption in the P arty itself. But nowhere in the novel does it mention Winston loving Julia, but it mentions what Winston loves about her: her hair, eyes, characteristics, sexual intercourses, etc. This idea also intertwines with the concept of love and physical attraction. Physical attraction is one of the ideas and human characteristics that the Party is trying to eliminate. Any signs of physical attraction to another member or Prole can result in becoming an â€Å"unperson†. He thought of her naked, youthful body, as he had seen in his dream. He had imagined her a fool like all the rest of them, her head stuffed with lies and hatred, her belly full of ice. A kind of fever seized him at the thought that he might lose her, the white youthful body might slip away from him! †(p. 109-110). This quote proves that Winston indeed has a physical attraction to Julia, but not because he loves her, but because he wants to prove a point against the Party without them actually knowing. By stating that she is â€Å"a fool like all the rest of them, her head stuffed with lies and hatred, her bell full of ice†, Winston attempts to mock the Party by presenting a case where he has attracted a devoted Party member and therefore broken their stronghold. But as later seen in the novel, physical attraction may not only be the main idea behind the ‘love’ Winston has for Julia. Emotional attraction is one of the major connections between Winston and Julia and it affects the overall purpose of the novel. â€Å"He had never before seen or imagined a woman of the Party with cosmetics on her face. The improvements in her appearance were startling. †(p. 142). Although this quote does not directly portray an emotional connection between the two Party members, the physical changes are the ones that attract Winston more emotionally to Julia. He is already connected to Julia in a manner which involves her body, her ideas and her methods of rebellion. Emotionally though, Winston sees that she is more than just an idea outside Party views, but a person with emotions and feelings. Winston is able to see this clearly during this scene. All of these different connections allow readers to analyze whether the there is a true love between Winston and Julia or is it just a love about being an individual in a society which commands all inhabitants to be the same? The idea of love, the physical attraction and emotional connection assist readers in deciding whether or not Winston and Julia are truly in love. Each and all have arguments for and against the point but whether there is truly a love attraction between the two has, and always will, stay as a thought in the readers’ mind. The true answer to this question will always remain with the author of the award-winning novel.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Agility and ability of ITC Ltd to adapt to its external environment
Agility and ability of ITC Ltd to adapt to its external environment In this particular analyses of ITC Limited we are going to look upon the the agility and ability of its growth and how it has been sustainable over a longer period of time. ITC limited, is a multi-business portfolio headquartered in Kolkata, India by Yogesh Chander Deveshwar. It is a 100 year old company. It focuses on all round value creation to build a strong corporate governance policies and systems. It expanded its business in the following years: Presently ITC Limited is purely an independent Company In August 24, 1910 it was incorporated by Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited and shared ancestry with Imperial Tobacco. In 1970 it was changed to India Tobacco Company Limited from Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited. Later in 1974 it was changed to I.T.C Limited. In 1985, it introduced Surya Tobacco Company in Nepal which was renamed ‘Surya Nepal Private Limited’ in August 2002. In 1972, ITC entered into Hotels business. ITC premier chain of luxury hotels is known as ITC Welcome group. In 1975, it introduced its hotel business in Chennai named ‘Hotel Sheraton’. It has entered into hotel business to have privilege to host the guests across the world .It was first one to introduce brand sustenance in the Hotel Industry. Its restaurants such as Dakshin, DumPukht and Bukhara are known world wide for its auspicious Indian cuisines from the various sectors of the country.One reason why ITC entered into hotels because it was a British company and in Indian society trend of Tobacco was looked down upon at that time. With enhancement of tourist infrastructure in Hotel business it earns high foreign currency which helped company to govern a good brand image and added a valuable amount to Indian Economy. It great infrastructure of Tourism and large scale of direct and indirect employment has added a great value to the nation. It 1979, it introduced its paperboards business named ‘ITC Bhadrachalam Paperboards Limited’ which was on November, 2002 merged with Tribeni Tissues Limited (which was introduced in 1990 and was the major tissue paper supplier). It was the first supplier in packaging, therefore it has high value added position in market. In 1990 it entered with its Agri-business for the export of agri-commodities. Today it is one of the largest exporters industry .Throughout its agricultural areas in India it has developed a network in business model centers of Internet connected Kiosks, known as e-Choupal. In 2000, it Introduced Lifestyle Retailing business under brand name ‘Wills’ with great International quality of relaxed sports wear for both men and women. In 2002, it expanded its range including Wills Classic Formal Wear and specific segment of men’s wear brand, ‘John Players’. In 2003, with wills Club-life evening wear. In 2004, government put estoppel on Tobacco advertising which compelled ITC not to associate â€Å"Wills†by the brand name of Cigarettes anymore, to save it from being charged for it advertising. In 2000, it also came with its owned subsidiary business of Information Technology named, ‘ITC Infotech India Limited’. It has availability of high man power quality. In August, 2001, ITC entered into Food Industry with packaged and branded food business of ready-to-cook eatables with the brand name â€Å"Kol†with a premium price range. In the beginning it followed the strategy that it will trade at the places where there are less number of competition to built its brand image. Along with the food industry, it has also launched a new brand named, ‘Kitchens of India’. In that period there was a great demand for processed food because of increase in disposable income and urbanization resulted in growth opportunities. One of the reason why ITC entered into Food Industry because in 2001-02 the excise duty on budget on processed fruit and vegetables has been brought down from 16% to z ero level .Later in june,2002 , to generate more revenues it launched products like staples, snacks and confectionery.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Distributing and Marketing Music Albums Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Distributing and Marketing Music Albums - Essay Example Distributing and Marketing Music Albums Generally there are a number of ways through which we can distribute our albums. One way would be to use physical distribution agencies such as CD baby. Although we may be forced to incur some costs such as the cost of shipping the CDs, the use of physical distributers is quite effective and it will certainly enable our band to sell higher volumes of albums than any other music album distribution methods. Alternatively we can use the online distributers such as Amazon. The primary advantage of using Amazon and the other online distributers is that it will allow our band to post some editorial reviews alongside albums on sale and the customers will also be able to post their personal comments and reviews. Consequently apart from the fact that online distributers like Amazon may guarantee huge sales because they have large customer bases, this distribution option enables our band to understand their customers perception with regard to the newly launched Music album by analyzing their reviews. We will however have to contend with a few limitations of this option such as the high annual fees that these distributers often charge which can sometimes goes as high as 55% per each album sold. We can also choose to physically distribute our albums by ourselves. This option is undeniably the best in terms of saving costs and increasing profits but we must understand that it is a time consuming p rocess that requires commitment from all the relevant players in the band.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Critique of Clinical Skill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Critique of Clinical Skill - Essay Example Critical appraisal is a systematic process utilized to identify research strengths and weaknesses inherent in a research article. This is done with an aim of assessing the validity, reliability and usefulness of research findings. The primary components of critical appraisal include the evaluation of the study design’s appropriateness for the research questions used, and the careful assessment of key methodological design features. Other factors that should be taken into consideration while critically appraising an article are such as the examination of the suitability of the statistical methods used to analyze data, potential conflict of interest and the research relevance to an individual practice. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to appraise the below named article on wound management. Article: Annells, M., O’Neill, J., & Flowers, C. (2008). Compression bandaging for venous leg ulcers: the essentialness of a willing Patient. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(3), 350- 359.doi 10.1111/j. 1365-2702.2007.01996.x Analyzing whether the Research Study Questions Are Relevant A research can be of the highest methodological rigor but it may be of little value if it does not address a significant topic or add value to the already existing knowledge about the subject under discussion (Mays & Pope, 2000). The article sought to find answers to the following question â€Å"why do or why don’t district nurses use compression bandaging as a component of the management of venous leg ulcers?†The aim of the study was to help identify both constraints and enablers. The research question is relevant because it seeks to explain why some and not all nurses utilize compression management to manage venous leg ulcers. In addition to that, the study findings contribute to the existing knowledge because less has been documented as to why compression bandaging is not often used by district nurses in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Furthermore, the research question is relevant to the clinical practice. As a result of the study, factors that might constrain the willingness of the patient to apply compression bandaging in the treatment and maintenance of the venous leg ulcer were identified. Then, the actions that need to be performed to facilitate patient willingness were recommended. Does the Study Add Anything New? Any scientific research aims at developing new knowledge and ideas on the basis of work done previously (Hawking, 2003). As a result of this particular research, district nurses were made aware of the significance of evidence-based practice. Proper understanding of the findings of the study will support the planning carried out by the district nursing organization. As a result, there will be an improvement in the rate of appropriate use of compression bandage on venous leg ulcers. The increased use will be facilitated via the provision of relevant resources and the needed education. Moreover, the research findings will up date nurses on how to appropriately asses venous leg ulcer patients. Similarly, the nurses are able to plan and implement strategies for best practice care which is sustainable and patient driven. The research adds new knowledge to the work done previously. The Type of Questions Posed By the Study The most significant task of critical appraisal is the identification of the specific research questions being addressed by the article.
Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Psychology - Essay Example We will also relate Constructive Developmental Theory to the best development perspective out of the three. Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory is basically related to the working of unconscious mind. â€Å"Sigmund Freud's belief was that human beings possess minds that are divided into two parts: an unconscious and a conscious†(Slupesky, 2004). Freud believed that human development takes place in a predetermined order. This theory believes that unhealthy people can suffer from irrational pleasure seeking or guilt because they are in unconscious state of mind and are not aware of the unconscious processes taking place in their minds. The therapy for such people includes bringing an understanding of the unconscious into the conscious in order to make the person understand the choices that he or she has in life. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Similar to Freud, Erikson also believed that human development takes place in a predetermined order. Erikson’s theory focused more on social development of a person whereas Freud focused the psychological development. Erikson expanded Freud’s theory by mentioning that the process of human development continues throughout the life of a human.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
US National Security Council (NSC) official briefing the National Essay
US National Security Council (NSC) official briefing the National Security Adviser on why rebel groups may take control of parts of Syria - Essay Example outlining the Syrian conflict as that pitting the foreign allies and the government against the groups of insurgents who are mainly against the government (Syrian conflict spills into cyberspace, 2013). Since the end of the World War II, the context of International Relations to the United States has transformed largely. The nation being the world’s superpower has the mandate to maintain this position by asserting its influence on global issues that define the nature of global cohesion. Therefore, the conflict in Syria, as experienced in other nations such as Libya and Iraq, requires the intervention of the United States. Through the National Security Council, the National Security Advisor of the Head of State reviews the situation in Syria, mapping out the possible implications of the ongoing conflict in accordance with the traditional American viewpoint of International Relations (Choi and James, 2014). The Syrian Conflict may encounter the rebels taking control of most parts of the country because certain foreign forces allied to the ISIS rebels continue funding this movement. Due to the barbaric use of chemical weapons by the Syrian leader on the people of that country, many countries have expressed their solidarity against the leader. This unity between the foreign countries and the radicals empowers the rebels through offering them advanced weapons and funds to fight against the oppression endured by the innocent citizens. In response to these actions, the United States Security Council decided that the United States needs to conduct limited attacks against the Syrian leadership. The U.S holds the mantle for being the most democratic state, and believes that it is the obligation of each government to protect their citizens. Therefore, the choice to join the Syrian government in fighting ISIS will be an indication that U.S supports oppression, while the collaboration with rebel forces will insinuate that the U.S is a state that does not recognize the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Trave and hotel industry in Hawaii Research Paper
Trave and hotel industry in Hawaii - Research Paper Example Although agriculture which has variety like flower cultivation, macadamia nuts and papaya, manganese nodule mining and film production have extended Hawaii’s economic base tourism still plays a major role ( Hawaii 9 pp3). Indirect employment is in sectors like transport and retail. When employed individuals spend their wages and salaries on goods and services, it leads to more jobs creation. This is referred but economist as multiplier effect. Tourism brings in foreign exchange; international tourists change their currency into Hawaii currency to be able to pay for their experience. Therefore, the host country gets foreign exchange to spend on its expenses such as educational and medical facilities (Tourism and the economy, 12). Tourism is often seasonal; this makes economy of Hawaii fluctuate with all coming season. The unstable economic system makes it hard for the government to estimate yearly budgets because other seasons will be very high as compared to other years. Over dependence on tourism will have a negative effect to the economy during low seasons. Second, tourism sector is always affected by current affairs; insecurity issues affect tourism negatively which eventually affects the economy. For instance the September 11 attack reduced the visitor number in Hawaii (Tourism and the economy, 12). Tourism and hospitality industry in Hawaii generates one out of every five jobs. The industry provides employments in restaurants, hotels, car rental companies, security services, entertainment, retail stores, airlines, airport and many other operations that supply goods and services to tourists (Sharma, pp 127). During high tourism seasons in Hawaii demand for workers is high. In this case, more people are employed in the tourism and hospitality sector. In determining the employment rates, situations statistical techniques adjustment is used. Hawaii’ seasonally adjusted rates were, unemployment rate for November 2011,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Is it better to live in a small city or a big city Essay
Is it better to live in a small city or a big city - Essay Example towns (smaller cities) often referred to as the ‘countryside’, come with a pollution free environment and a close social network that is up-close and personal, but with a dull and never varying lifestyle. To compare the two in a dispassionate manner and adjudicate which is the better one would indeed be an onerous task. Whether one prefers the anonymity of a large city, or whether one prefers the close social familiarity of a small township, often depends on the temperament of the concerned person. For me, it is the big cities that I find to be completely mesmerizing and full of excitement, with their ever changing colors, affordable amenities, and easy going lifestyle. Large cities also tend to suit my style with their less personal social set ups. Living in a large city has its own special advantages. To begin with, we will find that certain basic amenities like health and transport are better provided for, in a large city. Transportation especially, is far easier when compared to smaller cities or towns. In the latter, public transportation is few and far between, and so it becomes essential that the inhabitants have vehicles of their own. Cities, on the other hand, offer a large number of choices, ranging from buses, to taxis, to trains, and even subways, in some cases. It is always cheaper to go for public transportation than using one’s own vehicle, an option that is often missing in the small towns. A city life is multidimensional, and offers a host of choices, both in lifestyle and career. A person may wish to remain anonymous, and not like too many social interactions. A large city would be able to provide him with this cover. If on the other hand, he prefers a gay social life, a large city would again be able to offer him with a variety of choices like pubs, restaurants and clubs, which are ideal for such mix ups and gatherings. The best thing that a city can offer is a social life that does not try to get too personal. This characteristic of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
IT service Essay Example for Free
IT service Essay The IT service offers reliable, fast and cost smart IT online support to global clientele. The idea for such a service is derived from the constant growth of demand for various IT services and a wide offer of skilled professionals available globally. The projected 2004-14 employment increase of 453,000 translates into 1.6 million jobs [1]. Main service features are flexibility and real-time problem solutions offered round-the-clock. The innovation of service process is in hiring freelancers from different time zones and building the network of highly skilled workforce at minimum cost possible. The company would have on-site professionals as well to ensure consistency and proper recourses management. Recent Accenture study shows that 85% of IT managers claimed that global IT operations were crucial to their business strategy, 94 percent of them said their companies operating capabilities to support that strategy were not up to it[2]. Here are some pointers how to avoid potential ethical and legal obstacles that may occur in the process: Avoid dumping pricing accusation on certain markets by building smart pricing scheme Avoid payment and labor law issues in the countries we are hiring professionals from by creating virtual marketplace with its own terms and conditions. There is concern about federal, state and local government policy proposals that may restrict overseas outsourcing where labor costs are lower[3]. Run transparent businesses processes and give the clients proper information on your staff and policies – some clients do not trust service providers from less developed countries, so we have to make sure to distribute the work force properly. Mission statement We are a dream IT department for every client: always available, professional and cost smart. We want to be considered number one choice for online support within next three years. Marketing objectives for year one Although we are going to offer our services globally, this projection is done on the basis of three major markets defined by the size of market potential: Country A, B and C. For the first quarter we will focus on sales contacts and building the brand and site visibility: Achieve brand/website awareness among the target customers of 30% on target audience. Sales force will have task to perform initial contacts or address inquiries received online. Customer contact will be fully completed once the customer receives the tailored offer. This will be the base for bonus scheme. Total customer contacts achieved 1200. Offers accepted 850. We expect slow profit growth in first year due to initial setup costs. Expected profit from 850 contracts: 4250000$ (based on average 5000$ annual maintenance fee umbrella contract) Market share: Country 1: 3%, Country 2: 7%, Country 3: 2%. Other markets: total of 3%
Friday, September 20, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Wireless Internet
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Wireless Internet Wireless Internet is also called Wireless Web, Mobile Internet, and Internet Wireless. Wireless Internet means access the internet through a wireless devices, For Example laptop, cellular telephone , PDA, etc , Using Wireless internet any person can do their day today activities like e-mail, e-banking, communication, conferencing, etc.., In addition to that can be accessed weather and travel information, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ any where any time. Advantages of wireless Internet Fast installation Efficient use of resources Less susceptible to disruption Capacity can be added, removed or reallocated more easily To enable users to bring their own laptop, therefore reducing the cost of owning many PCs. To enable you to easily move PCs. Disadvantages of wireless Internet Cost Technology is newer and more expensive for some applications Speed Radio Frequency (RF) characteristics make high data transfer rates more difficult with wireless than with wired Security Wireless signals are relatively easy to intercept Frequency spectrum saturation Scope Of The Survey What are the current wireless internet technologies Give detailed view about each technology Compare each technology by giving advantages disadvantages of them What are the new trends of wireless internet and the improvements of them with compare to current technologies Current Wireless Internet Technologies LEO IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.16 LMDS 1G-Analoge Cellular MEO (WIFI) (WIMAX) MMDS 2G-Digital Cellular GSO 2.5/2.75G- (GPRS/EDGE) 3G/3.5G Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e/m) Detailed view about each technology Mobile Wireless Internet Technologies First Generation mobile wireless technology (1G) First Generation mobile wireless technology (1G) are analog , voice-only cellular, telecommunications standards, that were Introduced in the 1980s. One such standard is NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone), used in Nordic countries, Eastern Europe and Russia. Others include AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) used in the United States, TACS (Total Access Communications System) in the United Kingdom, JTAGS in Japan, C-Netz in West Germany, Radiocom 2000 in France, and RTMI in Italy. Second generation wireless technology(2G) Second generation mobile wireless technology is based on GSM was launched in Finland in the year 1991, 1G technology use analogue radio signals but 2G technology use digital signals to transfer data,but both technologies connect to the tower using digital signals ,In 2G voice call is encoded to digital signals but 1G signals are modulated to higher frequencies like 150 MHz and up. There are three common technologies used by 2G cell-phone networks for transmitting information Time division multiple access (TDMA) -GSM,PDC(japan),iDEN(US,Canada),IS-136(US) Code division multiple access (CDMA) -IS-95(US,Asia) 2.5G(GPRS) The term 2.5G usually describes a 2G cellular system combined with General Packet Radio Services (GPRS). that means it implements a packet-switched network domain in addition to a circuit-switched domain. It can be provide data rates 56 kbit/s-115 kbit/s and also Services like Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) access, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), and for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access. 2.75G(EDGE) EDGE Defined as GPRS with 8PSK encoding, EDGE was introduced in 2003, EDGE achieves higher data-rates (up to 236.8 kbit/s) Third generation wireless Internet(3G) Third generation mobile wireless technology is based on International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000), 3G is collection of standards mobile telecommunications which includes UMTS, and CDMA2000 with non-mobile wireless standards DECT WiMAX, Compared to 2G and 2.5G services, 3G allows simultaneous use of speech and data services and higher data rates (at least 200 kbit/s). today 3G systems can provide up to 14.0 Mbit/s download speed and 5.8 Mbit/s upload speed. Mobile WiMax(IEEE 802.16e) Mobile WiMAX or 802.16e standard was introduced by the IEEE in late 2005 as real competitor to 3G technologies, However South Korea elected to take a mobile WiMAX compatible standard called wireless broadband (WiBro) to market. WiBro/Mobile WiMAX uses an OFDMAà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ technology called 1K-FFT. Service for the WiBro/Mobile WiMAX standard is in the 2.3 GHz spectrum range at least in Korea. The technology can be easily adapted to other licensed spectrum. Wireless Wide Area Networking Technologies WIMAX(Interoperability for Microwave Access) Wimax is a telecommunications technology that offers transmission of wireless data via a number of transmission methods; such as portable or fully mobile internet access via point to multipoints links. The current WiMAX revision provides up to 40 Mbit/s which is based on Standard IEEE 802.16, it also called Broadband Wireless Access and it was formed in Mid June 2001 Wireless Local Area Networking Technologies WiFi WiFi uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. WiFi is owned by the organization Wi-Fi Alliance, and it is based on IEEE 802.11 standards. 802.11a transmits at 5 GHz and can be provide data rate up to 54 Mb/s and it uses technology orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). 802.11b is the slowest and least expensive standard which transmits at 2.4 GHz can be provide data rate up to 11 Mb/s and it uses complementary code keying (CCK) modulation to improve speeds. 802.11g transmits at 2.4 GHz and it can provide data rates up to 54 Mb/s. 802.11g is faster because it uses the same OFDM coding as 802.11a. 802.11n is the newest standard that is widely available and it can achieve data rates up to 140 Mb/s. Fixed Wireless Internet Technologies LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution System) LMDS is a technology for broadband microwave wireless transmission direct from a local antenna to homes and businesses within distance 1.5 miles (2.4 km) . LMDS offers a download speed up to 1.5 Gb/s and 200 Mb/s upload speed. LMDS commonly operates on frequencies across the 26 GHz and 29 GHz bands. In Europe, (ETSI) is equivalent technology. In Canada, it is called Local Multipoint Communication Service (LMCS) and it is based on IEEE 802.16.1 standards. MMDS(Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service) MMDS provides digital video- and Internet- (including VoIP) access using various over-the-air microwave frequencies. Services are provided within distance 20 miles or 32 km from the transmit site. MMDS commonly operates on frequencies across the 2 GHz and 3 GHz. The MMDS band was separated into eleven channels and Each channel was capable of 10 Mbit/s Satellite wireless internet technologies Communication via satellite can be done using one or two way dish. Satellite dish was placed minimizing the interference with other satellites . the dial-up connection can be used for uploading purposes and the satellite internet connection can be used for downloading data. Mostly, the two-way communication dish is preferred by residential users and small businesses. The two-way internet service is characterized by Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and single channel per carrier (SCPC). There are three satellite constellations, GEO (geostationary earth orbit), LEO (low earth orbit) and MEO (middle earth orbit). low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite is placed in between 160 2,000 km above the Earths surface. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), satellite place in between 2,000-35,786 km above the Earth surface High Earth Orbit(HEO) , satellites place in between 35,786 km above earth surface Comparison of wireless internet technologies Compare some wireless internet technologies Standard Base Technology Usage Radio Technology Download speed(Mb/s) Upload speed(Mb/s) Additional details EDGE Evolution GSM Mobile Internet TDMA/FDD 1.9 0.9 3GPP Release 7 UMTS ,W-CDMA HSDPA,HSUPA HSPA+ }UMTS/3GSM }General 3G CDMA/FDD CDMA/FDD/MIMO 0.384 14.4 56 0.384 5.76 22 HSDPA widely using today, Typical download rates 2Mbit/s, upload ~200 kbit/ HSPA+ download up to 56 Mbit/s. UMTS-TDD UMTS/3GSM Mobile Internet CDMA/TDD 16 16 Use 16QAM modulation like HSDPA+HSUPA 1xRTT CDMA2000 Mobile phone CDMA 0.144 0.144 EV-DO Succeeded Wi-Fi 802.11 (11n) Mobile Internet OFDM/MIMO 288.9 can gain 600 using 40Mhz channel width throughput and/or spectra efficiency (310km 382km Mobile WiMAX 802.16e Mobile Internet MIMO-SOFDMA 144 144 WiMAX update to IEEE 802.16m expect download speed up to 1 Gb/s fixed speeds LTE UMTS/4GSM General 4G OFDMA/MIMO/SC-FDMA 360 80 LTE update to LTE-Advanced expect rates of at least 1 Gb/s fixed speeds and 100 Mb/s to mobile users Compare throughput of the wireless internet technologies Standard Maximum Download Speed(Mb/s) Maximum Download Speed(Mb/s) coverage Typical Download Speed(Mb/s) GSM GPRS Class 10 0.0856 0.0428 ~16 mi 0.014 GSM EDGE type 2 0.4736 0.4736 ~16 mi 0.034 GSM EDGE Evolution 1.8944 0.9472 ~16 mi UMTS W-CDMA HSDPA 14.400 0.3840 up to 124 mi 4.1 (Tre 2007) UMTS W-CDMA HSUPA 14.400 5.7600 up to 124 mi UMTS W-CDMA HSPA+ 42.000 22.000 up to 124 mi UMTS-TDD 16.000 16.000 CDMA RTT 1x 0.3072 0.1536 ~18 mi 0.125 WiMAX: 802.16e 70.000 70.000 ~4 mi >10 WiFi: 802.11a 54.000 54.000 WiFi: 802.11b 11.000 11.000 ~30 m 2 WiFi: 802.11g 54.000 54.000 ~30 m 10 WiFi: 802.11n 200.00 200.00 ~50 m 40 LTE 326.4 86.4 Future trends of wireless internet Why world move towards new wireless technologies Requirements of the people are increasing day by day also so they need to communicate and get connected with each other and get information at any where any time, that increase the demand for mobile wireless technologies.When the demand increase the major wireless service providers keep on monitoring the growth of new mobile wireless technologies. North America, Europe and Asia Pacific total mobile uses in 2010 is expected to grow up to 2500 million and penetration will be greater than 50 percent So to survive from this kind of demand growth, need new wireless technology with higher capacity and higher data rates, so world move towards 4G,LTE Advance, IEEE 802.20,IEEE 802.16m technologies. (T.Saito et al ,2009) Trend towards 4G over 3G 3G network not compatible with demand of higher data rates so wireless world move towards fourth generation (4G) wireless networks, it will expect to support above 100 Mbps data rates and also high quality video and audio than 3G technology because of 4G networks consist of some advance technologies like Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) , 3G networks are based on ITU-T, IMT2000 standards but 4G standards are not defined yet. OFDM and OFDMA can be used to effectively allocate resources of the network to multiple users. In addition to that 4G is expected to provide higher security and lower data transmission latency than 3G. The emerging 4G will be fully packet-switched network. All the elements of the network must be digital and also 4G services have some key features like adaptability and dynamism. Throughput of the 3G only greater than 2, but throughput of 4G is greater than 200, moreover operating frequencies of 3G is 900,1800,1900,2100(MHz) but 4G operates on 2-8(MHz) frequency , so data transmission is more efficient in 4G than 3G, in addition to that signal coverage of 3G technology is greater than or equals 6 miles but in 4G signal coverage is greater than or equals 30 miles. Trend towards IEEE 802.20 -Broadband Wireless Access (MBWA) The IEEE 802.20 is designed for support internet client in vehicle which is moving speed up to 250 Km per hour . IEEE 802.20 supports Qos to give good quality, low-latency services like IEEE 802.16e, and also like IEEE 802.16e its uplink and downlink are synchronous but in 3G uplink and downlink are Asynchronous. IEEE 802.20 is support global roaming facility with the support of 3G, but with compare to IEEE 802.18e it only support local roaming facility. IEEE 802.20 made up of combining good features of 3G and 1EEE 802.16e and reducing the limitations of them. Trend towards LTE-Advance LTE uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) technology to gain good frequency performance, and also it uses single-carrier FDMA(Frequency division Multiple Access) technology, LTE support Multiple Input Multiple Output( MIMO) technology in order to gain good spectrum usage and increase coverage. LTE also support SU-MIMO(Single User MIMO) and MU-MIMO(Multiple User MIMO) and also LTE support spectrum between 1.4-20 MHz. Latency of the LTE is very low (10-20ms) with compare to other technologies. Low latency is very important feature for time critical application like online gaming, etc , And also LTE only use packet switched domain which leads simple protocol architecture. LTE-Advanced can be defined as LTE plus IMT-Advance requirements and it is backward compatible with LTE , With compare to LTE, LTE-Advanced is support collection of multiple carriers which help to gain higher transmission rate with compare to LTE using multiple frequency blocks each have 20 MHz bandwidth. And also LTE-Advanced is support DFT-S-OFDMA combining with aggregation improves user throughput and uplink capacity. With compare to LTE, LTE advance also support SU-MIMO but will have eight uplink and four downlink which improve user throughput and spectrum usage. LTE advance also introduce relay stations to improve coverage, newly introduced technology for LTE-Advanced is relay stations which expand the signal coverage. When compare Peak Spectrum usage efficiencies(b/s/hz) of LTE and LTE-Advanced, Peak Spectrum usage efficiency of LTE is greater than 5 in downlink and greater than 2.5 in uplink, but Peak Spectrum usage efficiency of LTE-Advanced is greater than 30 in downlink and greater than 15 in uplink. When Consider average spectrum usage efficiencies(b/s/hz), LTE has 1.6-2 spectrum efficiency in downlink and 0.66-1.0 in uplink, but in LTE Advanced has 2.4-3.7 Average spectrum efficiency in downlink and 1.2-2.0 in uplink. So Peak and Average Spectrum efficiencies both uplink and downlink in LTE-advance is greater than LTE . Operating Bandwidth of the LTE is 1.4-2.0(MHz) and Operating Bandwidth of LTE-Advanced is greater than 100(MHz), Connection setup delay of the LTE is greater than 100 and, in LTE Advance it is greater than 50, so LTE-Advance is more efficient than LTE Because of advantages of LTE-Advanced researchers found that world will move towards LTE-Advance technology over LTE. Trend of IEEE 802.16m over IEEE 802.16e Current WiMAX technology is based on IEEE 802.16e but next generation WiMAX will follow IEEE 802.16m standard which is extended version of IEEE 802.16e. so it will support basic WiMAX technologies like OFDM, TDMA/FDMA, MIMO, in addition to that, it will be also introduced extended MIMO technologies. IEEE 802.16e is using two antennas to transfer and receive data, but IEEE 802.16e will use 8 antennas to transfer and receive data moreover it will support SU-MIMO technology which help to gain high data transmission rates, furthermore, MU-MIMO, Multi-BS MIMO technologies are being considered. And also Multi carrier technology is being introduced to support higher throughput. Hierarchical frame structure is being included in IEEE 802.16m, which is being consisted of super frames and sub frames to improve spectrum usage efficiency. It is being decided to introduce another new technology is femtocell technology which improve the throughput, in addition to that multihop relay system is supported to the IEEE 802.16m in order to overcome low signal strength in indoor due to the loss of penetration through building, so multihop relay system increase signal strength and that leads wide signal area, high indoor troughput. Future Of WIFI When consider the recent history of WIFI in 2009-2010 main target of WIFI was access points and laptops, but 2010-2011 it is and it will be mobile devices like mobile phones, PDA , etc, then 2011-2012 main target of WIFI will be consumer electronics like TV, Cameras, etc, 2012-2013 and beyond main target of WIFI will be embedded systems. That is the deployment road map of WIFI, more over current WIFI technologies are IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11w, main purposes of these technologies are Throughput efficiency and security, future WIFI technologies will be IEEE 802.11v, IEEE 802.11s, IEEE 802.11aa, IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ad, Main purpose of IEEE 802.11v will be power efficiency, and Main purpose of IEEE 802.11s will be compatible with mesh networking and Main Purpose of IEEE 802aa/802ad will be high throughput.IEEE 802.11v will expect to available to public in end of 2010, IEEE 802.11s and IEEE 802.11aa will be available in 2011, and IEEE 802.11ac/ad will be available 2012 0r beyond . IEEE 802.11s will be capable of using mesh standards, self configure in to multi-hop wireless technologies where access point from different manufactures. And also IEEE 802.11s support different functional requirements of Applications like, some Applications require large scale high throughput and some require quick setup. IEEE 802.11v Systems to control the clients connect to it which leads to efficient use of system infrastructure so using that can improve performance of the system. Conclusion Internet was introduced early 1980 but it became more popular after 1990, from that day wireless internet technologies have became more and more popular until today, it will be more popular in the future to match with the complex life style of the people , that means when the world develop with other fields, requirements of the man is increasing rapidly when the requirements are increasing, Collection of data, services over data, communication requirements is being increased , so data can be able to access any where any time and also any person can be able connect other people any where any time to exchange ideas, that is why world move towards wireless technologies, because of its mobility, so demand of wireless technology is being increased so existing wireless technologies couldnt bear such a high capacity and cant provide higher data rates and bandwidth. For a solution to that problem we can see how 1G,2G,3G,3GPP LTE, etc like new technologies have introduced and became more popular time to time to satisfy communication and data requirements of developing world, when reading the document can be found out how technology increase and how data rates, capacity, bandwidth has increased according to the improvements of the technology, but performance requirements are not the only reason for introduce new technologies, some people need low cost solutions with fair data rates, for a example WIFI IEEE 802.11b over 802.11a which 80211b is cheaper than 802.11a. Today, demand for the wireless technologies are increasing more rapidly, to survive from that, in future world will move towards 4G,IEEE 802.16m,LTE-Advanced,IEEE 802.20 technologies over current wireless technologies like 3G, LTE, WIFI, WiMAX, etc, because current wireless technologies cannot provide higher capacities and data rates that the world is asking in future. According to the document wireless technologies also have disadvantages like security issues, data rate issues, cost issues over wired technologies, but over that disadvantages, people cannot survive without wireless technologies because of the reasons above mentioned.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Government Plans Essay -- Essays Papers
Government Plans A look at the relationship between Small Business and the US Government The purpose of a democracy is to provide a form of government in which the people are the ones who give form the direction and the government serves their interest. The government’s overall goal is to preserve the American way of life. One major part of the American way of life is the economy, which was built by small businesses that were able to prosper in our system of government and become global corporations. In the current day, our economy depends on these conglomerates and the little guy is left to suffer. With the fragile state the economy is in, it is the small businesses that should be supported to stimulate jobs and economic growth. Just like when it was built, the economy will continue to rely on small businesses. A successful entrepreneur, Ben Gordon, informed me that more than 50% of all start-up businesses fail within 3 years. For a country founded by mom and pop stores, one would think entrepreneurs would receive more help starting out. Currently, the g overnment is failing to yield appropriately to the concerns of small business owners about health care, taxes and regulations, and the availability of federal contracts. Many small businesses are opposed to more government intervention in all areas except for health care. Small companies do not have the leverage that larger corporations do when it come to acquiring major policies. Keith Hasty, president and CEO of Best Foam Fabricators, a family owned manufacturer of foam for the auto industry says that it cost $7,000 a year per each one of his 95 employees for health care because of the rising cost of medical care (Ioannou). That is $665,000 per year to provi... ...the Home Front Reactions to the Bush Economic Plan Laments from the little guy.†Denver Post 12 January 2003:A1. Gordon, Benjamin. E-mail to author. 11 February 2003. Ioannou, Lori; Batterson, Len; Cooper, Paul; Cory, Andrew; Hasty, Keith; Herrera, Leticia; Kerns, Kevin; Schroeder, Tom; Suzenaar Jr., Max; Zugulich, Dan. â€Å"The Big Issues for Small Concerns.†Time 17 July 2000: B7. Mandle, Michael J.; Miller, Rich. â€Å"Is it Class Warfare?†Business Week 20 January 2003: Issue 2816, p26. Pear, Robert. â€Å"Bush Prepares Health Plan Aimed at Small Businesses.†New York Times 27 January 2003. Public Law 85-536. â€Å"Small Business Act.†http://www, Salem, Nancy. â€Å"Small Firms can Snag Federal Contracts, experts say.†Denver Post 22 December, 2000: A28. Sanko, John J. â€Å"Owens Policy Adviser gets Regulatory Post.†Rocky Mountain News 28 November 2002: 25A.
Shadow Of A Doubt Essay examples -- essays research papers
Shadow of a Doubt Shadow of a Doubt is an Alfred Hitchcock film that was shot on location in the 1940's town of Santa Rosa, California. The town itself is representative of the ideal of American society. However, hidden within this picturesque community dark corruption threatens to engulf a family. The tale revolves around Uncle Charlie, a psychotic killer whose namesake niece, a teenager girl named Charlie, is emotionally thrilled by her Uncles arrival. However her opinion slowly changes as she probes into her mysterious uncle. In the film, director/producer Alfred Hitchcock blends conventions of film noir with those of a small town domestic comedy as a means of commenting on the contradictions in American values. In the beginning the film is immediately set up in the film noir style. Under the opening credits a shadowy backround image is shown kaleidoscopically. Couples dressed in elegant ballroom gowns and suits waltz together dizzyingly as the "Merry Widow Waltz" plays. The scene has nothing to do with the drama to follow (until Charlie's crimes are revealed.) The titles dissolve in to a panoramic view of a bridge, further dissolves take us first to junkyard and then to a scene of children playing in the street. The city is shown as a dirty, dark place. We are taken to a Philadelphia rooming house (shown with a number 13 on the door.) Inside we are introduced to "Uncle Charlie" (Joseph Cotten). He is reclining stiffly in bed during the day in a seedy room. . He plays with the phallic cigar that he is smoking, seemingly bitter and cynical. On the bedside table next to seemingly indifferent and fatigued man is and an open billfold with a carelessly strewn pile of bill s on top (some of the bills have fallen to the floor and lie strewn around). The overweight, middle-aged landlady knocks on the door and enters, identifying him as Mr. Spencer and informing him that two men have been asking for him. As per his instructions to not disturb him, she didn't let them in, however, they have not left, instead they retreated to the street corner to stake out the boarding house. Noticing that he looks exhausted and depressed (he passively remains on his bed during their entire conversation), she suggests that he should get some rest. Then she notices his money cluttered all about and hurries forward to straighten it ... ...of all responsibility (for, of course, there is no way that a normal person could ever kill.) In keeping with this principle the film attempts to absolve Young Charlie from all responsibility in her Uncle's death, for it is seen as an accident that occurred when Young Charlie was fighting her Uncle in self-defence. In the final stages of the film we are brought back to the small town introduced to us in the beginning, this time, however, it is in morning for a beloved son. Charlie's death has brought Graham back to Young Charlie. We can see the good side has won the battle for her. As in early situational Charlie has learned her moral lesson and the episode may end. This paper has attempted to investigate the ways in which Alfred Hitchcock blended conventions of film noir with those of a small town domestic comedy. It first looked at the opening scenes of the film in which the two conventions were introdruced. It then went on to analyse the film with the aid of Robin Wood's article Ideology, Genre, Auteur. From these two forms we can see that film noir and small town comedy were used as a means of commenting on the contradictions in American values.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Good Vs. Evil in To Kill a Mockingbird and Macbeth :: comparison compare contrast essays
Good Vs. Evil in To Kill a Mockingbird and Macbeth In literature, "evil often triumphs but never conquers." By definition, a triumph is only short- term. For example, something short- term would be an achieved title, a victor in a battle, or a winner in a game. These three things are only temporary, as triumphs usually are in novels. By definition, when something is conquered, it remains conquered perpetually. Usually the evil force is unable to conquer, because of the opposite side's mentality. Because of these definitions, this statement is showing that even though evil characters or actions prevail in battles or events, the feat would not last forever, especially in the hearts and minds of the opposite side. I agree with this statement because there is proof that this is true in novels that I have read. Many novels have this common theme: good versus evil. This theme is unquestionably shown in two works, Macbeth and To Kill A Mockingbird. Macbeth is a tragic play about a man who lusted after power, stole the throne of Scotland from the rightful Prince Malcolm, and threw the country into chaos throughout his evil reign. In the end, his own greed and guilt consumed him. Ironically, at the beginning of the play, Macbeth has everything going for him. This is an example of situational irony, because the audience sees him acquiring all of this power very rapidly, and would not expect that he would lose it all in the end. Macbeth, manipulated and encouraged by his own wife, murders King Duncan in order to seize the throne for himself. The stolen crown gives him no satisfaction, for he is riddled with guilt over the murder and fear of being discovered. All of these foul things Macbeth does to gain the throne are considered to be evil triumphs, which fuels his greed even more. In his own mind, he faces serious internal conflict, seeing these triumphs as not enough, because he wants to achieve absolute power. The cl imax of the play is at the banquet scene, when Macbeth can no longer hide his anguish and convicts himself saying "Thou canst say I did it." From this point on in the play, this is the end for Macbeth.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Creative Play Essay
Creative development is provided within settings through role play, music, dance and messy activities. Creativity can stem to a range of other things to, such as problem solving, knowledge and understanding of the world, Personal social and emotional development and physical development. When creative activities are set out for children they can gain a great deal of satisfaction and it can increase the child’s confidence and self esteem. Children do not necessarily have an end product in mind but they may just want to explore and enjoy the creative materials they are using. Children are learning all the time and we as practitioners need to make learning fun and enjoyable. It is important that we provide enough opportunities for children to develop creatively we can do this by providing resources that they may not have access to at home and offering support in exploring these materials. As practitioners we are good observers and reflectors and should encourage children to reflect on their experiences to. From children’s reflections you can then look at where an activity should go next and how you can adapt that activity to support the individual child’s learning. Children can learn from as young as newborn. They begin to learn skills such as grasp, facial expression, textures, smells and sounds. The first sign of a child’s creativity begins with exploring sounds and listening to familiar voices around them. They may link these sounds to key people such as their parents, siblings, grandparents or carers. The process of a newborn is to become familiar with its surroundings and to sense a gain of belonging. They can gain this from bonding with its parents. As the child gets older they begin to learn new skills and have more opportunities in which they are able to explore. They become more inquisitive and like to have free flow of activities within the setting they are in and practitioners need to encourage them to explore the surroundings without taking charge of their play. For babies we offer opportunities for them to explore a wide range of materials and resources such as musical and light toys and natural ‘holistic’ objects such as brushes, wool, saucepans, utensils, wood, sponges and a range of different textured fabrics. Babies use the senses to acquire the skills of play they explore by using their hands and eyes. Children gradually learn to understand the properties of the objects that they played with – whether they are hard or soft, or big or small; whether the have a ight or a wrong way up; whether their shape changes or stays the same; whether they taste or smell good, and so on. Babies learn so much from exploratory play and we as practitioners provide them with a safe and secure place to do this. We let the children take risks which they may not be able to do at home such as having out blunt cutlery, pasta and other exciting and interesting objects in which they can play with and learn from. Children are more likely to l earn through play if you make it exciting for them and you help in supporting their play. When supporting children within their play you should aim to provide minimum intervention in children’s play activities while keeping them safe from harm. You should support rather than direct their play and help create a play environment that will stimulate their self directed play and provide maximum opportunities for them to experience a wide variety of activities. You can show support within children’s play by providing flexible planning and enable them to choose from a broad range of play opportunities both indoors and outdoors. You should support their play by giving the child a choice of whether or not they wish to be involved in the play activity. By giving the child plenty of space to play especially when they are taking part in physical and imaginative play and to provide challenging play opportunities to avoid boredom; risk taking is part of the enjoyment of play. Creative play allows children to express their feelings through art, music, role play, singing and story telling. It is important that as practitioners we introduce new concepts of play to children in order to expand on their existing knowledge. When supporting a child in creative play practitioners should not stress that they are to produce an end product, and that there is no competition to who produces the best piece of work as children develop at different levels and stages. Practitioners should support the fact that the child has had a learning experience whether they have just explored the resources and materials or they have reached the end product. All children should be praised for the efforts they have made and feel pride in what they have achieved and learnt and we should support children in not being disappointed in their efforts of creative play. Children’s creative development is broken down into 4 sections these are responding to experiences, expressing and communicating ideas, exploring media and materials, Creating music and dance and developing imagination and imaginative play. Children need the opportunity to explore and investigate and have a sound knowledge of where they want to go in life. Creativity can give your child a chance to experience and develop new skills and sharing their knowledge and skills with others It is a way in which children explore and develop an understanding of the world. Through creative play children develop social, material, and imaginary worlds and their relationships with them, they elaborate all the while a flexible range of responses to the challenges that they may encounter. Creativity plays a part in all the learning areas within the foundation stage for example; Personal, social and emotional development, creativity builds upon a child’s curiosity and encourages a positive approach to new experiences.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Archaeological sites in the landscape
What are the chief methods used to detect archeological sites in the landscape? Critically assess the pros and cons of the methods you identify utilizing relevant illustrations.The archeologist uses a scope of techniques to actively detect and turn up archeological sites within the landscape ; these methods are non-invasive and non-destructive and autumn into four wide classs: * Desk Top Surveys †¢ Surface Surveys * Geophysical and Geochemical studies †¢ Aerial Surveys ( Grant et Al, 2002. p5 ) . In add-on to these, some sites may be discovered by opportunity, for illustration when quarrying, dredging and peat film editing or merely out in walking in the landscape. These wide classs all complement each other and the most relevant methods in each instance will depend on the terrain of the country being investigated and the resources and clip available for probe. Besides, the inquiries being asked and the grade of truth required will hold an consequence on how these techniques are used ( Greene. 1991. p54 ) .Desk Top Surveys:The desk top study is office based and uses bing paperss such as maps, historical paperss, old archeological records, images and literature, all of which can all supply intimations and mentions to archeological sites. Maps can be used to turn up sites, and are among the most basic resources available to the archeologist. Early sixteenth century maps are non ever to scale but can be really utile, Ordnance Survey started printing maps in the early nineteenth century and, by analyzing a sequence of maps of an country, much can be learnt from the alterations in usage of the land and edifices. ( Grant et Al, 2002. p8 ) . Old tithe maps and terriers, normally found amongst the workss and documents associating to the ownership and direction of estates and belongingss, may offer penetration about forgotten sites ( Barker, 1993 ) . Although the bulk of early records have non survived, there is still a broad scope of available which the archeologist may happen of value. Legal records, including volitions and tribunal records, can supply boundaries of ownership and hints to the maps of edifices. The Domesday Book and other revenue enhancement records and tithe awards can place the economic usage and boundaries of land, Pictorial records such photographs pictures, and engravings, and descriptive histories written in books, journals and travelogues can all be of value. Of peculiar involvement is the work of William Stukeley ( 1687 – 1785 ) , an accurate and observant recording equipment who travelled extensively throughout Britain, and William Camden ( 1551 – 1623 ) , whose thorough and elaborate descriptions were published in the first general usher to the antiquities in Britain, ‘Britannia ‘ in 1585 ( Greene pp24 – 27 ) . These records can be freely found in museums, libraries and private aggregations and may offer a rare record of an archeological characteristic. Detailss of any old archeological diggings, discoveries and old study consequences are all held in local SMR and national NMR offices and can offer insight into possible sites for geographic expedition. There is frequently much truth hidden in the fables and narratives of antiquity and a survey of these may supply a hint to a forgotten or topographic point. Most traditions and myths are founded on existent people and topographic points which, over clip, can go overdone and incredible. ( Grant et al. 2002. p8 ) . By sifting the embroidery from these legends the archeologist is frequently left with a helpful factual narration. This is a inexpensive and effectual manner of reaping information, but it can be clip devouring. During interviews with local occupants in Kythera, Greece a huge sum of anecdotal information was generated on the usage of the landscape of the island, its ‘ forsaking and reuse, and the connexions between people, small towns and churches which all helped to put archeological work into context ( Johnson & A ; Wilson. 2003 ) . The desk top study is of peculiar value where probes are portion of the planning procedure to determine whether there are likely to be archeological remains which could be lost or threatened as a portion of the edifice and development of the land. ( Grant et al 2002. p6 ) . Many historical records are free to entree and can be found in libraries, museums, County Records and Archives Offices, on the cyberspace, at Local and National Sites and Monuments Records offices and in private aggregations.Surface Surveys.These are ocular studies which seek to happen hints of possible sites and are carried out, most normally, on pes. A surface study can be systematic or unsystematic, although the most normally used, is a systematic attack ( Renfrew & A ; Bahn. 2008. p78 ) . The intent is to do a study of archeological discoveries within an country to find if they might indicate to past human activity ( Lynch. 2006 ) . A grid is usually laid out on the land to help function and a squad of Walkers go over each country on the grid, entering sites and discoveries. The overall record of the types and spread of the artifacts found can give a good thought of the age of a site and its possible old utilizations ( Adkins et al 2008 ) . Fieldwalking is an effectual and comparatively inexpensive manner of appraising land and has a critical topographic point in the find of archeological sites. Once the discoveries are identified and analysed, the informations can besides assist to supply information about the day of the month of a site and its possible maps. Consequences are by and large more dependable where the part is walked repeatedly as a long term undertaking ( Renfrew & A ; Bahn. 2008. p 79 ) . It does hold some restrictions in that different fieldwalkers may hold differential types of aggregation across the same sight. Fieldwalking works best on cultivable land, but needs to be carried out at times in the cultivable rhythm when flora is low. ( Grant 2002 ) . Tesserae found during field walking at Rowler Manor in Croughton, Northamptonshire led to the find in 1991 of a Roman Villa along with a Mosaic paving ( Dawson, 2008 )Geochemical and Geophysical SurveysThe activity of worlds significantly alters the geoche mical composing of dirt, and the archeologist can utilize chemical testing to find countries of change to the dirt by human activity. The most common geophysical trial is phosphate analysis. This chemical is present in most living things and the presence of domesticated animate beings, people and workss in a landscape will increase the concentration of phosphates in that landscape. Areas of high impregnation of phosphates can so be explored farther to determine the significance of the activity ( Renfrew & A ; Bahn. 2008. p105 ) . At Plas Gogerddan, Ceredigion in Wales, geochemical analysis was used to find that entombments on this Early Christian Burial site could be identified utilizing phosphate analysis and possible grave sites of farther entombments were recorded ( Murphy 1992 ) . Geophysical surveying has developed well over the last few old ages and is used with great success in archeological site prospection. There are two chief methods of geophysical surveying, these are electrical resistively and magnetometery ( Bowden 1999. P 120 ) . Resistivity appraising involves go throughing an electrical current through investigation set into the land, and is based on the ability of sub-surface stuffs to carry on that current, By and large, higher opposition characteristics such as inhumed walls have a limited wet content and infilled ditches and cavities which retain wet will give lower readings. ( Reference ) The technique is particularly suited to the find of rock constructions. Its success is affected by local geology and besides the conditions conditions. Very dry or really wet conditions, every bit good as fluctuations in the temperature can impact the quality of the consequences as they affect rate of flow of the electric current. The electric resistance equipment is heavy to utilize and the study can take some clip to finish, but this is a cost effectual method of study. Magnetised Fe oxides are present in the dirt and past human activity alters and redistributes these, making stronger and weaker responses which can be detected as magnetic anomalousnesss. It is really portable and good for rapid surveying of land. The consequences produced can be really elaborate and they are really utile for placing inhumed ditches, cavities, kilns and fireplaces. ( Reference ) The undersoil of the land can act upon the consequences ; the most antiphonal dirts being are chalks and limestone. Igneous undersoils are the most hard to look into with this technique and the consequences on clay dirts can be fickle. Electric resistance and magnetometry techniques were used in karstic terrains in County Cork, Ireland, which identified the place of a antecedently unknown cave ( Gibson et al, 2004 ) . A figure of newer techniques including Ground Penetrating Radar ( GPR ) and Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) are besides available and going popular tools for the archeologist. GPR was developed for usage in defense mechanism and technology. It is an expensive procedure and is of greatest value where buried sedimentations are close to the surface of the dirt. It has the benefit that it can take readings through tarmac surfaces, and hence is utile in urban environments ( Grant et al. 2002 ) . GIS is a powerful computerised function system with the ability to analyze quantitative informations, which is utile for plotting spreads of discoveries and trial hypothesis. GIS was efficaciously used at Tel Shiqmona, Israel, to carry on coastal and marine studies and to measure the potency of Maritime trading with the Phoenicians ( Breman. 2003 )Aerial SurveiesThe usage of aerial picture taking was pioneered by O G S Crawford, an Archaeologist and Observer in the Royal Flying Corps during Word War 1. Crop Markss, dirt Markss and shadow Markss all cause forms which can be observed from the air. Most aerial exposure for archeology usage are taken at an oblique angle which give better positions of a site, although they do falsify the position. It is of import to include a landmark in the exposure in order to supply a fixed point for mapping a site ( Riley 1982 ) .Aerial Photograph of Crook Laithe Settlement, Linton, Yorkshire.This technique is most effectual on cultivable land and highland countries, least effectual on to a great extent ploughed land and ineffective on to a great extent built up countries and land with plastic covering over harvests. Aerial picture taking is valuable to the archeologist and an huge figure of archeological finds have been made utilizing this method ( Riley, 1982 ) . In a study in Augacatel, Mexico, where heavy jungle prohibited the economical usage of land studies, 25 exposure were taken uncovering up to 63 possible adult male made cons tructions ( Matheny, 1962 ) The conditions conditions are of import and exposures are best taken when the Sun is low in the sky ( early forenoon or eventide ) on a clear twenty-four hours, as the shadow Markss will demo up best under these conditions ( Adkins 2002 ) . The costs of winging are expensive, but since the equipment and movie are relatively inexpensive and big distances may be covered in one flight, this is an effectual and important technique to use in archeological prospection. In add-on to these techniques, some sites are discovered rather by opportunity. In 1985, a husbandman found a figure of castanetss and a little unit of ammunition lead object on a sandbank in Orkney. After demoing his discoveries to an archeologist, this lead to the find of a Viking boat entombment ( Towrie 2010 ) . Whilst delving a well, some provincials unearthed fragments of terracotta, which lead to the find of arguably, one of the most dramatic finds of the twentieth century, The Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang in China ( Tianchou 1996 ) . The high cost of archeological diggings mean that it is of import for the archeologist to cognize where to delve in order to avoid expensive errors. The techniques outlined above all assist the archeologist in the find of sites in the landscape, so that future diggings can be carried out in the most cost and clip effectual mode. ‘It is singular how much can be revealed about a site without digging ‘ ( Greene 1991. P 42 ) .MentionsAdkins, R & A ; L and Leitch, V. 2008. The Handbook of British Archaeology ( revised edition ) . London. Constable & A ; Robinson Ltd. Barker, Philip. 1993. Techniques of Archaeological Excavation. 3rd Edition. London. B.T. Batsford Ltd. Bowden, Mark ( Ed. ) . 1999. Unraveling the Landscape. An Inquisitive Approach to Archaeology. Stroud. Tempus Printing Ltd. Breman, J. Journal of GIS in Archaeology. Volume I. APRIL, 2003. Marine Archaeology goes Underwater with GIS. Dawson, M. 2008. Northamptonshire Archaeology. Vol 35 2008. Excavation of the Roman Villa and Mosaic at Rowler Manor, Croughton, Northamptonshire p 45 – 93 Gibson, P.J. Lyle P. , & A ; George D.M. Aug 2004 Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 66, no. 2, p. 35-38. Application of electric resistance and magnetometry geophysical techniques for near-surface probes in karstic terrains in Ireland. Grant, J. Gorin, S. & A ; Fleming, N. 2002 The Archaeology Coursebook. London, Routledge Greene, Kevin, 1991. Archaeology. An Introduction ( Revised Edition ) . London, B T Batsford Ltd. Johnson, I & A ; Wilson, A. Journal of GIS in Archaeology. Volume I. APRIL, 2003. Making the Most of Maps: Field Survey on the Island of Kythera Lynch, Tim. Nov 2006, British Heritage ; Vol. 27 Issue 5, p52-54, 3p Matheny, R.T. American Antiquity, Vol. 28, No. 2 ( Oct. , 1962 ) , pp. 226-230. Value of Aerial Photography in Surveying Archaeological Sites in Coastal Jungle Regions Published by: Society for American Archaeology Murphy, K. ( 1992 ) Archaeological Journal, Vol 149, pp. 1-38. Renfrew, C & A ; Bahn, P. 2008. Archeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. ( 5th Edition ) . London, Thames and Hudson Ltd. Riley, D.N. 1982. Aerial Archaeology in Britain. Aylesbury, Shire Publications Limited. Tianchou, Fu ( ed. ) 1996. The Belowground Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Beijung. New World Press Towrie, Sigurd: 2010. The Orkney Jar. hypertext transfer protocol: // [ accessed 8th March2010 ]
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 11-12
Chapter 11 Outside, I let the girl lead me away from the drunken crowd and toward a side alley beyond a bar called Calhouns. â€Å"Im sorry,†she said breathlessly. â€Å"I dont know what came over me. Im usually not so fresh, its just that–â€Å" â€Å"Im thankful for it,†I said, interrupting her. She shivered, and I put my arms around her thin frame. Instantly, she pulled away. â€Å"Youre so cold!†she said in an accusatory tone. â€Å"Am I?†I asked, feigning nonchalance.You want to kiss me, I thought. She shrugged. â€Å"Its okay. Its just that Im sensitive to temperature. But I know a way we could both warm up.†She smiled shyly, then raised up to her tiptoes. Her lips pressed against mine, and for a moment, I allowed myself to enjoy their warmth and feel the girls blood race through her veins as she gave herself over to me. Then I lunged for her neck. â€Å"Ow!†She protested, trying to push me off. â€Å"Stop!†You will succumb, because if you do that, I'll let you live, I thought, using every fiber of my being to compel her at this crucial moment. She gazed up at me, confusion in her eyes, before she fell back over my arms, her face a mask of sleepy satisfaction. I took a few more sips of the blood, all too conscious of Lexi and the others back inside. Then I dragged the woman up to her feet. Id been careful. The holes Id made in her neck were tiny, almost impossible to see with human vision. Still, I adjusted her scarf around her neck to cover them up. â€Å"Wake up,†I whispered softly. Her eyes opened, the gaze unfocused. â€Å"What where am I?†I could sense her heart beating faster, sense her ready to let loose a scream. â€Å"You were helping a drunk customer,†I told her. â€Å"You are free to go. I was simply making sure you were okay.†She snapped to attention, her body relaxing. â€Å"I apologize, sir. Usually, the patrons dont get so rowdy at Miladies. Thank you for assisting me. Ill give you a whiskey, on the house,†she said, winking at me. I walked into Miladies beside her, and was rewarded with Lexis slow smile from the corner table. Good job, boy. I followed the girl until she safely resumed her position behind the polished wood counter of the bar. â€Å"Whats your poison?†she asked, whiskey bottle in hand. She looked pale, as if she were coming down with a slight cold. Meanwhile, her blood was warm in my stomach. â€Å"Ive drunk quite enough, thank you, miss,†I said, as I took her hand and brought it up to my lips, kissing it as tenderly as Id marked her neck. Chapter 12 The following evening Lexi knocked on my bedroom door. She wore a black coat and matching trousers. A cap hid most of her hair, save for a few blond tendrils that fell loose and framed her face. â€Å"I was proud of you last night,†she said. I smiled, despite myself. It was surprising how quickly I took to seeking Lexis approval. â€Å"How much did you take from the barmaid?†â€Å"Not too much. But I wanted more,†I admitted. A look I couldnt quite decipher passed over her face. â€Å"I used to be like you, you know. But the more you feed from humans, the hungrier you get. Its a curse. But there are other ways. Have you hunted for animals blood?†I shook my head no. â€Å"Well, luckily for you, Im going hunting now,†she said, â€Å"and youre coming with me. Put on dark clothes and meet me downstairs in five minutes.†I shrugged on a dark, military-looking jacket Id found hanging in the closet and raced downstairs, loath to put off hunting with Lexi for even five minutes. While I bristled at Buxtons comments about how inexperienced I was, when I heard it from Lexi, I was only eager for a lesson on how our kind survived. We walked out the door, no trace of sunlight in the inky black sky. I sniffed the air, searching out the scent of the nearest human, then stopped when I saw Lexi staring at me with a knowing look. Instead of turning left, toward the bustle of Bourbon Street, she turned right, snaking through side streets until we reached a forest. Above us the trees were bare and ghostly against the dark night sky, the moon our only light. â€Å"There are deer here,†Lexi said, â€Å"and squirrels, bears, rabbits. I think theres a den of foxes that way,†she added, walking into the thick, mossy woods. â€Å"Their blood smells earthier than human blood, and their hearts beat much more rapidly.†I followed her lead. Quickly and silently, we darted from tree to bush without disturbing the underbrush. In a way, it felt like we were playing a game of hide-and-seek, or just playing at hunting, the way young schoolboys do. After all, as a human, Id always carried a weapon on the hunt. Now all I had were my fangs. Lexi held up a hand. I paused, midstep, my eyes darting everywhere. I didnt see anything but thick trunks and racing ants in jagged stumps. Then, without warning, Lexi lunged. When she stood up, blood was dripping from her fangs, and a self-satisfied smile appeared on her face. A creature lay on the fallen leaves, its legs bent as if it were still mid-run. She gestured to the lump of orangish-red fur. â€Å"Fox isnt bad. Would you like to try it?†I knelt down, my lips curling as they made contact with the rough fur. I forced myself to gingerly take a sip of liquid, though, as I knew it was what Lexi wanted. I sucked in, and immediately the blood seared my tongue. I spit it out violently. â€Å"Fox is an acquired taste, I suppose,†Lexi said as she knelt on the ground by my side. â€Å"More for me, at least!†While Lexi fed, I leaned against a tree trunk and listened to the rustling sounds of the forest. The breeze shifted, and suddenly the scent of iron-rich blood was everywhere. It was sweet and spicy, and it wasnt coming from Lexis fox. Somewhere, nearby, there was a human heart, beating out seventy-twothu-thudsa minute. Cautiously I slipped past Lexi, and ventured out past the perimeter of the forest. Set up on the edge of the lake was a shantytown. Tents were pitched at every angle, and makeshift clotheslines ran between wooden posts. The whole setup looked haphazard, as if the inhabitants knew theyd have to pick up and relocate at any second. The camp looked deserted save for one woman who was bathing, the moonlight striking her ivory skin. She was humming to herself, washing the caked dirt off her hands and face. I hid behind a large oak tree, pretending to take the woman by surprise. But then a large painted poster on a neighboring tree caught my eye. I took a step toward it. A branch cracked, the woman whirled around, and I could sense Lexi behind me. â€Å"Stefan,†Lexi murmured, obviously aware of the unfolding scene. But this time, I was the one to hold up my hand to silence her. Mist floated over the portrait on the sign, but the printing was clear:PATRICK GALLAGHERS FREAK SHOW: VAMPIRE VERSUS BEAST. BATTLE TO THE DEATH! OCTOBER 8. I blinked, and the portrait swam into my vision. It was of a dark-haired man with chiseled features and pale-blue eyes. His teeth were bared, his canines elongated, and he was crouched opposite a snarling mountain lion. I knew the face on the poster better than I knew my own. It was Damon.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Impact of Radio Advertisements on Buying Behavoiur of Customer
MEDI-CAPS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (Affiliated to D. A. V. V, Indore) SYNOPSIS OF MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT â€Å"THE IMPACT OF RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF URBAN CUSTOMERS†GUIDED BY : SUBMITTED BY: Dr. DEEPAK TALWAR VISHAL CHAWLA [PhD, Assistant Professor] MITM MBA III-SEM, MITM CONTENTS 1. TITLE 2. INTRODUCTION 3. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK 4. REVIEW OF LITRETURE 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6.LIMITATIONS OF STUDY 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION This study aims to analyze the impact of radio advertisements on urban customer towards buying behavior in retail stores and attempts to determine the role of radio advertising on broadcasting of information on the sales promotions. The impact of radio advertisements on the store choice and buying preferences are analyzed based on descriptive investigation. ADVERTISEMENT – The American Marketing Association defines advertising as â€Å"any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods an d services by an identified sponsor. The paid aspect of this definition reflects the fact that the space or time for an advertising message generally must be bought. The non personal component means that advertising involves mass media (e. g. radio, magazines, newspapers etc. ). Advertising is non-personal as it is not directed to any single individual. Secondly, the sponsor i. e. the manufacturer or producer is identified as his name and address is always contained in an advertisement and he also bears all the cost involved in the process.Thirdly, the producer can also promote an idea regarding quality, design, packing and pricing, etc. of any product or service. Thus, we can say, advertising consists of all activities involved in presenting a sponsored message regarding a product, service or an idea. RADIO – An electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted audio signals. RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS – It is the presentation and promotion of idea s, goods and services through radio as advertising medium.In radio there are short breaks during transmission of any programme which is filled by advertisements of products and services. Radio advertising is one of the tools of advertising which is effectively used for communication and positioning BUYING BEHAVIOUR – Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. In other words it is the process by which individuals search for information about the product , select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants. Radio is the most involving and powerful promotional medium.Radio’s ability to create dynamic promotional concepts, to build anticipation and generate excitement, to magnetize the audience and the exhilaration radio delivers for both audience and advertisers is unparalleled. Radio has made a comeback in the lifestyles of Indians. Radio has the reputation of being t he oldest and the cheapest medium of entertainment in India. The radio industry has been completely reshaped by the various private players that entered the sector after the government allowed foreign investment into the segment and opened the licenses to the private players .The Indian government has already given 338 licenses for FM radio channels in 91 big and small towns and cities. The current size of the radio market in India is Rs 300 crores and is expected to achieve the highest growth rate of 32 per cent in coming years. The quality of the sound and the music has improved significantly with the emergence and use of satellite radio. The audience profile has also shifted to the high-income group. Local advertising, lower amount of money spent by the companies to advertise on radio is an added attractiveness for the players.All India Radio (AIR) – the national service provider owned and operated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting under the Government of Ind ia – is the largest player in the industry. Radio is an ideal media for marketing fast moving consumer goods because it can reach wide targeted listener demographics in urban territory. A large number of people listen to radio while traveling in urban areas and respond to the broadcast of various commercial messages. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKIt is a logical development, described and elaborated network of association amongst variables that has been identified through interviews, observation and literature survey. Identification of key variable is very important in every research study. It can be defined as:- â€Å"A variable is anything that takes different values†Dependent Variables – In my project, our depending variable is â€Å"Buying Behavior of Customer†. Independent Variable – In my project, independent variables are â€Å"frequencies of radio advertisements on air and purchasing pattern†.Intervening Variables – Willingness to buy. Extraneous Variables – â€Å"Sales tax†as sales tax has little effect on the buying behavior, so it can be ignored. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Bob Trowbridge Created on: October 27, 2009 In the research he examined that basic need which should be focused before spending money on any advertising campaign is to know your market. Who buys your product or uses your service? If you know the audience you need to reach, you are more than halfway to finding the proper radio advertising vehicle.It's not just the right radio station, but the right program. With some radio ads you can pay for a certain number of ads to run throughout the day (and night). Depending on the station, this can mean that your ad will be aired during music programming, talk radio, and or news segments. The ultimate feedback from your ads will be an increase in sales. But you don't want to risk your advertising money without having a pretty good idea of the success of your ads before the sales show up. Donal d pennington Created on: August 30,2007 People are good listeners always.That’s the reason that business promotion strategies via radio advertisement are globally accepting. With a well-timed ad, following immediately after a popular song, there's the psychological advantage of the consumer hearing a message while still in an â€Å"upbeat mood†from the previous song or maybe a funny joke from the DJ. So, most businesses placing an advertisement on the airwaves take the time to have anything from a special offer just for that campaign, or maybe a toll-free number in place for listeners to respond to in place before the ad campaign is even created Pornpitakpan and Tan, 2000Radio advertisements on sales promotions at retail stores are largely created with humor to add emotional value. Listeners perceive humor and develop attitude towards communication and the brand. The purchase intentions are higher for humorous advertisements containing moderate incongruity than those conveying message directly different levels of emotions such as warmth, love, longing and desire, happiness and amusement were elicited by different commercials of retail stores. The most memorable advertisements among radio listeners have been those that evoked the most positive feelings and were the best understood.However, need to acquire product significantly affect a person's interpretation and emotional experience of a commercial Radio advertisements drive consumers to remember messages differently in reference to the favorite jingle, program or music. Such beliefs of listeners help advertisement to stay atop of the mind and consumers unconsciously associate with it as a personally relevant information and have an enduring impact on their emotions. Short cycle radio advertising is developed to have an enduring emotional impact on an audience by facilitating their creation of personally relevant understandings of an advertisement.How to measure the impact of radio advertising c ampaigns Created on: June 02, 2007 Studies have shown that people are more receptive to what they hear, as opposed to what they see. In other words, radio advertising is often more effective than TV. Advertising TV ads are often seen as a distraction and a nuisance that always seems to appear at the worst possible time when you are watching your favorite show. However, it's been found that people find radio ads more acceptable because they are listening to the radio station they enjoy, and the feeling often carries on into the ads they hear.There are several ways to tell what impact your radio ad campaign is having. Fist of all, stations have a ranking system (through polls) that will rate the effectiveness of your campaign. Also, an increase in sales that corresponds with your campaign will also serve as an indicator RATIONALE OF THE STUDY The interest paid by the past researchers on the functions of radio advertising is considered as one reason of the study. As we know that advert isers ; marketers are more concerned to know what are the customer motive ; their purchasing pattern in order to use different trategies to influence customer behavior ; when we get our findings than we will give very fruitful suggestions to the marketing department of the organizations that we can increase their sale amongst the customers. RESERCH METHODOLOGY Objectives :- The study aim to see the effect of advertisement on consumer behavior by perusing the following objectives:- * To study the impact of radio advertisement on the buying behavior of customer. * To find out the receptivity of the advertisement due to appeal use in it. Research design:- DescriptiveHere in my research process, my purpose is to evaluate that what affects the customer buying behavior, which are the factors which influence the buying behavior, how radio advertisements affect the buying behavior of customer. So I can say that I am explaining an existing situation so our purpose of study is descriptive. Hy pothesis :- H1 – Radio advertisements drive positive effect on listeners towards determining store choice and buying probabilities. H0 – Radio advertisements do not drive positive effect on listeners towards determining store choice and buying probabilities.Sample Plan :- The data will be gathered from 50 individuals (sample size is 50). Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process. Tools of data collection :- Primary data Structured questionnaire – For this study a self-explanatory questionnaire consisting of 15 fixed item responses was adopted along with the instructions. Questionnaire items contained informative queries about advertised brand and its consumption process. Secondary dataArticles , research papers, browsing internet Tools of data analysis :- After gathering the data, frequency, percentage and the mean will be used to analyze the collected data. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY Errors -Respondents’ Error – the bias of the respondents sometimes leads to wrong results. Also unwillingness to answer certain questions also bring in errors in the conclusion -Researchers’ Error ; Interviewer’s Error – sometimes the question can’t be properly put forward to the respondent by the interviewer and also he may be bias in a few cases. BIBLIOGRAPHY Research Methodology – C. R. Kothari, second edition, Wishwa prakashan. * Principles of Advertising – Monle Lee ; Carla Johnson, Viva books pvt. Ltd. * Effectivity of Radio Advertisement- Liezel Campbell. WEBLIOGRAPHY * http://www. helium. com/items/566995-how-to-measure-the-impact-of-radio-advertising-campaigns(Retrieved on 14. 03. 12). * http://sibresearch. org/uploads/2/7/9/9/2799227/rajagopal_wp-04-2010( Retrieved on 13. 03. 12) * http://www. emeraldinsight. com/journals. htm? issn=0959-0552;volume=39;issue=7;articleid=1931 055;show=html(Retrieved n 14. 03. 12).
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